require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:dpkg) do let(:bash_version) { '4.2-5ubuntu3' } let(:bash_installed_output) { "install ok installed bash #{bash_version}\n" } let(:bash_installed_io) { } let(:vim_installed_output) { "install ok installed vim 2:7.3.547-6ubuntu5\n" } let(:all_installed_io) {[bash_installed_output, vim_installed_output].join) } let(:args) { ['-W', '--showformat', %Q{'${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\\n'}] } let(:execute_options) do {:failonfail => true, :combine => true, :custom_environment => {}} end let(:resource_name) { 'package' } let(:resource) { stub 'resource', :[] => resource_name } let(:provider) { } it "has documentation" do expect(described_class.doc).to be_instance_of(String) end context "when listing all instances" do let(:execpipe_args) { args.unshift('myquery') } before do described_class.stubs(:command).with(:dpkgquery).returns 'myquery' end it "creates and return an instance for a single dpkg-query entry" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with(execpipe_args).yields bash_installed_io installed = mock 'bash' described_class.expects(:new).with(:ensure => "4.2-5ubuntu3", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "bash", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg).returns installed expect(described_class.instances).to eq([installed]) end it "parses multiple dpkg-query multi-line entries in the output" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with(execpipe_args).yields all_installed_io bash = mock 'bash' described_class.expects(:new).with(:ensure => "4.2-5ubuntu3", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "bash", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg).returns bash vim = mock 'vim' described_class.expects(:new).with(:ensure => "2:7.3.547-6ubuntu5", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "vim", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg).returns vim expect(described_class.instances).to eq([bash, vim]) end it "continues without failing if it encounters bad lines between good entries" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execpipe).with(execpipe_args).yields[bash_installed_output, "foobar\n", vim_installed_output].join) bash = mock 'bash' vim = mock 'vim' described_class.expects(:new).twice.returns(bash, vim) expect(described_class.instances).to eq([bash, vim]) end end context "when querying the current state" do let(:dpkgquery_path) { '/bin/dpkg-query' } let(:query_args) do args.unshift(dpkgquery_path) args.push(resource_name) end def dpkg_query_execution_returns(output) Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(query_args, execute_options).returns(, 0)) end before do Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with('/usr/bin/dpkg-query').returns(dpkgquery_path) end it "considers the package purged if dpkg-query fails" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(query_args, execute_options).raises"eh") expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:purged) end it "returns a hash of the found package status for an installed package" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output) expect(provider.query).to eq({:ensure => "4.2-5ubuntu3", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "bash", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg}) end it "considers the package absent if the dpkg-query result cannot be interpreted" do dpkg_query_execution_returns('some-bad-data') expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:absent) end it "fails if an error is discovered" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output.gsub("ok","error")) expect { provider.query }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "considers the package purged if it is marked 'not-installed'" do not_installed_bash = bash_installed_output.gsub("installed", "not-installed") not_installed_bash.gsub!(bash_version, "") dpkg_query_execution_returns(not_installed_bash) expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:purged) end it "considers the package absent if it is marked 'config-files'" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output.gsub("installed","config-files")) expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:absent) end it "considers the package absent if it is marked 'half-installed'" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output.gsub("installed","half-installed")) expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:absent) end it "considers the package absent if it is marked 'unpacked'" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output.gsub("installed","unpacked")) expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:absent) end it "considers the package absent if it is marked 'half-configured'" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output.gsub("installed","half-configured")) expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:absent) end it "considers the package held if its state is 'hold'" do dpkg_query_execution_returns(bash_installed_output.gsub("install","hold")) expect(provider.query[:ensure]).to eq(:held) end context "parsing tests" do let(:resource_name) { 'name' } let(:package_hash) do { :desired => 'desired', :error => 'ok', :status => 'status', :name => resource_name, :ensure => 'ensure', :provider => :dpkg, } end let(:package_not_found_hash) do {:ensure => :purged, :status => 'missing', :name => resource_name, :error => 'ok'} end def parser_test(dpkg_output_string, gold_hash, number_of_debug_logs = 0) dpkg_query_execution_returns(dpkg_output_string) Puppet.expects(:warning).never Puppet.expects(:debug).times(number_of_debug_logs) expect(provider.query).to eq(gold_hash) end it "parses properly even if optional ensure field is missing" do no_ensure = 'desired ok status name ' parser_test(no_ensure, package_hash.merge(:ensure => '')) end it "provides debug logging of unparsable lines" do parser_test('an unexpected dpkg msg with an exit code of 0', package_not_found_hash.merge(:ensure => :absent), 1) end it "does not log if execution returns with non-zero exit code" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(query_args, execute_options).raises"failed") Puppet::expects(:debug).never expect(provider.query).to eq(package_not_found_hash) end end end context "when installing" do before do resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mypkg" end it "fails to install if no source is specified in the resource" do resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns nil expect { provider.install }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "uses 'dpkg -i' to install the package" do resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns "mypackagefile" provider.expects(:unhold) provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[-1] == "mypackagefile" and command[-2] == "-i" } provider.install end it "keeps old config files if told to do so" do resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :keep provider.expects(:unhold) provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[0] == "--force-confold" } provider.install end it "replaces old config files if told to do so" do resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :replace provider.expects(:unhold) provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[0] == "--force-confnew" } provider.install end it "ensures any hold is removed" do provider.expects(:unhold).once provider.expects(:dpkg) provider.install end end context "when holding or unholding" do let(:tempfile) { stub 'tempfile', :print => nil, :close => nil, :flush => nil, :path => "/other/file" } before do tempfile.stubs(:write) Tempfile.stubs(:open).yields tempfile end it "installs first if holding" do provider.stubs(:execute) provider.expects(:install).once provider.hold end it "executes dpkg --set-selections when holding" do provider.stubs(:install) provider.expects(:execute).with([:dpkg, '--set-selections'], {:failonfail => false, :combine => false, :stdinfile => tempfile.path}).once provider.hold end it "executes dpkg --set-selections when unholding" do provider.stubs(:install) provider.expects(:execute).with([:dpkg, '--set-selections'], {:failonfail => false, :combine => false, :stdinfile => tempfile.path}).once provider.hold end end it "uses :install to update" do provider.expects(:install) provider.update end context "when determining latest available version" do it "returns the version found by dpkg-deb" do resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns "myfile" provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).with { |*command| command[-1] == "myfile" }.returns "package\t1.0" expect(provider.latest).to eq("1.0") end it "warns if the package file contains a different package" do provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).returns("foo\tversion") provider.expects(:warning) provider.latest end it "copes with names containing ++" do resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "package++" provider = provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).returns "package++\t1.0" expect(provider.latest).to eq("1.0") end end it "uses 'dpkg -r' to uninstall" do provider.expects(:dpkg).with("-r", resource_name) provider.uninstall end it "uses 'dpkg --purge' to purge" do provider.expects(:dpkg).with("--purge", resource_name) provider.purge end end