require 'spec_helper' describe ScopedFrom::Query do def query(relation = User, params = {}, options = {}), params, options) end describe '#false?' do it 'is true if false is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, false)).to be(true) end it 'is true if "false" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, 'false')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:false?, 'False')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "0" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, '0')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "off" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, 'off')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:false?, 'OFF ')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "no" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, 'no')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:false?, ' No ')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "n" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, 'n')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:false?, 'N ')).to be(true) end it 'is false if true is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, true)).to be(false) end it 'is false if "true" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, 'true')).to be(false) expect(query.send(:false?, 'TrUe')).to be(false) end it 'is false if "1" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, '1')).to be(false) end it 'is false if "on" is given' do expect(query.send(:false?, "on")).to be(false) expect(query.send(:false?, "On")).to be(false) end it 'is false otherwise' do expect(query.send(:false?, 42)).to be(false) expect(query.send(:false?, 'bam')).to be(false) end end describe '#initialize' do it 'invokes .all method on given class' do expect(User).to receive(:all), {}) end it 'does not invokes .all method on given relation' do relation = User.all expect(relation).not_to receive(:all), {}) end end describe '#invoke_param' do it 'returns given scope if it has no scope with specified name' do expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User, :foo, true)).to eq(User) end it 'returns given scope if scope takes more than 1 argument' do expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User, :created_between, true)).to eq(User) end it 'invokes scope without arguments if scope takes no arguments' do expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :enabled, true)).to eq([users(:john)]) expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :enabled, ' 1 ')).to eq([users(:john)]) expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :enabled, 'off')).to eq([users(:john)]) end it 'invokes scope with value has argument if scope takes one argument' do expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :search, 'doe')).to eq([users(:john), users(:jane)]) expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :search, 'john')).to eq([users(:john)]) expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :search, 'jane')).to eq([users(:jane)]) end it 'scope on column conditions' do expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :firstname, 'Jane')).to eq([users(:jane)]) end it 'invokes "order"' do expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :order, 'firstname.asc')).to eq([users(:jane), users(:john)]) expect(query.send(:invoke_param, User.all, :order, 'firstname.desc')).to eq([users(:john), users(:jane)]) end end describe '#options' do it 'is set at initialization' do expect(, {}, bar: 'foo').instance_variable_get(:@options)).to eq(bar: 'foo') end it 'keys are symbolized' do expect(, {}, 'bar' => 'foo').instance_variable_get(:@options)).to eq(bar: 'foo') end end describe '#order_column' do it 'is column specified into "order" parameter' do expect(query(User, order: 'firstname').order_column).to eq('firstname') expect(query(User, order: 'lastname.desc').order_column).to eq('lastname') end it 'is nil if column does not exist' do expect(query(User, order: 'foo').order_column).to be_nil end it 'is nil if "order" param is not specified' do expect(query(User, search: 'foo').order_column).to be_nil end end describe '#order_direction' do it 'is direction specified into "order" parameter' do expect(query(User, order: 'firstname.asc').order_direction).to eq('asc') expect(query(User, order: 'firstname.desc').order_direction).to eq('desc') end it 'is "asc" if direction is not specified' do expect(query(User, order: 'firstname').order_direction).to eq('asc') end it 'is "asc" if direction is invalid' do expect(query(User, order: '').order_direction).to eq('asc') end it 'is direction even specified in another case' do expect(query(User, order: 'firstname.ASc').order_direction).to eq('asc') expect(query(User, order: 'firstname.DeSC').order_direction).to eq('desc') end it 'is nil if column does not exist' do expect(query(User, order: 'foo.desc').order_direction).to be_nil end it 'is nil if "order" param is not specified' do expect(query(User, search: 'foo').order_direction).to be_nil end end describe '#params' do it 'returns params specified at initialization' do expect(query(User, search: 'foo', 'enabled' => true).params).to eq({ 'search' => 'foo', 'enabled' => true }) end it 'returns an hash with indifferent access' do expect(query(User, 'search' => 'bar').params).to be_a(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess) expect(query(User, 'search' => 'bar').params[:search]).to eq('bar') expect(query(User, search: 'bar').params['search']).to eq('bar') end it 'can be converted to query string' do expect(query(User, search: ['foo', 'bar'], 'enabled' => '1').params.to_query).to eq('enabled=true&search%5B%5D=foo&search%5B%5D=bar') end end describe '#params=' do it 'does not fails if nil is given' do expect(query(User, nil).params).to eq({}) end it 'removes values that are not scopes' do expect(query(User, foo: 'bar', 'search' => 'foo', enabled: true).params).to eq({ 'search' => 'foo', 'enabled' => true }) end it 'is case sensitive' do expect(query(User, 'Enabled' => true, "SEARCH" => 'bar').params).to be_empty end it 'parse query string' do expect(query(User, 'search=foo%26baz&latest=true').params).to eq({ 'search' => 'foo&baz', 'latest' => true }) end it 'removes blank values from query string' do expect(query(User, 'search=baz&toto=&bar=%20').params).to eq({ 'search' => 'baz' }) end it 'unescapes UTF-8 chars' do expect(query(User, 'search=%C3%A9').params).to eq({ 'search' => 'é' }) end it 'can have multiple values (from hash)' do expect(query(User, search: ['bar', 'baz']).params).to eq({ 'search' => ['bar', 'baz'] }) end it 'can have multiple values (from query string)' do expect(query(User, 'search=bar&search=baz').params).to eq({ 'search' => ['bar', 'baz'] }) end it 'converts value to true (or remove it) if scope takes no argument' do expect(query(User, latest: 'y').params).to eq({ 'latest' => true }) expect(query(User, latest: 'no').params).to eq({}) end it 'converts value to true (or false) if column is a boolean one' do expect(query(User, admin: 'y').params).to eq({ 'admin' => true }) expect(query(User, admin: 'False').params).to eq({ 'admin' => false }) expect(query(User, admin: 'bar').params).to eq({}) expect(query(User, admin: ['y', false]).params).to eq({}) end it 'converts array value to true (or remove it) if scope takes no argument' do expect(query(User, latest: true).params).to eq({ 'latest' => true }) expect(query(User, latest: ['Yes']).params).to eq({ 'latest' => true }) expect(query(User, latest: ['no', 'yes']).params).to eq({}) expect(query(User, latest: ['no', nil]).params).to eq({}) expect(query(User, latest: ['fo']).params).to eq({}) end it 'flats array' do expect(query(User, search: [nil, ['bar', '', 'foo', ["\n ", 'baz']]]).params).to eq({ 'search' => [nil, 'bar', '', 'foo', "\n ", 'baz'] }) end it 'change array with a single value in one value' do expect(query(User, search: ['bar']).params).to eq({ 'search' => 'bar' }) end it 'does not modify given hash' do hash = { search: 'foo', enabled: '1', bar: 'foo' } query(User, hash) expect(hash).to eq({ search: 'foo', enabled: '1', bar: 'foo' }) end it 'does not modify given array' do items = ['bar', 'foo', nil] query(User, search: items) expect(items).to eq(['bar', 'foo', nil]) end it 'accepts :only option' do expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', enabled: 'true' }, only: [:search]).params).to eq({ 'search' => 'bar' }) expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', enabled: 'true' }, only: 'search').params).to eq({ 'search' => 'bar' }) expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', firstname: 'Jane', enabled: 'true' }, only: 'search').params).to eq({ 'search' => 'bar' }) expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', firstname: 'Jane', enabled: 'true' }, only: ['search', :firstname]).params).to eq({ 'search' => 'bar', 'firstname' => 'Jane' }) end it 'accepts :except option' do expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', enabled: true }, except: [:search]).params).to eq({ 'enabled' => true }) expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', enabled: true }, except: 'search').params).to eq({ 'enabled' => true }) expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', firstname: 'Jane', enabled: true }, except: 'search').params).to eq({ 'enabled' => true, 'firstname' => 'Jane' }) expect(query(User, { search: 'bar', firstname: 'Jane', enabled: true }, except: ['search', :firstname]).params).to eq({ 'enabled' => true }) end it 'accepts a query instance' do expect(query(User, query(User, search: 'toto')).params).to eq({ 'search' => 'toto' }) end it 'preserve blank values' do expect(query(User, { search: "\n ", 'enabled' => true }).params).to eq({ 'search' => "\n ", 'enabled' => true }) end it 'preserve blank values from array' do expect(query(User, { 'search' => ["\n ", 'toto', 'titi'] }).params).to eq({ 'search' => ["\n ", 'toto', 'titi'] }) expect(query(User, { 'search' => [] }).params).to eq({}) end it 'also preserve blank on query string' do expect(query(User, 'search=%20&enabled=true&search=foo').params).to eq({ 'search' => [' ', 'foo'], 'enabled' => true }) end it 'includes column values' do expect(query(User, 'firstname' => 'Jane', 'foo' => 'bar').params).to eq({ 'firstname' => 'Jane' }) expect(query(User, firstname: 'Jane', 'foo' => 'bar').params).to eq({ 'firstname' => 'Jane' }) end it 'exclude column values if :exclude_columns option is specified' do expect(query(User, { enabled: true, 'firstname' => 'Jane', 'foo' => 'bar' }, exclude_columns: true).params).to eq({ 'enabled' => true }) expect(query(User, { enabled: true, firstname: 'Jane', foo: 'bar' }, exclude_columns: true).params).to eq({ 'enabled' => true }) end it 'scopes have priority on columns' do expect(query(User, enabled: false).params).to eq({}) end it 'maps an "order"' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end it 'does not map "order" if column is invalid' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'foo.asc' }).params).to eq({}) end it 'use "asc" order direction by default' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'firstname' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end it 'use "asc" order direction if invalid' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => '' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end it 'use "desc" order direction if specified' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'firstname.desc' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.desc' }) end it 'order direction is case insensitive' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'firstname.Asc' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'firstname.DESC' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.desc' }) end it 'order can be specified as symbol' do expect(query(User, { order: 'firstname.desc' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.desc' }) end it "order is case sensitive" do expect(query(User, { 'Order' => 'firstname.desc' }).params).to eq({}) end it 'many order can be specified' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => ['firstname.Asc', 'lastname.DESC'] }).params).to eq({ 'order' => ['firstname.asc', 'lastname.desc'] }) expect(query(User, { 'order' => ['firstname.Asc', 'firstname.desc'] }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) expect(query(User, { 'order' => ['firstname.Asc', 'lastname.DESC', 'firstname.desc'] }).params).to eq({ 'order' => ['firstname.asc', 'lastname.desc'] }) expect(query(User, { 'order' => ['firstname.Asc', 'foo', 'lastname.DESC', 'firstname.desc'] }).params).to eq({ 'order' => ['firstname.asc', 'lastname.desc'] }) end it 'order can be delimited by a space' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => 'firstname ASC' }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end it 'order can be delimited by any white space' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => "firstname\nASC" }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) expect(query(User, { 'order' => "firstname\t ASC" }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end it 'order can be delimited by a ":"' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => "firstname:ASC" }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end it 'order can be delimited by more than one delimiter' do expect(query(User, { 'order' => "firstname :. ASC" }).params).to eq({ 'order' => 'firstname.asc' }) end end describe '#relation' do it 'does not execute any query' do expect(User).not_to receive(:connection) query(User, enabled: true).relation end it 'works with scopes with a lambda without arguments' do users(:jane).update_attribute(:created_at, 10.days.ago) expect(query(User, latest: true).relation).to eq([users(:john)]) expect(query(User, latest: false).relation).to eq([users(:john), users(:jane)]) end it 'does not modify relation specified at initialization' do relation ='foo') q = query(relation, enabled: true) expect { expect { q.relation }.not_to change { q.instance_variable_get('@relation') } }.not_to change { relation } end it 'returns relation specified at construction if params are empty' do expect(query.relation).not_to eq(User) expect(query.relation).to eq(User.all) end it 'invokes many times relation if an array is given' do expect(query(User, search: ['John', 'Doe']).relation).to eq([users(:john)]) expect(query(User, search: ['John', 'Done']).relation).to eq([]) expect(query(User, search: ['John', 'Doe']).params).to eq({ 'search' => ['John', 'Doe'] }) end it 'invokes many times relation if given twice (as string & symbol)' do expect(query(User, search: 'John', 'search' => 'Done').params['search']).to contain_exactly('John', 'Done') expect(query(User, search: 'John', 'search' => ['Did', 'Done']).params['search']).to contain_exactly('John', 'Did', 'Done') end it 'invokes last order if an array is given' do create_user(:jane2, firstname: 'Jane', lastname: 'Zoe') expect(query(User, order: ['lastname', 'firstname']).relation).to eq([users(:jane), users(:john), users(:jane2)]) expect(query(User, order: ['lastname', 'firstname.desc']).relation).to eq([users(:john), users(:jane), users(:jane2)]) expect(query(User, order: ['firstname', 'lastname.desc']).relation).to eq([users(:jane2), users(:jane), users(:john)]) expect(query(User, order: ['firstname.desc', 'lastname']) eq([Arel::Nodes::Descending, Arel::Nodes::Ascending]) expect(query(User, order: ['firstname.desc', 'lastname']) eq(['firstname', 'lastname']) end it 'defines #query method on returned relation' do expect(query(User).relation).to respond_to(:query) end it 'does not define #query method for future relations' do expect(query(User).relation.query).to be_present expect(User).not_to respond_to(:query) expect(User.all).not_to respond_to(:query) expect(User.enabled).not_to respond_to(:query) end it 'defined #query method returns query' do q = query(User) expect(q.relation.query).to be_a(ScopedFrom::Query) expect(q.relation.query).to be(q) end end describe '#true?' do it 'is true if true is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, true)).to be(true) end it 'is true if "true" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, 'true')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:true?, 'True')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "1" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, '1')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "on" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, 'on')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:true?, 'ON ')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "yes" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, 'yes')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:true?, ' Yes ')).to be(true) end it 'is true if "y" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, 'y')).to be(true) expect(query.send(:true?, 'Y ')).to be(true) end it 'is false if false is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, false)).to be(false) end it 'is false if "false" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, 'false')).to be(false) expect(query.send(:true?, 'FsALSE')).to be(false) end it 'is false if "0" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, '0')).to be(false) end it 'is false if "off" is given' do expect(query.send(:true?, "off")).to be(false) expect(query.send(:true?, "Off")).to be(false) end it 'is false otherwise' do expect(query.send(:true?, 42)).to be(false) expect(query.send(:true?, 'bam')).to be(false) end end end