# *******************************************************************************
# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
# See also https://openstudio.net/license
# *******************************************************************************

module OsLib_CreateResults
  # Reports out the detailed simulation results needed by EDAPT.
  # Results are output as both OpenStudio::Attributes (for OpenStudio 1.X)
  # and runner.registerValue (for OpenStudio 2.X).
  # @param skip_weekends [Bool] if true, weekends will not be included in the peak demand window
  # @param skip_holidays [Bool] if true, holidays will not be included in the peak demand window
  # @param start_mo [String] the start month for the peak demand window
  # @param start_day [Integer] the start day for the peak demand window
  # @param start_hr [Integer] the start hour for the peak demand window, using 24-hr clock
  # @param end_mo [String] the end month for the peak demand window
  # @param end_day [Integer] the end day for the peak demand window
  # @param end_hr [Integer] the end hour for the peak demand window, using 24-hr clock
  # @param electricity_consumption_tou_periods [Array<Hash>] optional array of hashes to add
  # time-of-use electricity consumption values to the annual consumption information.
  # Periods may overlap, but should be listed in the order in which they must be checked,
  # where the value will be assigned to the first encountered period it falls into.
  # An example hash looks like this:
  #       {
  #         'tou_name' => 'system_peak',
  #         'tou_id' => 1,
  #         'skip_weekends' => true,
  #         'skip_holidays' => true,
  #         'start_mo' => 'July',
  #         'start_day' => 1,
  #         'start_hr' => 14,
  #         'end_mo' => 'August',
  #         'end_day' => 31,
  #         'end_hr' => 18
  #       }
  # @return [OpenStudio::AttributeVector] a vector of results needed by EDAPT
  def create_results(skip_weekends = true,
                     skip_holidays = true,
                     start_mo = 'June',
                     start_day = 1,
                     start_hr = 14,
                     end_mo = 'September',
                     end_day = 30,
                     end_hr = 18,
                     electricity_consumption_tou_periods = [])

    # get the current version of OS being used to determine if sql query
    # changes are needed (for when E+ changes).
    os_version = OpenStudio::VersionString.new(OpenStudio.openStudioVersion)

    # create an attribute vector to hold results
    result_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # floor_area
    floor_area_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Building Area' AND RowName='Net Conditioned Building Area' AND ColumnName='Area' AND Units='m2'"
    floor_area = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(floor_area_query)
    if floor_area.is_initialized
      result_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('floor_area', floor_area.get, 'm^2')
      @runner.registerValue('charsfloor_area', floor_area.get, 'm^2')
      @runner.registerWarning('Building floor area not found')
      return false

    # inflation approach
    inf_appr_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' AND RowName='Inflation Approach' AND ColumnName='Value'"
    inf_appr = @sql.execAndReturnFirstString(inf_appr_query)
    if inf_appr.is_initialized
      if inf_appr.get == 'ConstantDollar'
        inf_appr = 'Constant Dollar'
      elsif inf_appr.get == 'CurrentDollar'
        inf_appr = 'Current Dollar'
        @runner.registerError("Inflation approach: #{inf_appr.get} not recognized")
        return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)
      @runner.registerInfo("Inflation approach = #{inf_appr}")
      @runner.registerError('Could not determine inflation approach used')
      return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)

    # base year
    base_yr_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' AND RowName='Base Date' AND ColumnName='Value'"
    base_yr = @sql.execAndReturnFirstString(base_yr_query)
    if base_yr.is_initialized
      if base_yr.get =~ /\d\d\d\d/
        base_yr = base_yr.get.match(/\d\d\d\d/)[0].to_f
        @runner.registerError("Could not determine the analysis start year from #{base_yr.get}")
        return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)
      @runner.registerError('Could not determine analysis start year')
      return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)

    # analysis length
    length_yrs_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' AND RowName='Length of Study Period in Years' AND ColumnName='Value'"
    length_yrs = @sql.execAndReturnFirstInt(length_yrs_query)
    if length_yrs.is_initialized
      @runner.registerInfo "Analysis length = #{length_yrs.get} yrs"
      length_yrs = length_yrs.get
      @runner.registerError('Could not determine analysis length')
      return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)

    # cash flows
    cash_flow_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # setup a vector for each type of cash flow
    cap_cash_flow_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    om_cash_flow_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    energy_cash_flow_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    water_cash_flow_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    tot_cash_flow_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # add the type to the element
    cap_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('type', "#{inf_appr} Capital Costs")
    om_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('type', "#{inf_appr} Operating Costs")
    energy_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('type', "#{inf_appr} Energy Costs")
    water_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('type', "#{inf_appr} Water Costs")
    tot_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('type', "#{inf_appr} Total Costs")

    @runner.registerValue('cash_flows_capital_type', "#{inf_appr} Capital Costs")
    @runner.registerValue('cash_flows_operating_type', "#{inf_appr} Operating Costs")
    @runner.registerValue('cash_flows_energy_type', "#{inf_appr} Energy Costs")
    @runner.registerValue('cash_flows_water_type', "#{inf_appr} Water Costs")
    @runner.registerValue('cash_flows_total_type', "#{inf_appr} Total Costs")

    # record the cash flow in these hashes
    cap_cash_flow = {}
    om_cash_flow = {}
    energy_cash_flow = {}
    water_cash_flow = {}
    tot_cash_flow = {}

    # loop through each year and record the cash flow
    for i in 0..(length_yrs - 1) do
      new_yr = base_yr + i

      yr = nil
      if os_version > OpenStudio::VersionString.new('1.5.3')
        yr = "January         #{new_yr.round}"
        yr = "January           #{new_yr.round}"

      ann_cap_cash = 0.0
      ann_om_cash = 0.0
      ann_energy_cash = 0.0
      ann_water_cash = 0.0
      ann_tot_cash = 0.0

      # capital cash flow
      cap_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Capital Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Total'"
      cap_cash = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(cap_cash_query)
      if cap_cash.is_initialized
        ann_cap_cash += cap_cash.get
        ann_tot_cash += cap_cash.get

      # o&m cash flow (excluding utility costs)
      om_types = ['Maintenance', 'Repair', 'Operation', 'Replacement', 'MinorOverhaul', 'MajorOverhaul', 'OtherOperational']
      om_types.each do |om_type|
        om_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Operating Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='#{om_type}'"
        om_cash = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(om_cash_query)
        if om_cash.is_initialized
          ann_om_cash += om_cash.get
          ann_tot_cash += om_cash.get

      # energy cash flow
      energy_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Operating Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Energy'"
      energy_cash = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(energy_cash_query)
      if energy_cash.is_initialized
        ann_energy_cash += energy_cash.get
        ann_tot_cash += energy_cash.get

      # water cash flow
      water_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Operating Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Water'"
      water_cash = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(water_cash_query)
      if water_cash.is_initialized
        ann_water_cash += water_cash.get
        ann_tot_cash += water_cash.get

      # log the values for this year
      cap_cash_flow[yr] = ann_cap_cash
      om_cash_flow[yr] = ann_om_cash
      energy_cash_flow[yr] = ann_energy_cash
      water_cash_flow[yr] = ann_water_cash
      tot_cash_flow[yr] = ann_tot_cash

      cap_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_cap_cash, 'dollars')
      om_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_om_cash, 'dollars')
      energy_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_energy_cash, 'dollars')
      water_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_water_cash, 'dollars')
      tot_cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_tot_cash, 'dollars')

      @runner.registerValue("cash_flows_capital_year_#{i + 1}", ann_cap_cash, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue("cash_flows_operating_year_#{i + 1}", ann_om_cash, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue("cash_flows_energy_year_#{i + 1}", ann_energy_cash, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue("cash_flows_water_year_#{i + 1}", ann_water_cash, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue("cash_flows_total_year_#{i + 1}", ann_tot_cash, 'dollars')

    end # next year

    # end cash flows
    cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('cash_flow', cap_cash_flow_elems)
    cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('cash_flow', om_cash_flow_elems)
    cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('cash_flow', energy_cash_flow_elems)
    cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('cash_flow', water_cash_flow_elems)
    cash_flow_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('cash_flow', tot_cash_flow_elems)
    result_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('cash_flows', cash_flow_elems)

    # list of all end uses in OpenStudio
    end_use_cat_types = []
    OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |end_use_val|
      end_use_cat_types << OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(end_use_val)

    # list of all end use fule types in OpenStudio
    end_use_fuel_types = []
    OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.getValues.each do |end_use_fuel_type_val|
      end_use_fuel_types << OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(end_use_fuel_type_val)

    # list of the 12 months of the year in OpenStudio
    months = []
    OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.getValues.each do |month_of_year_val|
      if (month_of_year_val >= 1) && (month_of_year_val <= 12)
        months << OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month_of_year_val)

    # map each end use category type to the name that will be used in the xml
    end_use_map = {
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Heating').value => 'heating',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Cooling').value => 'cooling',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('InteriorLights').value => 'lighting_interior',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('ExteriorLights').value => 'lighting_exterior',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('InteriorEquipment').value => 'equipment_interior',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('ExteriorEquipment').value => 'equipment_exterior',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Fans').value => 'fans',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Pumps').value => 'pumps',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('HeatRejection').value => 'heat_rejection',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Humidifier').value => 'humidification',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('HeatRecovery').value => 'heat_recovery',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('WaterSystems').value => 'water_systems',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Refrigeration').value => 'refrigeration',
      OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Generators').value => 'generators'

    # map each fuel type in EndUseFuelTypes to a specific FuelTypes
    fuel_type_map = {
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Electricity').value => OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Electricity'),
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Gas').value => OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Gas'),
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('AdditionalFuel').value => OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Diesel'), # TODO: add other fuel types
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictCooling').value => OpenStudio::FuelType.new('DistrictCooling'),
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictHeating').value => OpenStudio::FuelType.new('DistrictHeating'),
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water').value => OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Water')

    # map each fuel type in EndUseFuelTypes to a specific FuelTypes
    fuel_type_alias_map = {
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Electricity').value => 'electricity',
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Gas').value => 'gas',
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('AdditionalFuel').value => 'other_energy',
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictCooling').value => 'district_cooling',
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictHeating').value => 'district_heating',
      OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water').value => 'water'

    # annual "annual"
    annual_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # consumption "consumption"
    cons_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # electricity
    electricity = @sql.electricityTotalEndUses
    if electricity.is_initialized
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity', electricity.get, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_electricity', electricity.get, 'GJ')
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity', 0.0, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_electricity', 0.0, 'GJ')

    # gas
    gas = @sql.naturalGasTotalEndUses
    if gas.is_initialized
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('gas', gas.get, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_gas', gas.get, 'GJ')
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('gas', 0.0, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_gas', 0.0, 'GJ')

    # other_energy
    other_energy = @sql.otherFuelTotalEndUses
    if other_energy.is_initialized
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('other_energy', other_energy.get, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_other_energy', other_energy.get, 'GJ')
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('other_energy', 0.0, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_other_energy', 0.0, 'GJ')

    # district_cooling
    district_cooling = @sql.districtCoolingTotalEndUses
    if district_cooling.is_initialized
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_cooling', district_cooling.get, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_district_cooling', district_cooling.get, 'GJ')
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_cooling', 0.0, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_district_cooling', 0.0, 'GJ')

    # district_heating
    district_heating = @sql.districtHeatingTotalEndUses
    if district_heating.is_initialized
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_heating', district_heating.get, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_district_heating', district_heating.get, 'GJ')
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_heating', 0.0, 'GJ')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_district_heating', 0.0, 'GJ')

    # water
    water = @sql.waterTotalEndUses
    if water.is_initialized
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('water', water.get, 'm^3')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_water', water.get, 'm^3')
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('water', 0.0, 'm^3')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_consumption_water', 0.0, 'm^3')

    # end consumption
    annual_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('consumption', cons_elems)

    # demand "demand"
    demand_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period)
    ann_env_pd = nil
    @sql.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd|
      env_type = @sql.environmentType(env_pd)
      if env_type.is_initialized
        if env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod')
          ann_env_pd = env_pd

    # only try to get the annual peak demand if an annual simulation was run
    if ann_env_pd

      # create some units to use
      joule_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('J').get
      gigajoule_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('GJ').get
      hrs_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('h').get
      kilowatt_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('kW').get

      # get the annual hours simulated
      hrs_sim = '(0 - no partial annual simulation)'
      if @sql.hoursSimulated.is_initialized
        hrs_sim = @sql.hoursSimulated.get
        if hrs_sim != 8760
          @runner.registerError("Simulation was only #{hrs_sim} hrs; EDA requires an annual simulation (8760 hrs)")
          return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)

      # Get the electricity timeseries to determine the year used
      elec = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Zone Timestep', 'Electricity:Facility', '')
      timeseries_yr = nil
      if elec.is_initialized
        timeseries_yr = elec.get.dateTimes[0].date.year
        @runner.registerError('Peak Demand timeseries (Electricity:Facility at zone timestep) could not be found, cannot determine the informatino needed to calculate savings or incentives.')
      # Setup the peak demand time window based on input arguments.
      # Note that holidays and weekends are not excluded because
      # of a bug in EnergyPlus dates.
      # This will only impact corner-case buildings that have
      # peak demand on weekends or holidays, which is unusual.
      @runner.registerInfo("Peak Demand window is #{start_mo} #{start_day} to #{end_mo} #{end_day} from #{start_hr}:00 to #{end_hr}:00.")
      start_date = OpenStudio::DateTime.new(OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(start_mo), start_day, timeseries_yr), OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
      end_date = OpenStudio::DateTime.new(OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(end_mo), end_day, timeseries_yr), OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0))
      start_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, start_hr, 0, 0)
      end_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, end_hr, 0, 0)

      # Get the day type timeseries.
      day_types = nil
      day_type_indices = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Zone Timestep', 'Site Day Type Index', 'Environment')
      if day_type_indices.is_initialized
        # Put values into array
        day_types = []
        day_type_vals = day_type_indices.get.values
        for i in 0..(day_type_vals.size - 1)
          day_types << day_type_vals[i]
        @runner.registerError('Day Type timeseries (Site Day Type Index at zone timestep) could not be found, cannot accurately determine the peak demand.')

      # electricity_peak_demand
      electricity_peak_demand = -1.0
      electricity_peak_demand_time = nil
      # deduce the timestep based on the hours simulated and the number of datapoints in the timeseries
      if elec.is_initialized && day_types
        elec = elec.get
        num_int = elec.values.size
        int_len_hrs = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(hrs_sim / num_int, hrs_unit)

        # Put timeseries into array
        elec_vals = []
        ann_elec_vals = elec.values
        for i in 0..(ann_elec_vals.size - 1)
          elec_vals << ann_elec_vals[i]

        # Put values into array
        elec_times = []
        ann_elec_times = elec.dateTimes
        for i in 0..(ann_elec_times.size - 1)
          elec_times << ann_elec_times[i]

        # Loop through the time/value pairs and find the peak
        # excluding the times outside of the Xcel peak demand window
        elec_times.zip(elec_vals).each_with_index do |vs, ind|
          date_time = vs[0]
          val = vs[1]
          day_type = day_types[ind]
          time = date_time.time
          date = date_time.date
          day_of_week = date.dayOfWeek
          # Convert the peak demand to kW
          val_J_per_hr = val / int_len_hrs.value
          val_kW = OpenStudio.convert(val_J_per_hr, 'J/h', 'kW').get

          # puts("#{val_kW}kW; #{date}; #{time}; #{day_of_week.valueName}")

          # Skip times outside of the correct months
          next if date_time < start_date || date_time > end_date
          # Skip times before 2pm and after 6pm
          next if time < start_time || time > end_time
          # Skip weekends if asked
          if skip_weekends
            # Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7
            next if day_type == 1 || day_type == 7
          # Skip holidays if asked
          if skip_holidays
            # Holiday = 8
            next if day_type == 8

          # puts("VALID #{val_kW}kW; #{date}; #{time}; #{day_of_week.valueName}")

          # Check peak demand against this timestep
          # and update if this timestep is higher.
          if val > electricity_peak_demand
            electricity_peak_demand = val
            electricity_peak_demand_time = date_time
        elec_peak_demand_timestep_J = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(electricity_peak_demand, joule_unit)
        num_int = elec.values.size
        int_len_hrs = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(hrs_sim / num_int, hrs_unit)
        elec_peak_demand_hourly_J_per_hr = elec_peak_demand_timestep_J / int_len_hrs
        electricity_peak_demand = OpenStudio.convert(elec_peak_demand_hourly_J_per_hr, kilowatt_unit).get.value
        demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity_peak_demand', electricity_peak_demand, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue('annual_demand_electricity_peak_demand', electricity_peak_demand, 'kW')
        @runner.registerInfo("Peak Demand = #{electricity_peak_demand.round(2)}kW on #{electricity_peak_demand_time}")
        @runner.registerError('Peak Demand timeseries (Electricity:Facility at zone timestep) could not be found, cannot determine the informatino needed to calculate savings or incentives.')
        demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity_peak_demand', 0.0, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue('annual_demand_electricity_peak_demand', 0.0, 'kW')

      # Describe the TOU periods
      electricity_consumption_tou_periods.each do |tou_pd|
        @runner.registerInfo("TOU period #{tou_pd['tou_id']} represents #{tou_pd['tou_name']} and covers #{tou_pd['start_mo']}-#{tou_pd['start_day']} to #{tou_pd['end_mo']}-#{tou_pd['end_day']} from #{tou_pd['start_hr']} to #{tou_pd['end_hr']}, skip weekends = #{tou_pd['skip_weekends']}, skip holidays = #{tou_pd['skip_holidays']}")

      # electricity time-of-use periods
      elec = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Zone Timestep', 'Electricity:Facility', '')
      if elec.is_initialized && day_types
        elec = elec.get
        # Put timeseries into array
        elec_vals = []
        ann_elec_vals = elec.values
        for i in 0..(ann_elec_vals.size - 1)
          elec_vals << ann_elec_vals[i]

        # Put values into array
        elec_times = []
        ann_elec_times = elec.dateTimes
        for i in 0..(ann_elec_times.size - 1)
          elec_times << ann_elec_times[i]

        # Loop through the time/value pairs and find the peak
        # excluding the times outside of the Xcel peak demand window
        electricity_tou_vals = Hash.new(0)
        elec_times.zip(elec_vals).each_with_index do |vs, ind|
          date_time = vs[0]
          joules = vs[1]
          day_type = day_types[ind]
          time = date_time.time
          date = date_time.date

          # puts("#{val_kW}kW; #{date}; #{time}; #{day_of_week.valueName}")

          # Determine which TOU period this hour falls into
          tou_period_assigned = false
          electricity_consumption_tou_periods.each do |tou_pd|
            pd_start_date = OpenStudio::DateTime.new(OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(tou_pd['start_mo']), tou_pd['start_day'], timeseries_yr), OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
            pd_end_date = OpenStudio::DateTime.new(OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(tou_pd['end_mo']), tou_pd['end_day'], timeseries_yr), OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0))
            pd_start_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, tou_pd['start_hr'], 0, 0)
            pd_end_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, tou_pd['end_hr'], 0, 0)
            # Skip times outside of the correct months
            next if date_time < pd_start_date || date_time > pd_end_date
            # Skip times before some time and after another time
            next if time < pd_start_time || time > pd_end_time
            # Skip weekends if asked
            if tou_pd['skip_weekends']
              # Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7
              next if day_type == 1 || day_type == 7
            # Skip holidays if asked
            if tou_pd['skip_holidays']
              # Holiday = 8
              next if day_type == 8
            # If here, this hour falls into the specified period
            tou_period_assigned = true
            electricity_tou_vals[tou_pd['tou_id']] += joules
          # Ensure that the value fell into a period
          unless tou_period_assigned
            @runner.registerError("Did not find a TOU period covering #{time} on #{date}, kWh will not be included in any TOU period.")
        # Register values for any time-of-use period with kWh
        electricity_tou_vals.each do |tou_pd_id, joules_in_pd|
          gj_in_pd = OpenStudio.convert(joules_in_pd, 'J', 'GJ').get
          kwh_in_pd = OpenStudio.convert(joules_in_pd, 'J', 'kWh').get
          @runner.registerValue("annual_consumption_electricity_tou_#{tou_pd_id}", gj_in_pd, 'GJ')
          @runner.registerInfo("TOU period #{tou_pd_id} annual electricity consumption = #{kwh_in_pd} kWh.")
        @runner.registerError('Electricity timeseries (Electricity:Facility at zone timestep) could not be found, cannot determine the information needed to calculate savings or incentives.')

      # electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand
      val = @sql.electricityTotalEndUses
      if val.is_initialized
        ann_elec_gj = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(val.get, gigajoule_unit)
        ann_hrs = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(hrs_sim, hrs_unit)
        elec_ann_avg_peak_demand_hourly_GJ_per_hr = ann_elec_gj / ann_hrs
        electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand = OpenStudio.convert(elec_ann_avg_peak_demand_hourly_GJ_per_hr, kilowatt_unit).get.value
        demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand', electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue('annual_demand_electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand', electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand, 'kW')
        demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand', 0.0, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue('annual_demand_electricity_annual_avg_peak_demand', 0.0, 'kW')

      # district_cooling_peak_demand
      district_cooling_peak_demand = -1.0
      ann_dist_clg_peak_demand_time = nil
      dist_clg = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Zone Timestep', 'DistrictCooling:Facility', '')
      # deduce the timestep based on the hours simulated and the number of datapoints in the timeseries
      if dist_clg.is_initialized && day_types
        dist_clg = dist_clg.get
        num_int = dist_clg.values.size
        int_len_hrs = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(hrs_sim / num_int, hrs_unit)

        # Put timeseries into array
        dist_clg_vals = []
        ann_dist_clg_vals = dist_clg.values
        for i in 0..(ann_dist_clg_vals.size - 1)
          dist_clg_vals << ann_dist_clg_vals[i]

        # Put values into array
        dist_clg_times = []
        ann_dist_clg_times = dist_clg.dateTimes
        for i in 0..(ann_dist_clg_times.size - 1)
          dist_clg_times << ann_dist_clg_times[i]

        # Loop through the time/value pairs and find the peak
        # excluding the times outside of the Xcel peak demand window
        dist_clg_times.zip(dist_clg_vals).each_with_index do |vs, ind|
          date_time = vs[0]
          val = vs[1]
          day_type = day_types[ind]
          time = date_time.time
          date = date_time.date
          day_of_week = date.dayOfWeek
          # Convert the peak demand to kW
          val_J_per_hr = val / int_len_hrs.value
          val_kW = OpenStudio.convert(val_J_per_hr, 'J/h', 'kW').get

          # puts("#{val_kW}kW; #{date}; #{time}; #{day_of_week.valueName}")

          # Skip times outside of the correct months
          next if date_time < start_date || date_time > end_date
          # Skip times before 2pm and after 6pm
          next if time < start_time || time > end_time
          # Skip weekends if asked
          if skip_weekends
            # Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7
            next if day_type == 1 || day_type == 7
          # Skip holidays if asked
          if skip_holidays
            # Holiday = 8
            next if day_type == 8

          # puts("VALID #{val_kW}kW; #{date}; #{time}; #{day_of_week.valueName}")

          # Check peak demand against this timestep
          # and update if this timestep is higher.
          if val > district_cooling_peak_demand
            district_cooling_peak_demand = val
            ann_dist_clg_peak_demand_time = date_time
        dist_clg_peak_demand_timestep_J = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(district_cooling_peak_demand, joule_unit)
        num_int = dist_clg.values.size
        int_len_hrs = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(hrs_sim / num_int, hrs_unit)
        dist_clg_peak_demand_hourly_J_per_hr = dist_clg_peak_demand_timestep_J / int_len_hrs
        district_cooling_peak_demand = OpenStudio.convert(dist_clg_peak_demand_hourly_J_per_hr, kilowatt_unit).get.value
        demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_cooling_peak_demand', district_cooling_peak_demand, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue('annual_demand_district_cooling_peak_demand', district_cooling_peak_demand, 'kW')
        @runner.registerInfo("District Cooling Peak Demand = #{district_cooling_peak_demand.round(2)}kW on #{ann_dist_clg_peak_demand_time}")
        demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_cooling_peak_demand', 0.0, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue('annual_demand_district_cooling_peak_demand', 0.0, 'kW')

      # district cooling time-of-use periods
      dist_clg = @sql.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Zone Timestep', 'DistrictCooling:Facility', '')
      if dist_clg.is_initialized && day_types
        dist_clg = dist_clg.get
        # Put timeseries into array
        dist_clg_vals = []
        ann_dist_clg_vals = dist_clg.values
        for i in 0..(ann_dist_clg_vals.size - 1)
          dist_clg_vals << ann_dist_clg_vals[i]

        # Put values into array
        dist_clg_times = []
        ann_dist_clg_times = dist_clg.dateTimes
        for i in 0..(ann_dist_clg_times.size - 1)
          dist_clg_times << ann_dist_clg_times[i]

        # Loop through the time/value pairs and find the peak
        # excluding the times outside of the Xcel peak demand window
        dist_clg_tou_vals = Hash.new(0)
        dist_clg_times.zip(dist_clg_vals).each_with_index do |vs, ind|
          date_time = vs[0]
          joules = vs[1]
          day_type = day_types[ind]
          time = date_time.time
          date = date_time.date

          # puts("#{val_kW}kW; #{date}; #{time}; #{day_of_week.valueName}")

          # Determine which TOU period this hour falls into
          tou_period_assigned = false
          electricity_consumption_tou_periods.each do |tou_pd|
            pd_start_date = OpenStudio::DateTime.new(OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(tou_pd['start_mo']), tou_pd['start_day'], timeseries_yr), OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
            pd_end_date = OpenStudio::DateTime.new(OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(tou_pd['end_mo']), tou_pd['end_day'], timeseries_yr), OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0))
            pd_start_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, tou_pd['start_hr'], 0, 0)
            pd_end_time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, tou_pd['end_hr'], 0, 0)
            # Skip times outside of the correct months
            next if date_time < pd_start_date || date_time > pd_end_date
            # Skip times before some time and after another time
            next if time < pd_start_time || time > pd_end_time
            # Skip weekends if asked
            if tou_pd['skip_weekends']
              # Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7
              next if day_type == 1 || day_type == 7
            # Skip holidays if asked
            if tou_pd['skip_holidays']
              # Holiday = 8
              next if day_type == 8
            # If here, this hour falls into the specified period
            tou_period_assigned = true
            dist_clg_tou_vals[tou_pd['tou_id']] += joules
          # Ensure that the value fell into a period
          unless tou_period_assigned
            @runner.registerError("Did not find a TOU period covering #{time} on #{date}, kWh will not be included in any TOU period.")
        # Register values for any time-of-use period with kWh
        dist_clg_tou_vals.each do |tou_pd_id, joules_in_pd|
          gj_in_pd = OpenStudio.convert(joules_in_pd, 'J', 'GJ').get
          kwh_in_pd = OpenStudio.convert(joules_in_pd, 'J', 'kWh').get
          @runner.registerValue("annual_consumption_district_cooling_tou_#{tou_pd_id}", gj_in_pd, 'GJ')
          @runner.registerInfo("TOU period #{tou_pd_id} annual district cooling consumption = #{kwh_in_pd} kWh.")
        # If TOU periods were specified but this model has no district cooling, report zeroes
        if electricity_consumption_tou_periods.size > 0
          # Get the TOU ids
          tou_ids = []
          electricity_consumption_tou_periods.each do |tou_pd|
            tou_ids << tou_pd['tou_id']
          tou_ids.uniq.each do |tou_id|
            @runner.registerValue("annual_consumption_district_cooling_tou_#{tou_id}", 0.0, 'GJ')

      @runner.registerError('Could not find an annual run period')
      return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)

    # end demand
    annual_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('demand', demand_elems)

    # utility_cost
    utility_cost_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    annual_utility_cost_map = {}

    # electricity
    electricity = @sql.annualTotalCost(OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Electricity'))
    if electricity.is_initialized
      utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity', electricity.get, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_electricity', electricity.get, 'dollars')
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Electricity').valueName] = electricity.get
      utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity', 0.0, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_electricity', 0.0, 'dollars')
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Electricity').valueName] = 0.0

    # electricity_consumption_charge and electricity_demand_charge
    electric_consumption_charge = 0.0
    electric_demand_charge = 0.0

    electric_rate_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='EAp2-3. Energy Type Summary' AND RowName='Electricity' AND ColumnName='Utility Rate'"
    electric_rate_name = @sql.execAndReturnFirstString(electric_rate_query)
    if electric_rate_name.is_initialized
      electric_rate_name = electric_rate_name.get.strip

      # electricity_consumption_charge
      electric_consumption_charge_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Tariff Report' AND ReportForString='#{electric_rate_name}' AND TableName='Categories' AND RowName='EnergyCharges (~~$~~)' AND ColumnName='Sum'"
      val = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(electric_consumption_charge_query)
      if val.is_initialized
        electric_consumption_charge = val.get

      # electricity_demand_charge
      electric_demand_charge_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Tariff Report' AND ReportForString='#{electric_rate_name}' AND TableName='Categories' AND RowName='DemandCharges (~~$~~)' AND ColumnName='Sum'"
      val = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(electric_demand_charge_query)
      if val.is_initialized
        electric_demand_charge = val.get

    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity_consumption_charge', electric_consumption_charge, 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_electricity_consumption_charge', electric_consumption_charge, 'dollars')
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('electricity_demand_charge', electric_demand_charge, 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_electricity_demand_charge', electric_demand_charge, 'dollars')

    # gas
    gas = @sql.annualTotalCost(OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Gas'))
    if gas.is_initialized
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Gas').valueName] = gas.get
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Gas').valueName] = 0.0

    # district_cooling
    district_cooling_charge = 0.0

    district_cooling_rate_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='EAp2-3. Energy Type Summary' AND RowName='District Cooling' AND ColumnName='Utility Rate'"
    district_cooling_rate_name = @sql.execAndReturnFirstString(district_cooling_rate_query)
    if district_cooling_rate_name.is_initialized
      district_cooling_rate_name = district_cooling_rate_name.get.strip

      # district_cooling_charge
      district_cooling_charge_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Tariff Report' AND ReportForString='#{district_cooling_rate_name}' AND TableName='Categories' AND RowName='Basis (~~$~~)' AND ColumnName='Sum'"
      val = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(district_cooling_charge_query)
      if val.is_initialized
        district_cooling_charge = val.get

    annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictCooling').valueName] = district_cooling_charge

    # district_heating
    district_heating_charge = 0.0

    district_heating_rate_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='EAp2-3. Energy Type Summary' AND RowName='District Heating' AND ColumnName='Utility Rate'"
    district_heating_rate_name = @sql.execAndReturnFirstString(district_heating_rate_query)
    if district_heating_rate_name.is_initialized
      district_heating_rate_name = district_heating_rate_name.get.strip

      # district_heating_charge
      district_heating_charge_query = "SELECT value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Tariff Report' AND ReportForString='#{district_heating_rate_name}' AND TableName='Categories' AND RowName='Basis (~~$~~)' AND ColumnName='Sum'"
      val = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(district_heating_charge_query)
      if val.is_initialized
        district_heating_charge = val.get

    annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictHeating').valueName] = district_heating_charge

    # water
    water = @sql.annualTotalCost(OpenStudio::FuelType.new('Water'))
    if water.is_initialized
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water').valueName] = water.get
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water').valueName] = 0.0

    # total
    total_query = "SELECT Value from tabulardatawithstrings where (reportname = 'Economics Results Summary Report') and (ReportForString = 'Entire Facility') and (TableName = 'Annual Cost') and (ColumnName ='Total') and (((RowName = 'Cost') and (Units = '~~$~~')) or (RowName = 'Cost (~~$~~)'))"
    total = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(total_query)

    # other_energy
    # Subtract off the already accounted for fuel types from the total
    # to account for fuels on custom meters where the fuel type is not known.
    prev_tot = 0.0
    annual_utility_cost_map.each do |fuel, val|
      prev_tot += val
    if total.is_initialized
      other_val = total.get - prev_tot
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('AdditionalFuel').valueName] = other_val
      annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('AdditionalFuel').valueName] = 0.0

    # export remaining costs in the correct order
    # gas
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('gas', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Gas').valueName], 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_gas', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Gas').valueName], 'dollars')
    # other_energy
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('other_energy', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('AdditionalFuel').valueName], 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_other_energy', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('AdditionalFuel').valueName], 'dollars')
    # district_cooling
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_cooling', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictCooling').valueName], 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_district_cooling', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictCooling').valueName], 'dollars')
    # district_heating
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('district_heating', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictHeating').valueName], 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_district_heating', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('DistrictHeating').valueName], 'dollars')
    # water
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('water', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water').valueName], 'dollars')
    @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_water', annual_utility_cost_map[OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water').valueName], 'dollars')
    # total
    if total.is_initialized
      utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('total', total.get, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_total', total.get, 'dollars')
      utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('total', 0.0, 'dollars')
      @runner.registerValue('annual_utility_cost_total', 0.0, 'dollars')

    # end_uses - utility costs by end use using average blended cost
    end_uses_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    # map to store the costs by end use
    cost_by_end_use = {}

    # fill the map with 0.0's to start
    end_use_cat_types.each do |end_use_cat_type|
      cost_by_end_use[end_use_cat_type] = 0.0

    # only attempt to get monthly data if enduses table is available
    if @sql.endUses.is_initialized
      end_uses_table = @sql.endUses.get
      # loop through all the fuel types
      end_use_fuel_types.each do |end_use_fuel_type|
        # get the annual total cost for this fuel type
        ann_cost = annual_utility_cost_map[end_use_fuel_type.valueName]
        # get the total annual usage for this fuel type in all end use categories
        # loop through all end uses, adding the annual usage value to the aggregator
        ann_usg = 0.0
        end_use_cat_types.each do |end_use_cat_type|
          ann_usg += end_uses_table.getEndUse(end_use_fuel_type, end_use_cat_type)
        # figure out the annual blended rate for this fuel type
        avg_ann_rate = 0.0
        if ann_cost > 0 && ann_usg > 0
          avg_ann_rate = ann_cost / ann_usg
        # for each end use category, figure out the cost if using
        # the avg ann rate; add this cost to the map
        end_use_cat_types.each do |end_use_cat_type|
          cost_by_end_use[end_use_cat_type] += end_uses_table.getEndUse(end_use_fuel_type, end_use_cat_type) * avg_ann_rate
      # loop through the end uses and record the annual total cost based on the avg annual rate
      end_use_cat_types.each do |end_use_cat_type|
        # record the value
        end_uses_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new(end_use_map[end_use_cat_type.value], cost_by_end_use[end_use_cat_type], 'dollars')
        @runner.registerValue("annual_utility_cost_end_uses_#{end_use_map[end_use_cat_type.value]}", cost_by_end_use[end_use_cat_type], 'dollars')
      @runner.registerError('End-Use table not available in results; could not retrieve monthly costs by end use')
      return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('report', result_elems)

    # end end_uses
    utility_cost_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('end_uses', end_uses_elems)

    # end utility_costs
    annual_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('utility_cost', utility_cost_elems)

    # end annual
    result_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('annual', annual_elems)

    # monthly
    monthly_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new

    # consumption
    cons_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    # loop through all end uses
    end_use_cat_types.each do |end_use_cat|
      end_use_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
      end_use_name = end_use_map[end_use_cat.value]
      # in each end use, loop through all fuel types
      end_use_fuel_types.each do |end_use_fuel_type|
        fuel_type_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
        fuel_type_name = fuel_type_alias_map[end_use_fuel_type.value]
        ann_energy_cons = 0.0
        # in each end use, loop through months and get monthly enedy consumption
        months.each_with_index do |month, i|
          mon_energy_cons = 0.0
          val = @sql.energyConsumptionByMonth(end_use_fuel_type, end_use_cat, month)
          if val.is_initialized
            monthly_consumption_J = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(val.get, joule_unit)
            monthly_consumption_GJ = OpenStudio.convert(monthly_consumption_J, gigajoule_unit).get.value
            mon_energy_cons = monthly_consumption_GJ
            ann_energy_cons += monthly_consumption_GJ
          # record the monthly value
          if end_use_fuel_type == OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new('Water')
            fuel_type_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('month', mon_energy_cons, 'm^3')
            @runner.registerValue("monthly_consumption_#{end_use_name}_#{fuel_type_name}_month_#{i + 1}", mon_energy_cons, 'm^3')
            fuel_type_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('month', mon_energy_cons, 'GJ')
            @runner.registerValue("monthly_consumption_#{end_use_name}_#{fuel_type_name}_month_#{i + 1}", mon_energy_cons, 'GJ')
        # record the annual total
        fuel_type_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_energy_cons, 'GJ')
        @runner.registerValue("monthly_consumption_#{end_use_name}_#{fuel_type_name}_year", ann_energy_cons, 'GJ')
        # add this fuel type
        end_use_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new(fuel_type_alias_map[end_use_fuel_type.value], fuel_type_elems)
      # add this end use
      cons_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new(end_use_map[end_use_cat.value], end_use_elems)
    # end consumption
    monthly_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('consumption', cons_elems)

    # create a unit to use
    watt_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('W').get
    kilowatt_unit = OpenStudio.createUnit('kW').get

    # demand
    demand_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    # loop through all end uses
    end_use_cat_types.each do |end_use_cat|
      end_use_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
      end_use_name = end_use_map[end_use_cat.value]
      # in each end use, loop through all fuel types
      end_use_fuel_types.each do |end_use_fuel_type|
        fuel_type_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
        fuel_type_name = fuel_type_alias_map[end_use_fuel_type.value]
        ann_peak_demand = 0.0
        # in each end use, loop through months and get monthly enedy consumption
        months.each_with_index do |month, i|
          mon_peak_demand = 0.0
          val = @sql.peakEnergyDemandByMonth(end_use_fuel_type, end_use_cat, month)
          if val.is_initialized
            mon_peak_demand_W = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(val.get, watt_unit)
            mon_peak_demand = OpenStudio.convert(mon_peak_demand_W, kilowatt_unit).get.value
          # record the monthly value
          fuel_type_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('month', mon_peak_demand, 'kW')
          @runner.registerValue("monthly_demand_#{end_use_name}_#{fuel_type_name}_month_#{i + 1}", mon_peak_demand, 'kW')
          # if month peak demand > ann peak demand make this new ann peak demand
          if mon_peak_demand > ann_peak_demand
            ann_peak_demand = mon_peak_demand
        # record the annual peak demand
        fuel_type_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('year', ann_peak_demand, 'kW')
        @runner.registerValue("monthly_demand_#{end_use_name}_#{fuel_type_name}_year", ann_peak_demand, 'kW')
        # add this fuel type
        end_use_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new(fuel_type_alias_map[end_use_fuel_type.value], fuel_type_elems)
      # add this end use
      demand_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new(end_use_map[end_use_cat.value], end_use_elems)
    # end demand
    monthly_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('demand', demand_elems)

    # end monthly
    result_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('monthly', monthly_elems)

    result_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('results', result_elems)
    return result_elem
    end # end create_results