require 'helper' class TestWatchers < FunWith::Files::TestCase context "testing Watcher as it benevolently watches over the files placed under its care" do setup do tmpdir # assigns @tmpdir a freshly created temp directory @tmpdir end teardown do @tmpdir.rm end should "watch an empty directory as a subdirectory and a file are added" do @tmpdir.touch_dir :lethe do |d| file = d.join( "forgotten_file.txt" ) file.write( "someone help me remember this" ) get_changes do assert_changes :created, d, file end file.append( "\nbecause I don't trust my brain to keep track of things" ) get_changes(1) do assert_changes :modified, file end d.rm get_changes do assert_changes :deleted, d, file end end end should "watch an empty directory as a bunch of changes happen" do @tmpdir.touch_dir( :battles ) do |d0| @tmpdir.touch_dir( :bunker_hill ) do |d1| file0 = d1.join( "troop_movements.csv" ) file0.write( "My dearest Sarah,\n\tI fear this may be the last time I write to you. Our forces are outnumbered." ) get_changes do assert_changes :created, d0, d1, file0 end file0.append "Supplies are scarce and the horses have lost their patience with us." get_changes(1) do assert_changes :modified, file0 end d1.rm get_changes(2) do assert_changes :deleted, d1, file0 end end d0.rm get_changes(1) do assert_changes :deleted, d0 end end end should "watch for a file that doesn't exist yet" do @tmpdir.touch_dir( "web_app" ) do |d| watch( d.join( "restart.txt" ) ) get_changes(0) restart_file = d.touch( "restart.txt" ) get_changes(1) do assert_changes :created, restart_file end restart_file.rm get_changes(1) do assert_changes :deleted, restart_file end get_changes(0) end end should "build out a filesystem using DirectoryBuilder" do @tmpdir.touch_dir( :ebook ) do |ebook| watch ebook DirectoryBuilder.create( ebook ) do |builder| builder.dir( :html ) do builder.file "title_page.xhtml", "Make sure we get some neato art to go here." builder.file "chapter1.xhtml", "Besta times, worsta times, y'know?" builder.file "chapter2.xhtml", "I see a magpie perched on the roof." end builder.dir( :css ) do builder.file "main.css", "p{ background-color: painfully-pink}" builder.file "title_page.css", "body{ width: 80% }" end builder.dir( :images ) do builder.file "cover.png", "We shoulda hired a graphic designer" end end html_dir = ebook / :html images_dir = ebook / :images cover_file = images_dir / "cover.png" get_changes(9) do assert_changes :created, # ebook, # already existed when the watcher started html_dir, html_dir / "title_page.xhtml", ebook / :css, ebook / :css / "main.css", images_dir, cover_file end cover_file.append ", Trevor worked out okay last time, can we use him again?" # debugger get_changes(2) do assert_changes :modified, cover_file, images_dir, html_dir end images_dir.rm get_changes(2) do assert_changes :deleted, images_dir, cover_file, html_dir end end end should "only notice changes that aren't excluded by filters" do @tmpdir.touch_dir( :application_code ) do |code| watch( code ) @watcher.filter( notice: /\.cpp$/, ignore: /main.cpp$/ ) f0 = code.touch( "main.cpp" ) f1 = code.touch( "counter.cpp" ) get_changes( count: 1 ) do assert_changes :added, f1 end end end end def watch( *paths ) @watcher = *paths ).sleep_interval( 0.01 ) end def get_changes( count: nil, expected: nil, &block ) @changes = @watcher.update yield if block_given? assert_change_count( count ) unless count.nil? assert_change_set( expected ) unless expected.nil? end def assert_changes( status, *paths ) assert_kind_of Hash, @changes oopsies = {} for path in paths path_to_report = path.relative_path_from(@tmpdir).to_s if @changes.has_key?( path ) oopsies[path_to_report] = :change_not_reported elsif status != @changes[path] oopsies[path_to_report] = { :expected => status, :actual => @changes[path] } end unless oopsies.fwf_blank? assert false, "Unexpected:" + oopsies.inspect end end end def assert_change_count( i ) assert defined?( @changes ) assert_kind_of Hash, @changes assert_length i, @changes end end