Resources Management Line of BusinessHR LOBGovernment-wide, modern, cost effective, standardized, and interoperable Human Resource (HR) solutions providing common core functionality to support the strategic management of Human Capital.1Strategic ManagementImprove the Governmentwide strategic management of human capital (faster decision making, more informed policy making, more effective workforce management, improved resource alignment with agency missions.)2Operational EfficienciesAchieve or increase operational efficiencies in the acquisition, development, implementation and operation of human resources management and supporting systems (improved servicing ratio / response times, reduced cycle times, improved automated reporting.)3Cost SavingsAchieve or increase cost savings/avoidance from HR solution activities (reduced duplicative software / hardware / operations / labor resources, increased competitive environment.)4Customer ServiceImprove customer service (increased accessibility to client and value, improved communication and responsiveness, enhanced quality, timeliness, accuracy and consistency.)