module NestedAttr require "factory_girl" @@except=[] @@include_id=[] def self.except(m) @@except < [] } and # belongs_to will return hash like {model=> {}} # Usage: # You can register it at the begining of your factories file: # FactoryGirl.register_strategy(:nested_attributes, NestedAttributesStrategy) # Then you can use it anywhere you find useful: # FactoryGirl.nested_attributes(:model_name) # include NestedAttr def association(runner) end def result(evaluation) evaluation.object.tap do |instance| evaluation.notify(:after_build, instance) return attributes(instance) end end private def attributes(instance) @created_model||=[] unless instance.instance_variables.include? :@attributes then return {} end if @created_model.include? instance.class then return {} end @created_model << instance.class attrs = instance.attributes.delete_if do |k, _| ( %w(id type created_at updated_at).include?(k) or k.end_with?("_id") ) end nested_reflections_has_many(instance).each do |ref| attrs.merge!("#{}_attributes" => instance.send( do |nested_obj,i| {i.to_s => attributes(nested_obj)} end [0]) end nested_reflections_belongs_to(instance).each do |ref| attrs.merge!("#{}" => attributes(instance.send( end nested_reflections_has_and_belongs_to_many(instance).each do |ref| attrs.merge!("#{}_ids" => instance.send( do |nested_obj| end) end instance.delete attrs end def nested_reflections_has_and_belongs_to_many(instance) do |ref| ref.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many end end def nested_reflections_has_many(instance) do |ref| ref.macro == :has_many && !@@except.include?( && instance.respond_to?("#{}_attributes=") end end def nested_reflections_belongs_to(instance) do |ref| ref.macro == :belongs_to && !@@except.include?( && instance.respond_to?("#{}") end end end if not FactoryGirl.methods.include? :nested_attr_for puts "registered as 'FactoryGirl.nested_attr_for(:factory_name)'" FactoryGirl.register_strategy(:nested_attr_for, NestedAttributesStrategy) end def self.nested_attr_for(factory, except=[]) unless except.empty? @@except += except end FactoryGirl.nested_attr_for(factory) end end