require 'spec_helper' describe MembershipsController, "routes" do it { should route(:get, "/accounts/abc/memberships"). to(:action => :index, :account_id => 'abc') } it { should route(:get, "/memberships/abc/edit"). to(:action => :edit, :id => 'abc') } it { should route(:put, "/memberships/abc"). to(:action => :update, :id => 'abc') } it { should route(:delete, "/memberships/abc"). to(:action => :destroy, :id => 'abc') } end describe MembershipsController, "permissions", :as => :account_member do let(:membership) { Factory(:membership, :account => account) } it { should deny_access. on(:get, :index, :account_id => account.to_param). flash(/admin/) } it { should deny_access. on(:get, :edit, :id => membership.to_param). flash(/admin/) } end describe MembershipsController, "index", :as => :account_admin do let(:memberships) { [Factory.stub(:membership), Factory.stub(:membership)] } before do Account.stubs(:find_by_url! => account) account.stubs(:memberships_by_name => memberships) get :index, :account_id => account.to_param end it "renders the index template" do should respond_with(:success) should render_template(:index) end it "assigns memberships by name" do account.should have_received(:memberships_by_name) should assign_to(:memberships).with(memberships) end end describe MembershipsController, "edit", :as => :account_admin do let(:edited_membership) { Factory.stub(:membership, :account => account) } let(:projects) { [Factory.stub(:project)] } before do Membership.stubs(:find => edited_membership) account.stubs(:projects_by_name => projects) get :edit, :id => edited_membership.to_param end it "renders the edit template" do should respond_with(:success) should render_template(:edit) end it "assigns projects by name" do account.should have_received(:projects_by_name) should assign_to(:projects).with(projects) end it "assigns the membership being edited" do Membership.should have_received(:find).with(edited_membership.to_param, :include => :account) should assign_to(:membership).with(edited_membership) end end describe MembershipsController, "update", :as => :account_admin do let(:edited_membership) { Factory.stub(:membership, :account => account) } let(:attributes) { 'some attributes' } before do Membership.stubs(:find => edited_membership) edited_membership.stubs(:update_attributes!) put :update, :id => edited_membership.to_param, :membership => attributes end it "redirects to the account memberships index" do should redirect_to(account_memberships_url(account)) end it "update the membership" do edited_membership.should have_received(:update_attributes!).with(attributes) end it "sets a flash message" do should end end describe MembershipsController, "destroy", :as => :account_admin do let(:removed_membership) { Factory.stub(:membership, :account => account) } before do Membership.stubs(:find => removed_membership) removed_membership.stubs(:destroy) delete :destroy, :id => removed_membership.to_param end it "redirects to the account memberships index" do should redirect_to(account_memberships_url(account)) end it "removes the membership" do removed_membership.should have_received(:destroy) end it "sets a flash message" do should end end