require_relative 'conrefifier' # Unsure why attr_accessor does not work here module VariableMixin def self.variables @variables end def self.variables=(variables) @variables = variables end def self.fetch_data_file(association) reference = association.split('.') variables = VariableMixin.variables data = variables['site']['data'] while key = reference.shift data = data[key] end data end end class ConrefFS < Nanoc::DataSource include Nanoc::DataSources::Filesystem include VariableMixin identifier :'conref-fs' # Before iterating over the file objects, this method loads the data folder # and applies to to an ivar for later usage. def load_objects(dir_name, kind, klass) if klass == Nanoc::Int::Item && @variables.nil? data = Datafiles.process(@site_config) config = @site_config.to_h @variables = { 'site' => { 'config' => config, 'data' => data } } VariableMixin.variables = @variables end super end # This function calls the parent super, then adds additional metadata to the item. def parse(content_filename, meta_filename, _kind) meta, content = super page_vars = Conrefifier.file_variables(@site_config[:page_variables], content_filename) unless page_vars[:data_association].nil? association = page_vars[:data_association] toc = VariableMixin.fetch_data_file(association) meta[:parents] = if toc.is_a?(Array) find_array_parents(toc, meta['title']) elsif toc.is_a?(Hash) find_hash_parents(toc, meta['title']) end meta[:children] = if toc.is_a?(Array) find_array_children(toc, meta['title']) elsif toc.is_a?(Hash) find_hash_children(toc, meta['title']) end end page_vars.each_pair do |name, value| meta[name.to_s] = value end [meta, content] end # Given a category file that's an array, this method finds # the parent of an item def find_array_parents(toc, title) parents = '' toc.each do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) parents = find_hash_parents(item, title) break unless parents.empty? end end parents end # Given a category file that's a hash, this method finds # the parent of an item def find_hash_parents(toc, title) parents = '' toc.keys.each do |key| toc[key].each do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) if item.keys.include?(title) parents = key break else if item[item.keys.first].include?(title) parents = key break end end elsif title == item parents = key break end end break unless parents.empty? end parents end # Given a category file that's an array, this method finds # the children of an item, probably a map topic def find_array_children(toc, title) children = '' toc.each do |item| next unless item.is_a?(Hash) item.each_pair do |key, values| if key == title children = values.flatten break end end break unless children.empty? end children end # Given a category file that's a hash, this method finds # the children of an item, probably a map topic def find_hash_children(toc, title) children = '' toc.keys.each do |key| toc[key].each do |item| next unless item.is_a?(Hash) unless item[title].nil? children = item.values.flatten break end end break unless children.empty? end children end # This file reads each piece of content as it comes in. It also applies the conref variables # (demarcated by Liquid's {{ }} tags) using both the data/ folder and any variables defined # within the nanoc.yaml config file def read(filename) content = '' begin page_vars = Conrefifier.file_variables(@site_config[:page_variables], filename) page_vars = { :page => page_vars }.merge(@variables) content = return content unless filename.start_with?('content', 'layouts') # we must obfuscate essential ExtendedMarkdownFilter content content = content.gsub(/\{\{\s*#(\S+)\s*\}\}/, '[[#\1]]') content = content.gsub(/\{\{\s*\/(\S+)\s*\}\}/, '[[/\1]]') content = content.gsub(/\{\{\s*(octicon-\S+\s*[^\}]+)\s*\}\}/, '[[\1]]') rescue => e raise "Could not read #{filename}: #{e.inspect}" end begin content.gsub(/(\s\{\{[^\}]+\}\})/m) do |match| # This first pass converts the frontmatter variables, # and inserts data variables into the body result = Conrefifier.apply_liquid(match, page_vars) # This second application renders the previously inserted # data conditionals within the body Conrefifier.apply_liquid(result, page_vars) end rescue Liquid::SyntaxError # unrecognized Liquid, so just return the content rescue => e raise "#{e.message}: #{e.inspect}" end end # This method is extracted from the Nanoc default FS def filename_for(base_filename, ext) if ext.nil? nil elsif ext.empty? base_filename else base_filename + '.' + ext end end # This method is extracted from the Nanoc default FS def identifier_for_filename(filename) if config[:identifier_type] == 'full' return end if filename =~ /(^|\/)index(\.[^\/]+)?$/ regex = @config && @config[:allow_periods_in_identifiers] ? /\/?(index)?(\.[^\/\.]+)?$/ : /\/?index(\.[^\/]+)?$/ else regex = @config && @config[:allow_periods_in_identifiers] ? /\.[^\/\.]+$/ : /\.[^\/]+$/ end, ''), type: :legacy) end end