require 'rspec' require 'configure-s3-website' Aws.config[:stub_responses] = true describe ConfigureS3Website::S3Client do context 'bucket name' do let(:config_source) {'spec/sample_files/_custom_index_and_error_docs.yml') } it 'calls the S3 API with the correct bucket name' do allow_any_instance_of(Aws::S3::Client).to receive(:put_bucket_website).with( hash_including( :bucket => "my-bucket" ) ) ConfigureS3Website::S3Client.configure_website({config_source: config_source}) end end describe 'the EU region alias' do let(:config_source) {'spec/sample_files/_config_file_EU.yml') } it 'translates into eu-west-1' do allow_any_instance_of(Aws::S3::Client).to receive(:create_bucket).with( hash_including( create_bucket_configuration: { location_constraint: 'eu-west-1' } ) ) ConfigureS3Website::S3Client.send(:create_bucket, config_source) end end context 'custom index and error documents' do let(:config_source) {'spec/sample_files/_custom_index_and_error_docs.yml') } it 'calls the S3 API with the custom index and error documents' do allow_any_instance_of(Aws::S3::Client).to receive(:put_bucket_website).with( hash_including( :website_configuration=> { :index_document => { :suffix => "default.html" }, :error_document => { :key => "404.html" }, :routing_rules => nil } ) ) ConfigureS3Website::S3Client.configure_website({config_source: config_source}) end end context 'create bucket' do [ { :region => 'us-east-1' }, { :region => 'us-west-1' }, { :region => 'us-west-2' }, { :region => 'ap-south-1' }, { :region => 'ap-northeast-2' }, { :region => 'ap-southeast-1' }, { :region => 'ap-southeast-2' }, { :region => 'ap-northeast-1' }, { :region => 'eu-central-1' }, { :region => 'eu-west-1' }, { :region => 'sa-east-1' }, ].each { |conf| it 'calls the S3 CreateBucket API with the correct location constraint' do allow_any_instance_of(Aws::S3::Client).to receive(:create_bucket).with( hash_including( create_bucket_configuration: if conf[:region] == 'us-east-1' nil else { location_constraint: conf[:region] } end ) ) config_source = double('config_source') allow(config_source).to receive(:s3_access_key_id).and_return('test') allow(config_source).to receive(:s3_secret_access_key).and_return('test') allow(config_source).to receive(:s3_bucket_name).and_return('test-bucket') allow(config_source).to receive(:s3_endpoint).and_return(conf[:region]) ConfigureS3Website::S3Client.send(:create_bucket, config_source) end } end context 'bucket policy' do let(:config_source) {'spec/sample_files/_custom_index_and_error_docs.yml') } it 'sets the bucket readable to the whole world' do allow_any_instance_of(Aws::S3::Client).to receive(:put_bucket_policy).with( hash_including( :policy => "{\n \"Version\":\"2008-10-17\",\n \"Statement\":[{\n \"Sid\":\"PublicReadForGetBucketObjects\",\n \"Effect\":\"Allow\",\n \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"*\" },\n \"Action\":[\"s3:GetObject\"],\n \"Resource\":[\"arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*\"]\n }]\n }" ) ) ConfigureS3Website::S3Client.configure_website({config_source: config_source}) end end context 'redirect rules' do let(:config_source) {'spec/sample_files/_custom_index_and_error_docs_with_routing_rules.yml') } it 'calls the S3 API with the redirect rules settings' do allow_any_instance_of(Aws::S3::Client).to receive(:put_bucket_website).with( hash_including( :website_configuration => { :index_document => { :suffix => "default.html" }, :error_document => { :key => "missing.html" }, :routing_rules => [ { :condition => { :key_prefix_equals => "blog/some_path" }, :redirect => { :host_name => "", :replace_key_prefix_with => "some_new_path/", :http_redirect_code => "301" } } ] } ) ) ConfigureS3Website::S3Client.configure_website({config_source: config_source}) end end end