describe Minidusen::Parser do describe '.parse' do describe 'when called with a String' do it 'parses the given string into tokens' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('fieldname:fieldvalue word "a phrase" "deploy:rollback" -"db:seed"') query.size.should == 5 query[0].field.should == 'fieldname' query[0].value.should == 'fieldvalue' query[0].exclude.should == false query[1].field.should == 'text' query[1].value.should == 'word' query[1].exclude.should == false query[2].field.should == 'text' query[2].value.should == 'a phrase' query[2].exclude.should == false query[3].field.should == 'text' query[3].value.should == 'deploy:rollback' query[3].exclude.should == false query[4].field.should == 'text' query[4].value.should == 'db:seed' query[4].exclude.should == true end it 'should parse field tokens first, because they usually give maximum filtering at little cost' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('word1 field1:field1-value word2 field2:field2-value "search:word"') query.collect(&:value).should == ['field1-value', 'field2-value', 'word1', 'word2', 'search:word'] end it 'should not consider the dash to be a word boundary' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('Baden-Baden') query.collect(&:value).should == ['Baden-Baden'] end it 'should parse umlauts and accents' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('field:åöÙÔøüéíÁ "ÄüÊçñÆ ððÿáÒÉ" pulvérisateur pędzić') query.collect(&:value).should == ['åöÙÔøüéíÁ', 'ÄüÊçñÆ ððÿáÒÉ', 'pulvérisateur', 'pędzić'] end it 'should allow to search for a phrase containing a colon' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('"deploy:rollback"') query.size.should == 1 query[0].field.should == 'text' query[0].value.should == 'deploy:rollback' query[0].exclude.should == false end it 'should parse a field token which is at the beginning of the search string' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('filetype:pdf word') query.size.should == 2 query[0].field.should == 'filetype' query[0].value.should == 'pdf' query[0].exclude.should == false end it 'should parse an excluded field token which is at the beginning of the search string' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse('-filetype:docx word') query.size.should == 2 query[0].field.should == 'filetype' query[0].value.should == 'docx' query[0].exclude.should == true end it 'should ignore invalid utf-8 byte sequences' do term_with_invalid_byte_sequence = "word\255".force_encoding('UTF-8') query = Minidusen::Parser.parse(term_with_invalid_byte_sequence) query.size.should == 1 query[0].value.should == 'word' end end describe 'when called with a Query' do it 'returns the query' do passed_query = parsed_query = Minidusen::Parser.parse(passed_query) parsed_query.should == passed_query end end describe 'when called with an array of strings' do it 'returns a query of text tokens' do query = Minidusen::Parser.parse(['word', 'a phrase']) query.size.should == 2 query[0].field.should == 'text' query[0].value.should == 'word' query[1].field.should == 'text' query[1].value.should == 'a phrase' end end end end