# button config accepts the following paramters:
# label what should the button say
# eventId what event should the button trigger
# dropdown an array of arrays: [eventId, label]
# group an array of button configs
# wrapper a css class, in addition to btn-group
# icon which icon do you want to use on this button?
# white true or false: is it a white colored text?
# color options are primary, info, success, warning, danger, inverse
make = Backbone.View::make
buildButton = (config, wrap=true)->
if config.ctype?
config.className ||= ""
config.className += 'toolbar-component'
object = Luca(config).render()
if Luca.isBackboneView(object)
console.log "Adding toolbar component", object
return object.el
if config.spacer
return make "div", class: "spacer #{ config.spacer }"
if config.text
return make "div", {class: "toolbar-text"}, config.text
wrapper = 'btn-group'
wrapper += " #{ config.wrapper }" if config.wrapper?
wrapper += " align-#{ config.align }" if config.align?
# if we're passed a group, then we need to just
# wrap the contents of the buttons property in that group
# skipping the btn-group wrapping that takes place for
# individual buttons
if config.group? and config.buttons?
buttons = prepareButtons( config.buttons, false )
return make "div", class: wrapper, buttons
# if it is a normal button, and not a button group
label = config.label ||= ""
config.eventId ||= _.string.dasherize( config.label.toLowerCase() )
if config.icon
label = " " if _.string.isBlank( label )
white = "icon-white" if config.white
label = " #{ label }"
buttonAttributes =
class: _.compact(["btn",config.classes,config.className]).join(" ")
"data-eventId" : config.eventId
title: config.title || config.description
buttonAttributes["class"] += " btn-#{ config.color }" if config.color?
if config.dropdown
label = "#{ label } "
buttonAttributes["class"] += " dropdown-toggle"
buttonAttributes["data-toggle"] = "dropdown"
dropdownItems = _(config.dropdown).map (dropdownItem)=>
link = make "a", {}, dropdownItem[1]
make "li", {"data-eventId": dropdownItem[0]}, link
dropdownEl = make "ul", {class:"dropdown-menu"}, dropdownItems
buttonEl = make "a", buttonAttributes, label
# needs to be wrapped for proper rendering, but not
# if it already is part of a group
autoWrapClass = "btn-group"
autoWrapClass += " align-#{ config.align }" if config.align?
if wrap is true
return make "div", {class: autoWrapClass}, [buttonEl,dropdownEl]
# for buttons which are already part f a group
prepareButtons = (buttons, wrap=true)->
_( buttons ).map (button)->
buildButton(button, wrap)
#### Panel Toolbar Component
# The Panel Toolbar is a collection of buttons and / or dropdowns
# which are automatically created by BasicPanel classes, or can be
# added to any other view component.
className: "luca-ui-toolbar btn-toolbar"
# @buttons is an array of button config objects
well: true
orientation: 'top'
autoBindEventHandlers: true
"click a.btn, click .dropdown-menu li" : "clickHandler"
#autoBindEventHandlers: true
# The Toolbar behaves by triggering events on the components which they
# belong to. Combined with Luca.View::setupHooks it is a clean way
# to organize actions
clickHandler: (e)->
me = my = $( e.target )
if me.is('i')
me = my = $( e.target ).parent()
eventId = my.data('eventid')
return unless eventId?
hook = Luca.util.hook( eventId )
source = @parent || @
if _.isFunction( source[hook] )
source[ hook ].call(@, me, e)
source.trigger(eventId, me, e)
@_super("beforeRender", @, arguments)
if @well is true
@$el.addClass 'well'
@$el.addClass "toolbar-#{ @orientation }"
@applyStyles( @styles ) if @styles?
render: ()->
elements = prepareButtons(@buttons)
_( elements ).each (element)=>
@$el.append( element )