require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Delorean" do let(:engine) { "YYY" } let(:sset) {{ ["AAA", "0001"] => defn("X:", " a = 123", " b = a", ) }) } it "can parse very simple calls" do engine.parse defn("X:", " a = 123", " b = a", ) end it "can parse simple expressions - 1" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " x = -(a*2)", " b = -(a + 1)", ) end it "can parse simple expressions - 2" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1 + 2 * -3 - -4", ) end it "can parse params" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " b =? a*2", ) end it "should accept default param definitions" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " b =? 1", " c =? -1.1", " d = b + c", ) }.should_not raise_error end it "gives errors with attrs not in node" do lambda { engine.parse defn("a = 123", "b = a * 2", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should disallow . literals" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = .123", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should disallow bad attr names" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " B = 1", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " _b = 1", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should disallow bad node names" do lambda { engine.parse defn("a:", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("_A:", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should disallow recursion" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", "B: A", " a = a + 1", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RecursionError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", "B: A", " b = a", " a = b", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RecursionError) end it "should allow non-recursive code 1" do # this is not a recursion error engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " b = 2", "B: A", " a = A.b", " b = a", ) end it "should allow non-recursive code 2" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " b = 2", "B: A", " a = A.b", " b = A.b + B.a", ) end it "should allow non-recursive code 3" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 2", " a = A.b + A.b", " c = a + b + a + b", ) end it "should check for recursion with default params 1" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a =? a", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) end it "should check for recursion with default params 2" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", "B: A", " b =? a", " a =? b", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RecursionError) end it "gives errors for attrs defined more than once in a node" do lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", " b = 1 + 1", " b = 123", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RedefinedError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", " b =?", " b = 123", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RedefinedError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", " b =? 22", " b = 123", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RedefinedError) end it "should raise error for nodes defined more than once" do lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", " b =?", "B:", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RedefinedError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", "A:", "B:", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RedefinedError) end it "should not be valid to derive from undefined nodes" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A: B", " a = 456 * 123", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) end it "should not be valid to use an undefined attr" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 456 * 123", "B: A", " b = a", " c = d", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) end it "should be able to use ruby keywords as identifier" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " in = 123", ) }.should_not raise_error engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", " in1 = 123", ) }.should_not raise_error engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("C:", " ifx = 123", " elsey = ifx + 1", ) }.should_not raise_error engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("D:", " true = false", ) }.should_not raise_error engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("E:", " a = 1", " return=a", ) }.should_not raise_error end it "should be able to chain method calls on model functions" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " b = Dummy.i_just_met_you('CRJ', 123).name" ) }.should_not raise_error end it "should be able to call class methods on ActiveRecord classes" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = Dummy.call_me_maybe()", ) end it "shouldn't be able to call ActiveRecord methods without signature" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " b = Dummy.this_is_crazy()", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedFunctionError) end it "should be able to call class methods on ActiveRecord classes in modules" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = M::LittleDummy.heres_my_number(867, 5309)", ) end it "should be able to override parameters with attribute definitions" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b =? 22", "B: A", " b = 123", "C: B", " b =? 11", ) end it "should raise error on node attr access without all needed params" do pending end it "should be able to access derived attrs" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b =? 22", "B: A", " c = b * 123", "C: B", " d =? c * b + 11", ) end it "should not be able to access attrs not defined in ancestors" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " b =? 22", "B: A", " c = b * 123", "C: A", " d =? c * b + 11", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) end it "should be able to access specific node attrs " do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 123", " c = A.b", ) engine.reset engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 123", "B: A", " b = 111", " c = A.b * 123", " d = B.b", ) end it "should be able to perform arbitrary getattr" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 22", " c = b.x.y.z", ) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("B:", " c = b.x.y.z", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) end it "should handle lines with comments" do engine.parse defn("A: # kaka", " b = 22 # testing #", " c = b", ) end it "should be able to report error line during parse" do begin engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 123", "B: .A", ) rescue => exc end exc.module_name.should == "YYY" exc.line.should == 3 engine.reset begin engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 3 % b", ) rescue => exc end exc.module_name.should == "YYY" exc.line.should == 2 end it "should raise error on malformed string" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", ' d = "testing"" ', ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should not allow inherited ruby methods as attrs" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = name", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = new", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) end it "should be able to parse lists" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = []", " c = [1,2,3]", " d = [b, c, b, c, 1, 2, '123', 1.1]", " e = [1, 1+1, 1+1+1]", ) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = []-", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should handle trailing ',' with lists" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [1,2,3,]", ) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [,]", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [1,2,,]", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should be able to parse hashes" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {}", " c = {'a':1, 'b': 2, 'c':-3}", " d = [{1:11}, {2: 22}]", ) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = {", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = {}+", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should handle trailing ',' with hashes" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {-1:1,}", ) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = {,}", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = {-1:1,,}", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::ParseError) end it "should be able to parse list operations " do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [] + []", ) end it "should parse list comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [123 for i in 123]", ) end it "should parse list comprehension (2)" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [i+1 for i in [1,2,3]]", ) end it "should parse nested list comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [[a+c for c in [4,5]] for a in [1,2,3]]", ) end it "should accept list comprehension variable override" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [b+1 for b in [1,2,3]]", ) end it "should accept list comprehension variable override (2)" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " b = [a+1 for a in [1,2,3]]", ) end it "errors out on bad list comprehension" do lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [i+1 for x in [1,2,3]]", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) engine.reset lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [123 for b in b]", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedError) engine.reset # disallow nested comprehension var reuse lambda { engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [[a+1 for a in [4,5]] for a in [1,2,3]]", ) }.should raise_error(Delorean::RedefinedError) engine.reset end it "should parse module calls" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " b = 456 + a", " n = 'A'", " c = @('a', 'b', x: 123, y: 456)", " d = @n('a', 'b', x: 123, y: 456)", ) end it "should parse module calls by node name" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " d = @A('a')", ) end it "should parse multiline attr defs" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [1,", " 2,", " 3]", " b = 456", ) end it "should give proper errors on parse multiline attr defs" do begin engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [1,", " 2,", " 3];", " b = 456", ) raise "fail" rescue Delorean::ParseError => exc exc.line.should == 2 end end it "should give proper errors when multiline error falls off the end" do begin engine.parse defn("A:", " x = 123", " a = 1 +", " 2 +", ) raise "fail" rescue Delorean::ParseError => exc exc.line.should == 3 end end it "should parse imports" do engine.parse defn("import AAA 0001", "A:", " b = 456", "B: AAA::X", ), sset end it "should disallow import loops" do pending sset.merge({ ["BBB", "0001"] => defn("import AAA 0001", "import CCC 0001", ), ["CCC", "0001"] => defn("import BBB 0001", ), }) sset.get_engine("CCC", "0001") end it "should disallow multiple versions of same script" do sset.merge({ ["AAA", "0002"] => defn("A:", ), ["BBB", "0001"] => defn("import AAA 0001", ), ["CCC", "0001"] => defn("import BBB 0001", "import AAA 0002", ), }) begin sset.get_engine("CCC", "0001") rescue Delorean::ImportError => exc exc.line.should == 2 end end end