module Refinery module Admin class PagesController < Refinery::AdminController prepend Pages::InstanceMethods crudify :'refinery/page', :include => [:translations, :children], :paging => false helper_method :valid_layout_templates, :valid_view_templates def new @page = Pages.default_parts_for(@page).each_with_index do |page_part, index| << => page_part[:title], :slug => page_part[:slug], :position => index) end end def children @page = find_page render :layout => false end def update if @page.update_attributes(page_params) flash.notice = t('refinery.crudify.updated', what: "'#{@page.title}'") if from_dialog? self.index @dialog_successful = true render :index else if params[:continue_editing] =~ /true|on|1/ if request.xhr? render partial: 'save_and_continue_callback', locals: save_and_continue_locals(@page) else redirect_to :back end else redirect_back_or_default(refinery.admin_pages_path) end end else if request.xhr? render :partial => '/refinery/admin/error_messages', :locals => { :object => @page, :include_object_name => true } else render 'edit' end end end protected def after_update_positions find_all_pages render :partial => '/refinery/admin/pages/sortable_list' and return end def find_page @page = Page.find_by_path_or_id!(params[:path], params[:id]) end alias_method :page, :find_page # We can safely assume ::Refinery::I18n is defined because this method only gets # Invoked when the before_action from the plugin is run. def globalize! return super unless action_name.to_s == 'index' # Always display the tree of pages from the default frontend locale. if[:switch_locale]) Globalize.locale = params[:switch_locale].try(:to_sym) else Globalize.locale = Refinery::I18n.default_frontend_locale end end def valid_layout_templates Pages.layout_template_whitelist & Pages.valid_templates(*Pages.layout_templates_pattern) end def valid_view_templates Pages.valid_templates(*Pages.view_templates_pattern) end def page_params params.require(:page).permit(permitted_page_params) end def new_page_params params.permit(:parent_id, :view_template, :layout_template) end private def permitted_page_params [ :browser_title, :draft, :link_url, :menu_title, :meta_description, :parent_id, :skip_to_first_child, :show_in_menu, :title, :view_template, :layout_template, :custom_slug, parts_attributes: [:id, :title, :slug, :body, :position] ] end def save_and_continue_locals(page) nested_url = page.nested_url { new_refinery_edit_page_path: refinery.admin_edit_page_path(nested_url), new_refinery_page_path: refinery.admin_page_path(nested_url), new_page_path: refinery.pages_admin_preview_page_path(nested_url) } end end end end