require 'neo4j/core/cypher_session' require 'neo4j/core/instrumentable' require 'neo4j/core/label' require 'neo4j/core/version' require 'neo4j/core/logging' require 'neo4j/ansi' module Neo4j module Core class CypherSession class CypherError < StandardError attr_reader :code, :original_message, :stack_trace def initialize(code = nil, original_message = nil, stack_trace = nil) @code = code @original_message = original_message @stack_trace = stack_trace msg = <<-ERROR Cypher error: #{ANSI::CYAN}#{code}#{ANSI::CLEAR}: #{original_message} #{stack_trace} ERROR super(msg) end def self.new_from(code, message, stack_trace = nil) error_class_from(code).new(code, message, stack_trace) end def self.error_class_from(code) case code when /(ConstraintValidationFailed|ConstraintViolation)/ SchemaErrors::ConstraintValidationFailedError when /IndexAlreadyExists/ SchemaErrors::IndexAlreadyExistsError when /ConstraintAlreadyExists/ # ????? SchemaErrors::ConstraintAlreadyExistsError else CypherError end end end module SchemaErrors class ConstraintValidationFailedError < CypherError; end class ConstraintAlreadyExistsError < CypherError; end class IndexAlreadyExistsError < CypherError; end end class ConnectionFailedError < StandardError; end module Adaptors MAP = {} class Base include Neo4j::Core::Instrumentable gem_name, version = if defined?(::Neo4j::ActiveNode) ['neo4j', ::Neo4j::VERSION] else ['neo4j-core', ::Neo4j::Core::VERSION] end USER_AGENT_STRING = "#{gem_name}-gem/#{version} ({gem_name})" def connect(*_args) fail '#connect not implemented!' end attr_accessor :wrap_level attr_reader :options Query =, :parameters, :pretty_cypher, :context) class QueryBuilder attr_reader :queries def initialize @queries = [] end def append(*args) query = case when [String], [String, Hash][0], args[1] || {}) when [::Neo4j::Core::Query] args[0] else fail ArgumentError, "Could not determine query from arguments: #{args.inspect}" end @queries << query end def query # `nil` sessions are just a workaround until # we phase out `Query` objects containing sessions nil) end end def query(session, *args) options = case args.size when 3 args.pop when 2 args.pop if args[0].is_a?(::Neo4j::Core::Query) end || {} queries(session, options) { append(*args) }[0] end def queries(session, options = {}, &block) query_builder = query_builder.instance_eval(&block) new_or_current_transaction(session, options[:transaction]) do |tx| query_set(tx, query_builder.queries, {commit: !options[:transaction]}.merge(options)) end end %i[query_set version indexes constraints connected?].each do |method| define_method(method) do |*_args| fail "##{method} method not implemented on adaptor!" end end # If called without a block, returns a Transaction object # which can be used to call query/queries/mark_failed/commit # If called with a block, the Transaction object is yielded # to the block and `commit` is ensured. Any uncaught exceptions # will mark the transaction as failed first def transaction(session) return if !block_given? begin tx = transaction(session) yield tx rescue => e tx.mark_failed if tx raise e ensure tx.close if tx end end def logger return @logger if @logger @logger = if @options[:logger] @options[:logger] else do |logger| logger.level = logger_level end end end def setup_queries!(queries, transaction, options = {}) validate_connection!(transaction) return if options[:skip_instrumentation] queries.each do |query| self.class.instrument_query(query, self) {} end end EMPTY = '' NEWLINE_W_SPACES = "\n " instrument(:query, 'neo4j.core.cypher_query', %w[query adaptor]) do |_, _start, _finish, _id, payload| query = payload[:query] params_string = (query.parameters && !query.parameters.empty? ? "| #{query.parameters.inspect}" : EMPTY) cypher = query.pretty_cypher ? (NEWLINE_W_SPACES if query.pretty_cypher.include?("\n")).to_s + query.pretty_cypher.gsub(/\n/, NEWLINE_W_SPACES) : query.cypher source_line, line_number = Logging.first_external_path_and_line(caller_locations) " #{ANSI::CYAN}#{query.context || 'CYPHER'}#{ANSI::CLEAR} #{cypher} #{params_string}" + ("\n ↳ #{source_line}:#{line_number}" if payload[:adaptor].options[:verbose_query_logs] && source_line).to_s end class << self def transaction_class fail '.transaction_class method not implemented on adaptor!' end end private def new_or_current_transaction(session, tx, &block) if tx yield(tx) else transaction(session, &block) end end def validate_connection!(transaction) fail 'Query attempted without a connection' if !connected? fail "Invalid transaction object: #{transaction}" if !transaction.is_a?(self.class.transaction_class) end def logger_location @options[:logger_location] || STDOUT end def logger_level @options[:logger_level] || Logger::WARN end end end end end end