$.fn.flot_pie = function(){ var options = arguments[0] || {}; $(this).each(function(i,el){ var target = $(el); $.plot(target, target.data('series'), { colors: ['#4572A7','#AA4643','#89A54E','#80699B','#3D96AE','#DB843D','#92A8CD','#A47D7C','#B5CA92'], series: { pie: options.pie || { show: true, radius: 1, label: { show: true, radius: 1/2, formatter: function(label, series){ return '
'; }, threshold: 0.1 }, highlight: { opacity: 0.1 } } }, legend: { show: false }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true } }); bind_hover_event(target, function(item){ var percent = Math.round(item.series.percent); return item.series.label + ' ('+percent+'%)'; }); $(target).bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { search_on_click(event, item); }); }); } function expanded_pie(target, data){ $.plot(target, data, { colors: ['#4572A7','#AA4643','#89A54E','#80699B','#3D96AE','#DB843D','#92A8CD','#A47D7C','#B5CA92'], series: { pie: { show: true, labels: { show:true } } }, legend: { show: false }, grid: { clickable: true } }); target.bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { search_on_click(event, item); }); } $.fn.flot_bar = function(){ var options = arguments[0] || {}; $(this).each(function(i,el){ var target = $(el); $.plot($(target), [{ data: target.data('chart') }], { series: { bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.6, fill: 0.8 }, color: "#4572A7" }, xaxis: { axisLabel: target.data('xaxis-label'), tickLength: 0, // hide gridlines ticks: target.data('ticks') }, yaxis: { axisLabel: target.data('yaxis-label'), axisLabelPadding: 15, minTickSize: 1, tickDecimals: 0 }, grid: { hoverable: true, borderWidth: 0 }, legend: { show: false } }); bind_hover_event(target, function(item){return "" + target.data('yaxis-label') + ": " + item.datapoint[1];}); }); } function flot_time_chart(target, data, legendOptions){ var chart_options = { series: { stack: target.hasClass('stack') ? true : null, lines: { show: true, fill: target.hasClass('stack') ? 0.8 : false } }, xaxis: { mode: "time", axisLabel: target.data('xaxis-label'), tickLength: 0 // hide gridlines }, yaxis: { axisLabel: target.data('yaxis-label'), axisLabelPadding: 12, minTickSize: 1, tickDecimals: 0 }, selection: { mode: "x" }, grid: { hoverable: true, borderWidth: 0 }, legend: legendOptions } $.plot($(target), data , chart_options); bind_hover_event(target, function(item){return "" + item.series.label + ": " + item.series.data[item.dataIndex][1];}); target.bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {flot_zoom(target, chart_options, ranges)}); } $.fn.flot_chart = function(){ $(this).each(function(i,el){ flot_time_chart($(el), $(el).data('series'), chart_legend_options($(el)) ); }); } function chart_legend_options(item){ if(item.data('series').length == 1) return {show: false}; var options = item.data('legend-options'); switch (options) { case "external": return {show: true, noColumns:4, container:"#legendContainer", labelFormatter: function(label, series) { return '' + label + ''; } } case "hide": return {show: false}; default: return {show: true}; } } function flot_zoom(target, options, ranges) { // clamp the zooming to prevent eternal zoom if (ranges.xaxis.to - ranges.xaxis.from < 0.00001) ranges.xaxis.to = ranges.xaxis.from + 0.00001; if (ranges.yaxis.to - ranges.yaxis.from < 0.00001) ranges.yaxis.to = ranges.yaxis.from + 0.00001; // do the zooming plot = $.plot(target, target.data('series'), $.extend(true, {}, options, { xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: ranges.xaxis.to }, yaxis: { min: ranges.yaxis.from, max: ranges.yaxis.to } })); if(target.parents('.stats-well').find('.reset-zoom').size() == 0){ target.parents('.stats-well').prepend("Reset zoom"); } } function reset_zoom(item){ target = $(item).parents('.stats-well').find('.statistics-chart'); target.flot_chart(); $(item).remove(); } function showTooltip(pos, item, formater) { var content = formater(item); $('
' + content + '
').css({ top: pos.pageY - 40, left: pos.pageX -10, 'border-color': item.series.color }).appendTo("body").show(); } $previousPoint=null; function bind_hover_event(target, formater){ $(target).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { if ($previousPoint != item.datapoint) { $previousPoint = item.datapoint; $("#flot-tooltip").remove(); showTooltip(pos, item, formater); } } else { $("#flot-tooltip").remove(); $previousPoint = null; } }); } function search_on_click(event, item) { var link = $(event.currentTarget).data('url'); if (link == undefined) return; if (link.indexOf("~VAL2~") != -1) { var strSplit = item.series.label.split(" "); var val1 = strSplit[0]; var val2 = strSplit[1]; link = link.replace("~VAL2~", val2); } else { var val1 = item.series.label; if (val1.indexOf(" ") != -1) val1 = '"' + val1 +'"'; } link = link.replace("~VAL1~", val1); event.preventDefault(); window.location.href = link; } function get_pie_chart(div, url) { if($("#"+div).length == 0) { $('body').append(''); $("#"+div).append('') .append(''); $("#"+div).modal('show'); $.getJSON(url, function(data) { var target = $("#"+div+"-body"); expanded_pie(target, data.values) target.attr('data-url', foreman_url("/hosts?search=facts." + data.name + "~~VAL1~")); }); } else {$("#"+div).modal('show');} } function expand_chart(ref){ var chart = $(ref); if (!chart.hasClass('statistics-pie')){ chart = $(ref).parent().find('.statistics-pie'); } var modal_id = chart.attr('id')+'_modal'; if($("#"+modal_id).length == 0) { var new_chart = chart.clone().empty().attr('id', modal_id + "_chart").removeClass('small'); $('body').append(''); $("#"+modal_id).append('') .append(new_chart); expanded_pie(new_chart, new_chart.data('series')); } $("#"+modal_id).modal('show'); } function legend_selected(item){ $(item).closest('td').toggleClass('disabled'); $(item).closest('td').next().toggleClass('disabled'); var target = $(item).parents('.statistics-chart'); var series = target.clone().data('series'); var legend = target.find('.legend').clone(); var data= []; // Remove the data series. target.find('.legend td.legendLabel:not(.disabled)').each(function() { var key = $(this).text(); for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { if (series[i].label === key) { data.push(series[i]); return true; } } }); flot_time_chart(target, data); target.find('.legend').remove(); target.append(legend); } function ext_legend_selected(item){ $(item).closest('td').toggleClass('disabled'); $(item).closest('td').next().toggleClass('disabled'); var target = $('.statistics-chart'); var series = target.clone().data('series'); var data= []; // Remove the data series. $('#legendContainer table td.legendLabel:not(.disabled)').each(function() { var key = $(this).text(); for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { if (series[i].label === key) { data.push(series[i]); return true; } } }); flot_time_chart(target, data, {show: false}); } $(function() { $(".statistics-pie").flot_pie(); $(".statistics-bar").flot_bar(); $(".statistics-chart").flot_chart(); $(document).on('click', '.reset-zoom', function () {reset_zoom(this)}); $(document).on('click', '.legend .legendColorBox, .legend .legendLabel', function() { legend_selected(this)}); $(document).on('click', '#legendContainer .legendColorBox, .legendContainer .legendLabel', function() { ext_legend_selected(this)}); }); $(window).resize(function() { $(".statistics-bar").flot_bar(); $(".statistics-chart").flot_chart(); });