require File.expand_path('../../test_helper.rb', __FILE__) class NewRelic::TransactionSampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include TransactionSampleTestHelper ::SQL_STATEMENT = "SELECT * from sandwiches" def setup @connection_stub = Mocha::Mockery.instance.named_mock('connection') @connection_stub.stubs(:execute).returns([['QUERY RESULT']]) NewRelic::Agent::Database.stubs(:get_connection).returns @connection_stub @t = make_sql_transaction(::SQL_STATEMENT, ::SQL_STATEMENT) end def test_be_recorded assert_not_nil @t end def test_not_record_sql_when_record_sql_off s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001) s.each_segment do |segment| assert_nil segment.params[:explain_plan] assert_nil segment.params[:sql] end end def test_record_raw_sql s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001, :record_sql => :raw) got_one = false s.each_segment do |segment| fail if segment.params[:obfuscated_sql] got_one = got_one || segment.params[:explain_plan] || segment.params[:sql] end assert got_one end def test_record_obfuscated_sql s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001, :record_sql => :obfuscated) got_one = false s.each_segment do |segment| got_one = got_one || segment.params[:explain_plan] || segment.params[:sql] end assert got_one end def test_have_sql_rows_when_sql_is_recorded s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001) assert s.sql_segments.empty? s.root_segment[:sql] = 'hello' assert !s.sql_segments.empty? end def test_have_sql_rows_when_sql_is_obfuscated s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001) assert s.sql_segments.empty? s.root_segment[:sql_obfuscated] = 'hello' assert !s.sql_segments.empty? end def test_have_sql_rows_when_recording_non_sql_keys s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001) assert s.sql_segments.empty? s.root_segment[:key] = 'hello' assert !s.sql_segments.empty? end def test_catch_exceptions @connection_stub.expects(:execute).raises # the sql connection will throw @t.prepare_to_send(:record_sql => :obfuscated, :explain_sql => 0.00000001) end def test_have_explains s = @t.prepare_to_send(:record_sql => :obfuscated, :explain_sql => 0.00000001) s.each_segment do |segment| if segment.params[:explain_plan] explanation = segment.params[:explain_plan] assert_kind_of Array, explanation assert_equal([nil, [["QUERY RESULT"]]], explanation) end end end def test_not_record_sql_without_record_sql_option t = nil NewRelic::Agent.disable_sql_recording do t = make_sql_transaction(::SQL_STATEMENT, ::SQL_STATEMENT) end s = t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.00000001) s.each_segment do |segment| assert_nil segment.params[:explain_plan] assert_nil segment.params[:sql] end end def test_not_record_transactions NewRelic::Agent.disable_transaction_tracing do t = make_sql_transaction(::SQL_STATEMENT, ::SQL_STATEMENT) assert t.nil? end end def test_path_string s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.1) fake_segment = mock('segment') fake_segment.expects(:path_string).returns('a path string') s.instance_eval do @root_segment = fake_segment end assert_equal('a path string', s.path_string) end def test_params_equals s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.1) s.params = {:params => 'hash' } assert_equal({:params => 'hash'}, s.params, "should have the specified hash, but instead was #{s.params}") end class Hat # just here to mess with the to_s logic in transaction samples end def test_to_s_with_bad_object s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.1) s.params[:fake] = assert_raise(RuntimeError) do s.to_s end end def test_to_s_includes_keys s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.1) s.params[:fake_key] = 'a fake param' assert(s.to_s.include?('fake_key'), "should include 'fake_key' but instead was (#{s.to_s})") assert(s.to_s.include?('a fake param'), "should include 'a fake param' but instead was (#{s.to_s})") end def test_find_segment s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.1) fake_segment = mock('segment') fake_segment.expects(:find_segment).with(1).returns('a segment') s.instance_eval do @root_segment = fake_segment end assert_equal('a segment', s.find_segment(1)) end def test_timestamp s = @t.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => 0.1) assert(s.timestamp.instance_of?(Float), "s.timestamp should be a Float, but is #{s.timestamp.class.inspect}") end end