module Reap class Manager # Clean scrap products. All directory paths and or file globs # listed under the clean configuration entry, can be removed via # this method. By default all files ending with "~" or .back # are removed. To specifcy an alternate provide a list of files # and/or glibs under +remove:+ sub-entry. You can also provide # an +exclude:+ sub-entry to isolate files not to be removed. # For example, on might do: # # clean: # remove [ '**/*~', '**/*.bak', '.config' ] # # Clean is run as a prerequiste to #release via #prepare. def clean(options=nil) options = configure_options(options, 'clean') remove = options['remove'] exclude = options['exclude'] remove = list_option(remove) exclude = list_option(exclude) files = multiglob_r(*remove) - multiglob_r(exclude) return if files.empty? puts files.join("\n") if verbose? ans = ask("Remove files?", "yN").downcase return unless ans == 'y' or ans == 'yes' end files.each do |f| rm(f) if File.exist?(f) end end # Run all clobber methods. This method literally looks for all other # methods starting with the phrase "clobber_" and calls them, then # runs #clean as well. def clobber(options=nil) clobber_methods ={ |m| m.to_s =~ /^clobber_/ } clobber_methods.each do |m| send(m) end clean end end end