#= require joosy/core/joosy
# Rendering and string representation helpers
Joosy.helpers 'Application', ->
@tag = (name, options={}, content='') ->
content = content() if Object.isFunction(content)
element = document.createElement name
temp = document.createElement 'div'
Object.each options, (name, value) -> element.setAttribute name, value
element.innerHTML = content
catch e
# setting innerHTML fails in the IE for elements, which cann't have children (INPUT, for ex.)
# suppress this error unless content looks valuable
throw e if content
temp.appendChild element
# Converts \n into
in your text
# @param [String] text Text to convert
@nl2br = (text) ->
text.toString().replace /\n/g, '
# Wraps the inline block into given template
# Request template will receive the inline block as @yield parameter
# Example
# -# foo/baz template
# != @renderWrapped 'foo/bar', ->
# %b This string will be passed to 'foo/bar'
# -# foo/bar template
# %h1 I'm the wrapper here!
# != @yield
@renderWrapped = (template, lambda) ->
@render template, Joosy.Module.merge(this, yield: lambda())