Feature: Run `msync update` without a good context Scenario: Run `msync update` without any module Given a directory named "moduleroot" When I run `msync update --message "In a bad context"` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain: """ No modules found """ Scenario: Run `msync update` without the "moduleroot" directory Given a basic setup with a puppet module "puppet-test" from "fakenamespace" When I run `msync update --message "In a bad context"` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain "moduleroot" Scenario: Run `msync update` without commit message Given a basic setup with a puppet module "puppet-test" from "fakenamespace" And a directory named "moduleroot" When I run `msync update` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain: """ No value provided for required option "--message" """