require 'moosex' class LazyFox include MooseX has something: { is: :lazy } has other_thing: { is: :rw, lazy: true, predicate: true, clearer: true, builder: :my_build_other_thing, } has lazy_attr_who_accepts_lambda: { is: :lazy, builder: ->(this){ this.something } } has lazy_with_default: { is: :lazy, default: 10, clearer: true, builder: ->(this) { 1 }, } has last_lazy_attr: { is: :rw, lazy: true, } def build_something 1024 end private def my_build_other_thing 128 end end describe "LazyFox" do it "lazy attr should be act as a normal read only attr" do l = 0) l.something.should == 0 end it "lazy attr should be read-only" do l = expect{ l.something= 1 }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "lazy: true but is :rw should act as a defered default value" do l = l.other_thing.should == 128 l.other_thing = 9 l.other_thing.should == 9 end it "lazy: true should not exists until necessary" do l = l.has_other_thing?.should be_false l.other_thing.should == 128 l.has_other_thing?.should be_true end it "lazy: true :rw should build again" do l = l.other_thing.should == 128 l.has_other_thing?.should be_true l.clear_other_thing! l.has_other_thing?.should be_false l.other_thing.should == 128 l.has_other_thing?.should be_true end it "lazy attr should call build if necessary" do l = l.something.should == 1024 l.other_thing.should == 128 end it "lazy attr should accept lambda" do l = l.lazy_attr_who_accepts_lambda.should == 1024 end it "lazy attr should accept lambda (2)" do l = 2) l.lazy_attr_who_accepts_lambda.should == 2 end it "lazy_with_default should be initialize with default value" do l = l.lazy_with_default.should == 10 l.clear_lazy_with_default! l.lazy_with_default.should == 1 end it "last_lazy_attr will raise error without a builder" do l = expect { l.last_lazy_attr }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "last_lazy_attr will not raise error with a builder" do l = def l.build_last_lazy_attr 0 end l.last_lazy_attr.should be_zero end end