require_relative "test_helper" class BestIndexTest < Minitest::Test def test_where assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id = 1" end def test_all_values index = PgHero.best_index("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login_attempts = 1 ORDER BY created_at") expected = { found: true, structure: {table: "users", where: [{column: "login_attempts", op: "="}], sort: [{column: "created_at", direction: "asc"}]}, index: {table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts", "created_at"]}, rows: 5000, row_estimates: {"login_attempts (=)" => 167, "created_at (sort)" => 1}, row_progression: [5000, 167, 0] } assert_equal expected, index end def test_where_multiple_columns assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id", "login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id = 1 and login_attempts = 2" end def test_where_unique assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["email"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id = 1 AND email = ''" end def test_order assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["created_at"]}), "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY created_at" end def test_order_multiple assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts", "created_at"]}), "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY login_attempts, created_at" end def test_order_multiple_direction assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY login_attempts DESC, created_at" end def test_order_multiple_unique assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id, created_at" end def test_where_unique_order assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["email"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '' ORDER BY created_at" end def test_where_order assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts", "created_at"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login_attempts = 1 ORDER BY created_at" end def test_where_order_unknown assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login_attempts = 1 ORDER BY NOW()" end def test_where_in assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id IN (1, 2)" end def test_like assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["email gist_trgm_ops"], using: "gist"}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE ?" end def test_like_where assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id = ? AND email LIKE ?" end def test_like_where2 assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["email gist_trgm_ops"], using: "gist"}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE ? AND active = ?" end def test_ilike assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["email gist_trgm_ops"], using: "gist"}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email ILIKE ?" end def test_not_equals assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id != ? and login_attempts = 2" end def test_not_in assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id NOT IN (?) and login_attempts = 2" end def test_between assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id BETWEEN 1 AND 2" end def test_multiple_range assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id > ? and login_attempts > ?" end def test_where_prepared assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id = $1" end def test_where_normalized assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE city_id = ?" end def test_is_null assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["zip_code"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE zip_code IS NULL" end def test_is_null_equal assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["zip_code", "login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE zip_code IS NULL AND login_attempts = ?" end def test_is_not_null assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["login_attempts"]}), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE zip_code IS NOT NULL AND login_attempts = ?" end def test_update assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "UPDATE users SET email = 'test' WHERE city_id = 1" end def test_delete assert_best_index ({table: "users", columns: ["city_id"]}), "DELETE FROM users WHERE city_id = 1" end def test_parse_error assert_no_index "Parse error", "SELECT *123'" end def test_stats_not_found assert_no_index "Stats not found", "SELECT * FROM non_existent_table WHERE id = 1" end def test_unknown_structure assert_no_index "Unknown structure", "SELECT NOW()" end def test_where_or assert_no_index "Unknown structure", "SELECT FROM users WHERE login_attempts = 0 OR login_attempts = 1" end def test_where_nested_or assert_no_index "Unknown structure", "SELECT FROM users WHERE city_id = 1 AND (login_attempts = 0 OR login_attempts = 1)" end def test_multiple_tables assert_no_index "JOIN not supported yet", "SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN cities ON = users.city_id" end def test_no_columns assert_no_index "No columns to index", "SELECT * FROM users" end def test_small_table assert_no_index "No index needed if less than 500 rows", "SELECT * FROM states WHERE name = 'State 1'" end def test_system_table assert_no_index "System table", "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = ?" end def test_insert assert_no_index "INSERT statement", "INSERT INTO users (login_attempts) VALUES (1)" end def test_set assert_no_index "SET statement", "set client_encoding to 'UTF8'" end protected def assert_best_index(expected, statement) index = PgHero.best_index(statement) assert_nil index[:explanation] assert index[:found] assert_equal expected, index[:index] end def assert_no_index(explanation, statement) index = PgHero.best_index(statement) assert !index[:found] assert_equal explanation, index[:explanation] end end