# @title Javascript API # Javascript API Zen comes with a pretty good Javascript API that's based on the [Mootools][mootools]. This API allows you to display modal windows, markup editors and so on. On top of that you're free to use everything Mootools and it's community has to offer.

Note: Whenever you're creating Javascript files you should use 4 spaces per indentation and refrain from using tabs. 4 spaces are used as 2 spaces are generally harder to read due to Javascript using curly brackets.

## Creating Classes Mootools has a wonderful system that allows you to easily create classes. The one thing to remember when creating classes is that you should *always* declare them under a certain namespace. Not doing so might lead to collisions with classes created by other developers. Creating a class (including a namespace) works like the following: namespace('Foobar'); Foobar.ClassName = new Class( { initialize: function() { } }); This allows you to access your class as following: var instance = new Foobar.ClassName(); The namespace you're using doesn't really matter as long as you **do not** use the "Zen" namespace, it's reserved for all the classes that ship with Zen. It's also important to remember that there's no guarantee Javascript (and CSS) files are loaded in a particular order. Because of that you should always wrap your code (except for class declarations and such) in the following code: window.addEvent('domready', function() { // Do something funky! }); This function will be executed once the DOM (and thus all the resources) are fully loaded. ## Available Classes Out of the box the following classes are available: * {file:javascript/zen_window Zen.Window} * {file:javascript/zen_tabs Zen.Tabs} * {file:javascript/zen_hash Zen.Hash} * {file:javascript/zen_editor Zen.Editor} * {file:javascript/zen_htmltable Zen.HtmlTable} * {file:javascript/zen_autosave Zen.Autosave} * {file:javascript/zen_form Zen.Form} The following third-party classes are also provided: * Picker * Picker.Date * Picker.Attach ## Datepickers Zen comes with a version of [Mootools Datepicker][mootools datepicker]. To load this datepicker you must load the asset group ``:datepicker`` in your controller: class Posts < Zen::Controller::AdminController map '/admin/posts' load_asset_group [:datepicker], [:new, :edit] def new end def edit(id) end end For more information on loading assets see {file:asset_management.md Asset Management}. In order to use the datepicker you'll have to add the class "date" to your input elements: In order to customize the datepicker you can set the following attributes: * data-date-format: a custom date format to use for input and output values. Set to the format as defined in ``Zen.date_format`` by default. * data-date-time: when set to "1" or "true" users can also select a time. Set to false by default. * data-date-min: string containing the minimum date. * data-date-max: string containing the maximum date. An example of using these attributes is the following: [mootools]: http://mootools.net/ [mootools datepicker]: https://github.com/arian/mootools-datepicker