module Katello module Glue::Candlepin::Content CANDLEPIN_DOCKER_TYPE = "containerimage".freeze CANDLEPIN_OSTREE_TYPE = "ostree".freeze def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods # required for GPG key url generation base.send :include, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end module InstanceMethods def content return @content unless @content.nil? unless self.content_id.nil? @content = Katello::Candlepin::Content.find(self.content_id) end @content rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound, RestClient::BadRequest nil end def create_content #only used for custom content fail 'Can only create content for custom providers' if self.product.provider.redhat_provider? new_content = :content => { :name =>, :contentUrl => Glue::Pulp::Repos.custom_content_path(self.product, self.label), :type => self.content_type, :label => self.custom_content_label, :vendor => Provider::CUSTOM }, :enabled => true ) new_content.create self.product.add_content new_content self.content_id = self.cp_label = new_content.content.label new_content.content end def should_update_content? (self.gpg_key_id_was.nil? && !self.gpg_key_id.nil? && self.content.gpgUrl == '') || (!self.gpg_key_id_was.nil? && self.gpg_key_id.nil? && self.content.gpgUrl != '') end def yum_gpg_key_url # if the repo has a gpg key return a url to access it if (gpg_key && gpg_key.content.present?) host = Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn] gpg_key_content_api_repository_url(self, :host => host + "/katello", :protocol => 'https') end end def custom_content_label "#{organization.label} #{product.label} #{label}".gsub(/\s/, "_") end end end end