require 'spec_helper' require 'date' require 'time' describe Riddle::Query::Select do let(:query) { } it 'handles basic queries on a specific index' do query.from('foo_core').to_sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core' end it 'handles queries on multiple indices' do query.from('foo_core').from('foo_delta').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core, foo_delta' end it 'accepts multiple arguments for indices' do query.from('foo_core', 'foo_delta').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core, foo_delta' end it "handles custom select values" do query.values('@weight').from('foo_core').to_sql. should == 'SELECT @weight FROM foo_core' end it "can prepend select values" do query.values('@weight').prepend_values('foo').from('foo_core').to_sql. should == 'SELECT foo, @weight FROM foo_core' end it 'handles basic queries with a search term' do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo')" end it "escapes single quotes in the search terms" do query.from('foo_core').matching("fo'o").to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('fo\\'o')" end it 'handles filters with integers' do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:bar_id => 10).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar_id` = 10" end it "handles exclusive filters with integers" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where_not(:bar_id => 10).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar_id` <> 10" end it "handles filters with true" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:bar => true).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar` = 1" end it "handles exclusive filters with true" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where_not(:bar => true).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar` <> 1" end it "handles filters with false" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:bar => false).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar` = 0" end it "handles exclusive filters with false" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where_not(:bar => false).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar` <> 0" end it "handles filters with arrays" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:bars => [1, 2]).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bars` IN (1, 2)" end it "ignores filters with empty arrays" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:bars => []).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo')" end it "handles exclusive filters with arrays" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where_not(:bars => [1, 2]).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bars` NOT IN (1, 2)" end it "ignores exclusive filters with empty arrays" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where_not(:bars => []).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo')" end it "handles filters with timestamps" do time = query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:created_at => time).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `created_at` = #{time.to_i}" end it "handles filters with dates" do date = 2014, 1, 1 query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:created_at => date).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `created_at` = #{Time.utc(2014, 1, 1).to_i}" end it "handles exclusive filters with timestamps" do time = query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where_not(:created_at => time). to_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `created_at` <> #{time.to_i}" end it "handles filters with ranges" do query.from('foo_core').matching('foo').where(:bar => 1..5).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE MATCH('foo') AND `bar` BETWEEN 1 AND 5" end it "handles filters expecting matches on all values" do query.from('foo_core').where_all(:bars => [1, 2]).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE `bars` = 1 AND `bars` = 2" end it "handles filters expecting matches on all combinations of values" do query.from('foo_core').where_all(:bars => [[1,2], 3]).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE `bars` IN (1, 2) AND `bars` = 3" end it "handles exclusive filters expecting matches on none of the values" do query.from('foo_core').where_not_all(:bars => [1, 2]).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core WHERE (`bars` <> 1 OR `bars` <> 2)" end it 'handles grouping' do query.from('foo_core').group_by('bar_id').to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core GROUP BY `bar_id`" end it "handles grouping n-best results" do query.from('foo_core').group_by('bar_id').group_best(3).to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core GROUP 3 BY `bar_id`" end it 'handles having conditions' do query.from('foo_core').group_by('bar_id').having('bar_id > 10').to_sql. should == "SELECT * FROM foo_core GROUP BY `bar_id` HAVING bar_id > 10" end it 'handles ordering' do query.from('foo_core').order_by('bar_id ASC').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core ORDER BY `bar_id` ASC' end it 'handles ordering when an already escaped column is passed in' do query.from('foo_core').order_by('`bar_id` ASC').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core ORDER BY `bar_id` ASC' end it 'handles ordering when just a symbol is passed in' do query.from('foo_core').order_by(:bar_id).to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core ORDER BY `bar_id`' end it 'handles ordering when a computed sphinx variable is passed in' do query.from('foo_core').order_by('@weight DESC').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core ORDER BY @weight DESC' end it "handles ordering when a sphinx function is passed in" do query.from('foo_core').order_by('weight() DESC').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core ORDER BY weight() DESC' end it 'handles group ordering' do query.from('foo_core').order_within_group_by('bar_id ASC').to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY `bar_id` ASC' end it 'handles a limit' do query.from('foo_core').limit(10).to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core LIMIT 10' end it 'handles an offset' do query.from('foo_core').offset(20).to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core LIMIT 20, 20' end it 'handles an option' do query.from('foo_core').with_options(:bar => :baz).to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core OPTION bar=baz' end it 'handles multiple options' do sql = query.from('foo_core').with_options(:bar => :baz, :qux => :quux). to_sql sql.should match(/OPTION .*bar=baz/) sql.should match(/OPTION .*qux=quux/) end it "handles options of hashes" do query.from('foo_core').with_options(:weights => {:foo => 5}).to_sql. should == 'SELECT * FROM foo_core OPTION weights=(foo=5)' end end