require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "spec_helper")) startup_merb(:log_level => :fatal) class TestController < Merb::Controller attr_accessor :redirect_to def redirect_action; redirect(@redirect_to || "/"); end def success_action; end def missing_action; render("i can has errorz", :status => 404); end def redirect_with_message_action redirect(@redirect_to, :message => "okey dookey") end end describe Merb::Test::Rspec::ControllerMatchers do include Merb::Test::ControllerHelper before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do match("/redirect").to(:controller => "test_controller", :action => "redirect_action") match("/success").to(:controller => "test_controller", :action => "success_action") match("/missing").to(:controller => "test_controller", :action => "missing_action") end end describe "#redirect" do it "should work with the result of a dispatch_to helper call" do dispatch_to(TestController, :redirect_action).should redirect end it "should work with the result of a get helper call" do get("/redirect").should redirect end it "should work with a redirection code" do dispatch_to(TestController, :redirect_action).status.should redirect end end describe "#redirect_to" do it "should work with the result of a dispatch_to helper call" do dispatch_to(TestController, :redirect_action).should redirect_to("/") dispatch_to(TestController, :redirect_action){ |controller| controller.redirect_to = "" }.should redirect_to("") end it "should work with the result of a get helper call" do get("/redirect"){|controller| controller.redirect_to = "" }.should redirect_to("") end it 'takes :message option' do dispatch_to(TestController, :redirect_with_message_action) { |controller| controller.redirect_to = "" }.should redirect_to("", :message => "okey dookey") end end describe "#respond_successfully" do it "should work with the result of a dispatch_to helper call" do dispatch_to(TestController, :success_action).should respond_successfully end it "should work with the result of a get helper call" do get("/success").should respond_successfully end it "should work with a redirection code" do dispatch_to(TestController, :success_action).status.should be_successful end end describe "#be_missing" do it "should work with the result of a dispatch_to helper call" do dispatch_to(TestController, :missing_action).should be_missing end it "should work with the result of a get helper call" do get("/missing").should be_client_error end it "should work with a redirection code" do dispatch_to(TestController, :missing_action).status.should be_missing end end end module Merb::Test::Rspec module ControllerMatchers class RedirectableTarget attr_accessor :status, :headers def initialize; @headers = {}; end end describe BeRedirect do before(:each) do @target = end it "should match a 301 'Moved Permanently' redirect code" do be_true end it "should match a 302 'Found' redirect code" do be_true end it "should match a 303 'See Other' redirect code" do be_true end it "should match a 304 'Not Modified' redirect code" do be_true end it "should match a 307 'Temporary Redirect' redirect code" do be_true end it "should match a target with a valid redirect code" do @target.status = 301 be_true end it "should not match a target with an unused redirect code" do @target.status = 399 be_true end it "should not match a target with a non redirect code" do @target.status = 200 be_true end describe "#failure_message" do it "should be 'expected to redirect' when the target is a status code" do matcher = matcher.matches?(200) matcher.failure_message.should == "expected to redirect" end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar to redirect' when the target's controller is Foo and action is bar" do matcher = @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar matcher.matches?(@target) matcher.failure_message.should == "expected Foo#bar to redirect" end end describe "#negative_failure_message" do it "should be 'expected not to redirect' when the target is a status code" do matcher = matcher.matches?(200) matcher.negative_failure_message.should == "expected not to redirect" end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar to redirect' when the target's controller is Foo and action is bar" do matcher = @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar matcher.matches?(@target) matcher.negative_failure_message.should == "expected Foo#bar not to redirect" end end end describe "redirect_to" do before(:each) do @target = end it "should match a target if the status code is 300 level and the locations match" do @target.status = 301 @target.headers['Location'] = "" @target.should redirect_to("") end it "should not match a target if the status code is not 300 level but the locations match" do @target.status = 404 @target.headers['Location'] = "" @target.should_not redirect_to("") end it "should not match a target if the status code is 300 level but the locations do not match" do @target.status = 301 @target.headers['Location'] = "" @target.should_not redirect_to("") end describe "#failure_message" do it "should be 'expected Foo#bar to redirect to " \ ", but was ' " \ "when the expected url is and the " \ "target url is" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 301 @target.headers['Location'] = "" lambda { @target.should redirect_to("") }. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar to redirect to " \ ", but it " \ "redirected to ") end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar to redirect, but there was " \ "no redirection' when the target is not redirected" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 200 @target.headers['Location'] = "" lambda { @target.should redirect_to("")}. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar to be a redirect, " \ "but it returned status code 200.") end end describe "#negative_failure_message" do it "should be 'expected Foo#bar not to redirect to " \ ", but it did anyways" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 302 @target.headers['Location'] = "" lambda { @target.should_not redirect_to("") }. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar not to redirect to " \ " but it did.") end end end describe "be_successful" do before(:each) do @target = end it "should match a target with a 200 'OK' status code" do 200.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 201 'Created' status code" do 201.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 202 'Accepted' status code" do 202.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 203 'Non-Authoritative Information' status code" do 203.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 204 'No Content' status code" do 204.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 205 'Reset Content' status code" do 205.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 206 'Partial Content' status code" do 206.should be_successful end it "should match a target with a 207 'Multi-Status' status code" do 207.should be_successful end it "should not match a target with an unused 200 level status code" do 299.should_not be_successful end it "should not match a target with a non 200 level status code" do 301.should_not be_successful end describe "#failure_message" do it "should be 'expected to be successful but was 300' when the target is status code 300" do lambda { 300.should be_successful }.should fail_with( "Expected status code to be successful, but it was 300") end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar to be successful but was 404' when the target is controller-ish" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 404 lambda { @target.should be_successful }. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar to be successful, " \ "but it returned a 404") end end describe "#negative_failure_message" do it "should be 'expected not to be successful but it was' when the target is a 200 status code" do lambda { 302.should be_successful }. should fail_with("Expected status code to be successful, " \ "but it was 302") end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar not to be successful but it was 200' when the target is controller-ish" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 200 lambda { @target.should_not be_successful }. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar not to be successful, " \ "but it returned a 200") end end end describe "be_missing" do before(:each) do @target = end it "should match a 400 'Bad Request'" do 400.should be_missing end it "should match a 401 'Unauthorized'" do 401.should be_missing end it "should match a 403 'Forbidden'" do 402.should be_missing end it "should match a 404 'Not Found'" do 404.should be_missing end it "should match a 409 'Conflict'" do 409.should be_missing end it "should match a target with a valid client side error code" do @target.status = 404 @target.should be_missing end it "should not match a target with an unused client side error code" do @target.status = 499 @target.should_not be_missing end it "should not match a target with a non client side error code" do @target.status = 200 @target.should_not be_missing end describe "#failure_message" do it "should be 'expected to be missing but was 300' when the target is status code 300" do lambda { 300.should be_missing }. should fail_with("Expected a missing error code, but got 300") end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar to be successful but was 301' when the target is controller-ish" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 301 lambda { @target.should be_missing }. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar to be missing, " \ "but it returned a 301") end end describe "#negative_failure_message" do it "should be 'expected not to be successful but it was' when the target is a 400 status code" do lambda { 400.should_not be_missing }. should fail_with("Expected not to get a missing error code, " \ "but got 400") end it "should be 'expected Foo#bar not to be missing but it was 404' when the target is controller-ish" do @target.stub!(:controller_name).and_return :Foo @target.stub!(:action_name).and_return :bar @target.status = 404 lambda { @target.should_not be_missing }. should fail_with("Expected Foo#bar not to be missing, " \ "but it returned a 404") end end end describe Provide do class ::TestController < Merb::Controller provides :xml end it 'should match for formats a controller class provides' do :xml ).matches?( TestController ).should be_true end it 'should match for formats a controller instance provides' do t = fake_request ) :xml ).matches?( t ).should be_true end it 'should not match for formats a controller class does not provide' do :yaml ).matches?( TestController ).should be_false end it 'should not match for formats a controller instance does not provide' do t = fake_request ) :yaml ).matches?( t ).should be_false end end end end