#pragma once #include "LDAModel.hpp" #include "../Utils/PolyaGamma.hpp" #include "SLDA.h" /* Implementation of sLDA using Gibbs sampling by bab2min * Mcauliffe, J. D., & Blei, D. M. (2008). Supervised topic models. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 121-128). * Python version implementation using Gibbs sampling : https://github.com/Savvysherpa/slda */ namespace tomoto { namespace detail { template struct GLMFunctor { Eigen::Matrix regressionCoef; // Dim : (K) GLMFunctor(size_t K = 0, Float mu = 0) : regressionCoef(Eigen::Matrix::Constant(K, mu)) { } virtual ISLDAModel::GLM getType() const = 0; virtual void updateZLL( Eigen::Matrix& zLikelihood, Float y, const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, size_t docId, Float docSize) const = 0; virtual void optimizeCoef( const Eigen::Matrix& normZ, Float mu, Float nuSq, Eigen::Block, -1, 1, true> ys ) = 0; virtual double getLL(Float y, const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, Float docSize) const = 0; virtual Float estimate(const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, Float docSize) const = 0; virtual ~GLMFunctor() {}; DEFINE_SERIALIZER_VIRTUAL(regressionCoef); static void serializerWrite(const std::unique_ptr& p, std::ostream& ostr) { if (!p) serializer::writeToStream(ostr, 0); else { serializer::writeToStream(ostr, (uint32_t)p->getType() + 1); p->serializerWrite(ostr); } } static void serializerRead(std::unique_ptr& p, std::istream& istr); }; template struct LinearFunctor : public GLMFunctor<_WeightType> { Float sigmaSq = 1; LinearFunctor(size_t K = 0, Float mu = 0, Float _sigmaSq = 1) : GLMFunctor<_WeightType>(K, mu), sigmaSq(_sigmaSq) { } ISLDAModel::GLM getType() const override { return ISLDAModel::GLM::linear; } void updateZLL( Eigen::Matrix& zLikelihood, Float y, const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, size_t docId, Float docSize) const override { Float yErr = y - (this->regressionCoef.array() * numByTopic.array().template cast()).sum() / docSize; zLikelihood.array() *= (this->regressionCoef.array() / docSize / 2 / sigmaSq * (2 * yErr - this->regressionCoef.array() / docSize)).exp(); } void optimizeCoef( const Eigen::Matrix& normZ, Float mu, Float nuSq, Eigen::Block, -1, 1, true> ys ) override { Eigen::Matrix selectedNormZ = normZ.array().rowwise() * (!ys.array().transpose().isNaN()).template cast(); Eigen::Matrix normZZT = selectedNormZ * selectedNormZ.transpose(); normZZT += Eigen::Matrix::Identity(normZZT.cols(), normZZT.cols()) / nuSq; this->regressionCoef = normZZT.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(selectedNormZ * ys.array().isNaN().select(0, ys).matrix()); } double getLL(Float y, const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, Float docSize) const override { Float estimatedY = estimate(numByTopic, docSize); return -pow(estimatedY - y, 2) / 2 / sigmaSq; } Float estimate(const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, Float docSize) const override { return (this->regressionCoef.array() * numByTopic.array().template cast()).sum() / std::max(docSize, 0.01f); } DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE(GLMFunctor<_WeightType>, sigmaSq); }; template struct BinaryLogisticFunctor : public GLMFunctor<_WeightType> { Float b = 1; Eigen::Matrix omega; BinaryLogisticFunctor(size_t K = 0, Float mu = 0, Float _b = 1, size_t numDocs = 0) : GLMFunctor<_WeightType>(K, mu), b(_b), omega{ Eigen::Matrix::Ones(numDocs) } { } ISLDAModel::GLM getType() const override { return ISLDAModel::GLM::binary_logistic; } void updateZLL( Eigen::Matrix& zLikelihood, Float y, const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, size_t docId, Float docSize) const override { Float yErr = b * (y - 0.5f) - (this->regressionCoef.array() * numByTopic.array().template cast()).sum() / docSize * omega[docId]; zLikelihood.array() *= (this->regressionCoef.array() / docSize * (yErr - omega[docId] / 2 * this->regressionCoef.array() / docSize)).exp(); } void optimizeCoef( const Eigen::Matrix& normZ, Float mu, Float nuSq, Eigen::Block, -1, 1, true> ys ) override { Eigen::Matrix selectedNormZ = normZ.array().rowwise() * (!ys.array().transpose().isNaN()).template cast(); Eigen::Matrix normZZT = selectedNormZ * Eigen::DiagonalMatrix{ omega } * selectedNormZ.transpose(); normZZT += Eigen::Matrix::Identity(normZZT.cols(), normZZT.cols()) / nuSq; this->regressionCoef = normZZT .colPivHouseholderQr().solve(selectedNormZ * ys.array().isNaN().select(0, b * (ys.array() - 0.5f)).matrix() + Eigen::Matrix::Constant(selectedNormZ.rows(), mu / nuSq)); RandGen rng; for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)omega.size(); ++i) { if (std::isnan(ys[i])) continue; omega[i] = math::drawPolyaGamma(b, (this->regressionCoef.array() * normZ.col(i).array()).sum(), rng); } } double getLL(Float y, const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, Float docSize) const override { Float z = (this->regressionCoef.array() * numByTopic.array().template cast()).sum() / std::max(docSize, 0.01f); return b * (y * z - log(1 + exp(z))); } Float estimate(const Eigen::Matrix<_WeightType, -1, 1>& numByTopic, Float docSize) const override { Float z = (this->regressionCoef.array() * numByTopic.array().template cast()).sum() / std::max(docSize, 0.01f); return 1 / (1 + exp(-z)); } DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE(GLMFunctor<_WeightType>, b, omega); }; } template, typename _ModelState = ModelStateLDA<_tw>> class SLDAModel : public LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, _Flags, _Interface, typename std::conditional::value, SLDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, _Flags>, _Derived>::type, _DocType, _ModelState> { protected: using DerivedClass = typename std::conditional::value, SLDAModel<_tw, _RandGen>, _Derived>::type; using BaseClass = LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, _Flags, _Interface, DerivedClass, _DocType, _ModelState>; friend BaseClass; friend typename BaseClass::BaseClass; using WeightType = typename BaseClass::WeightType; static constexpr char TMID[] = "SLDA"; uint64_t F; // number of response variables std::vector varTypes; std::vector glmParam; Eigen::Matrix mu; // Mean of regression coefficients, Dim : (F) Eigen::Matrix nuSq; // Variance of regression coefficients, Dim : (F) std::vector>> responseVars; Eigen::Matrix normZ; // topic proportions for all docs, Dim : (K, D) Eigen::Matrix Ys; // response variables, Dim : (D, F) template Float* getZLikelihoods(_ModelState& ld, const _DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t vid) const { const size_t V = this->realV; assert(vid < V); auto etaHelper = this->template getEtaHelper<_asymEta>(); auto& zLikelihood = ld.zLikelihood; zLikelihood = (doc.numByTopic.array().template cast() + this->alphas.array()) * (ld.numByTopicWord.col(vid).array().template cast() + etaHelper.getEta(vid)) / (ld.numByTopic.array().template cast() + etaHelper.getEtaSum()); for (size_t f = 0; f < F; ++f) { if (std::isnan(doc.y[f])) continue; responseVars[f]->updateZLL(zLikelihood, doc.y[f], doc.numByTopic, docId, doc.getSumWordWeight()); } sample::prefixSum(zLikelihood.data(), this->K); return &zLikelihood[0]; } void optimizeRegressionCoef() { for (size_t i = 0; i < this->docs.size(); ++i) { normZ.col(i) = this->docs[i].numByTopic.array().template cast() / std::max((Float)this->docs[i].getSumWordWeight(), 0.01f); } for (size_t f = 0; f < F; ++f) { responseVars[f]->optimizeCoef(normZ, mu[f], nuSq[f], Ys.col(f)); } } void optimizeParameters(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs) { BaseClass::optimizeParameters(pool, localData, rgs); } void updateGlobalInfo(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState* localData) { optimizeRegressionCoef(); } template double getLLDocs(_DocIter _first, _DocIter _last) const { const auto K = this->K; double ll = 0; for (; _first != _last; ++_first) { auto& doc = *_first; ll -= math::lgammaT(doc.getSumWordWeight() + this->alphas.sum()) - math::lgammaT(this->alphas.sum()); for (size_t f = 0; f < F; ++f) { if (std::isnan(doc.y[f])) continue; ll += responseVars[f]->getLL(doc.y[f], doc.numByTopic, doc.getSumWordWeight()); } for (Tid k = 0; k < K; ++k) { ll += math::lgammaT(doc.numByTopic[k] + this->alphas[k]) - math::lgammaT(this->alphas[k]); } } return ll; } double getLLRest(const _ModelState& ld) const { double ll = BaseClass::getLLRest(ld); for (size_t f = 0; f < F; ++f) { ll -= (responseVars[f]->regressionCoef.array() - mu[f]).pow(2).sum() / 2 / nuSq[f]; } return ll; } void prepareDoc(_DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t wordSize) const { BaseClass::prepareDoc(doc, docId, wordSize); } void initGlobalState(bool initDocs) { BaseClass::initGlobalState(initDocs); if (initDocs) { for (size_t f = 0; f < F; ++f) { std::unique_ptr> v; switch (varTypes[f]) { case ISLDAModel::GLM::linear: v = make_unique>(this->K, mu[f], f < glmParam.size() ? glmParam[f] : 1.f); break; case ISLDAModel::GLM::binary_logistic: v = make_unique>(this->K, mu[f], f < glmParam.size() ? glmParam[f] : 1.f, this->docs.size()); break; } responseVars.emplace_back(std::move(v)); } } Ys.resize(this->docs.size(), F); normZ.resize(this->K, this->docs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->docs.size(); ++i) { Ys.row(i) = Eigen::Map>(this->docs[i].y.data(), F); } } public: DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 0, F, responseVars, mu, nuSq); DEFINE_TAGGED_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 1, 0x00010001, F, responseVars, mu, nuSq); SLDAModel(size_t _K = 1, const std::vector& vars = {}, Float _alpha = 0.1, Float _eta = 0.01, const std::vector& _mu = {}, const std::vector& _nuSq = {}, const std::vector& _glmParam = {}, size_t _rg = std::random_device{}()) : BaseClass(_K, _alpha, _eta, _rg), F(vars.size()), varTypes(vars), glmParam(_glmParam) { for (auto t : varTypes) { if (t != ISLDAModel::GLM::linear && t != ISLDAModel::GLM::binary_logistic) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(std::runtime_error, "unknown var GLM type in 'vars'"); } mu = decltype(mu)::Zero(F); std::copy(_mu.begin(), _mu.end(), mu.data()); nuSq = decltype(nuSq)::Ones(F); std::copy(_nuSq.begin(), _nuSq.end(), nuSq.data()); } std::vector getRegressionCoef(size_t f) const override { return { responseVars[f]->regressionCoef.data(), responseVars[f]->regressionCoef.data() + this->K }; } GETTER(F, size_t, F); ISLDAModel::GLM getTypeOfVar(size_t f) const override { return responseVars[f]->getType(); } template _DocType& _updateDoc(_DocType& doc, const std::vector& y) { if (_const) { if (y.size() > F) throw std::runtime_error{ text::format( "size of `y` is greater than the number of vars.\n" "size of `y` : %zd, number of vars: %zd", y.size(), F) }; doc.y = y; while (doc.y.size() < F) { doc.y.emplace_back(NAN); } } else { if (y.size() != F) throw std::runtime_error{ text::format( "size of `y` must be equal to the number of vars.\n" "size of `y` : %zd, number of vars: %zd", y.size(), F) }; doc.y = y; } return doc; } size_t addDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc, const RawDocTokenizer::Factory& tokenizer) override { auto doc = this->template _makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc, tokenizer); return this->_addDoc(_updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMiscDefault>("y"))); } std::unique_ptr makeDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc, const RawDocTokenizer::Factory& tokenizer) const override { auto doc = as_mutable(this)->template _makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc, tokenizer); return make_unique<_DocType>(as_mutable(this)->template _updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMiscDefault>("y"))); } size_t addDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc) override { auto doc = this->_makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc); return this->_addDoc(_updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMiscDefault>("y"))); } std::unique_ptr makeDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc) const override { auto doc = as_mutable(this)->template _makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc); return make_unique<_DocType>(as_mutable(this)->template _updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMiscDefault>("y"))); } std::vector estimateVars(const DocumentBase* doc) const override { std::vector ret; auto pdoc = dynamic_cast(doc); if (!pdoc) return ret; for (auto& f : responseVars) { ret.emplace_back(f->estimate(pdoc->numByTopic, pdoc->getSumWordWeight())); } return ret; } }; template void detail::GLMFunctor<_WeightType>::serializerRead( std::unique_ptr>& p, std::istream& istr) { uint32_t t = serializer::readFromStream(istr); if (!t) p.reset(); else { switch ((ISLDAModel::GLM)(t - 1)) { case ISLDAModel::GLM::linear: p = make_unique>(); break; case ISLDAModel::GLM::binary_logistic: p = make_unique>(); break; default: throw std::ios_base::failure(text::format("wrong GLMFunctor type id %d", (t - 1))); } p->serializerRead(istr); } } }