require 'base64' require 'stringio' require 'maxcube/messages' module MaxCube module Messages # This module provides methods that handles with messages # regardless whether it is for parse or serialize purposes. # It mostly contains methods that validates (returns Boolean) # or checks (raises exception on failure) some part of message. module Handler include Messages # Format characters to String#unpack and Array#pack, # for purposes to convert binary string to integer. # Elements are sorted by integer size in bytes. PACK_FORMAT = %w[x C n N N].freeze # Checks whether raw data string is +String+. # @param raw_data input raw data string. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if argument is +String+, +false+ otherwise. def valid_data_type(raw_data) raw_data.is_a?(String) end # Checks whether {#valid_data_type} is +true+. # If not, exception is raised. # @return [String] input raw data string. # @raise [TypeError] if argument is _not_ valid. def check_data_type(raw_data) raise TypeError unless valid_data_type(raw_data) raw_data end # Validates whether message type character is valid. # Calls {#maybe_check_valid_msg_type}. # @param msg_type [String] input message type character. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if argument is valid message type. def valid_msg_type(msg_type) maybe_check_valid_msg_type(msg_type, false) end # Checks whether message type character is valid. # Calls {#maybe_check_valid_msg_type}. # If argument is valid, it assigns the message type to internal variable. # @param msg_type [String] input message type character. # @return [String] message type character assigned to internal variable. # @raise [InvalidMessageType] if validation fails. def check_msg_type(msg_type) maybe_check_valid_msg_type(msg_type, true) @msg_type end # Validates whether message type character of message is valid. # Calls {#valid_msg_type} and #msg_msg_type # (this method depends on conrete end-class). # @param msg [String] input message. def valid_msg_msg_type(msg) valid_msg_type(msg_msg_type(msg)) end # Checks whether message type character of message is valid. # Calls {#check_msg_type} and #msg_msg_type # (this method depends on conrete end-class). # If argument is valid, it assigns the message type to internal variable. # @param msg [String] input message. def check_msg_msg_type(msg) check_msg_type(msg_msg_type(msg)) end # Validates whether whole message is valid # from general point of view, independently of parser/sserializer. # Currently, it just calls {#valid_msg_msg_type}. # @param msg [String] input message. def valid_msg(msg) valid_msg_msg_type(msg) end # As {#valid_msg}, but raises exception if message is invalid. # Currently, it just calls {#check_msg_msg_type}. # @param msg [String] input message. def check_msg(msg) check_msg_msg_type(msg) end # Validates whether message type character in hash is valid. # Calls {#valid_msg_type}. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. def valid_hash_msg_type(hash) valid_msg_type(hash[:type]) end # Checks whether message type character in hash is valid. # Calls {#check_msg_type}. # If argument is valid, it assigns the message type to internal variable. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. def check_hash_msg_type(hash) check_msg_type(hash[:type]) end # Returns hash keys that are related to given message type. # Each hash with a message type should contain these keys. # Calls {#msg_type_which_hash_keys}. # @param msg_type [String] message type that is being parsed/serialized. def msg_type_hash_keys(msg_type) msg_type_which_hash_keys(msg_type, false) end # Returns optional hash keys that are related to given message type. # Calls {#msg_type_which_hash_keys}. # @param msg_type [String] message type that is being parsed/serialized. def msg_type_hash_opt_keys(msg_type) msg_type_which_hash_keys(msg_type, true) end # Validates if given hash contain valid keys, # depending on its message type # (according to {#msg_type_which_hash_keys}). # Calls {#maybe_check_valid_hash_keys}. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. def valid_hash_keys(hash) maybe_check_valid_hash_keys(hash, false) end # As {#valid_hash_keys}, but raises exception if hash is _not_ valid. # Calls {#maybe_check_valid_hash_keys}. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. # @return [Hash] input hash. def check_hash_keys(hash) maybe_check_valid_hash_keys(hash, true) hash end # Validates if values of given hash satisfies basic conditions # for all hashes being used with messages. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if hash values are valid # (from general point of view). def valid_hash_values(hash) hash.none? { |_, v| v.nil? } end # As {#valid_hash_values}, but raises exception # if hash values are _not_ valid. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. # @return [Hash] input hash. # @raise [InvalidMessageBody] if hash values are _not_ valid. def check_hash_values(hash) return hash if valid_hash_values(hash) hash = hash.dup hash.delete(:type) raise InvalidMessageBody .new(@msg_type, "invalid hash values: #{hash}") end # Validates if given hash satisfies basic conditions # for all hashes being used with messages. # Calls {#valid_hash_msg_type}, # {#valid_hash_keys} and {#valid_hash_values}. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if hash is valid # (from general point of view). def valid_hash(hash) valid_hash_msg_type(hash) && valid_hash_keys(hash) && valid_hash_values(hash) end # As {#valid_hash}, but raises exception if hash is _not_ valid. # Calls {#check_hash_msg_type}, # {#check_hash_keys} and {#check_hash_values}. # @param hash [Hash] input hash. # @return [Hash] input hash. def check_hash(hash) check_hash_msg_type(hash) check_hash_keys(hash) check_hash_values(hash) hash end private # Gets +MSG_TYPES+ constant depending on object's end-class. # @return [Array] +MSG_TYPES+ constant # depending on object's end-class. def msg_types self.class.const_get('MSG_TYPES') end # Helper method that is called by {#valid_msg_type} or {#check_msg_type}. # It provides validation or check depending on input flag. # If argument is valid, it assigns the message type to internal variable. # @param msg_type [String] input message type character. # @param check [Boolean] whether to check (raise exception on failure). def maybe_check_valid_msg_type(msg_type, check) valid = msg_type&.length == 1 && msg_types.include?(msg_type) return valid ? msg_type : false unless check @msg_type = msg_type raise unless valid end # Checks whether given +args+ # satisfy lengths specified in input +lengths+. # Missing positions in +lengths+ means # that no requirement is demanded at that index. # @param lengths [Array] required lenghts of arguments. # @param args [Array<#length>] arguments to be validated. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if lengths of 'all' +args+ # fits to input +lengths+; # +false+ otherwise, or if any +arg+ is +nil+, # or if size of +lengths+ is higher than number of +args+. def valid_msg_part_lengths(lengths, *args) return false if args.any?(&:nil?) || args.length < lengths.length args.each_with_index.all? do |v, i| !lengths[i] || v.length == lengths[i] end end # As {#valid_msg_part_lengths}, but raises exception on failure. # @return [Array] +args+ if +lengths+ are satisfied. # @raise [InvalidMessageBody] if +lengths+ are _not_ satisfied. def check_msg_part_lengths(lengths, *args) return args if valid_msg_part_lengths(lengths, *args) raise InvalidMessageBody .new(@msg_type, "invalid lengths of message parts #{args}" \ " (lengths should be: #{lengths})") end # Helper method that is called # by {#msg_type_hash_keys} or {#msg_type_hash_opt_keys}. # It accesses +KEYS+ or +OPT_KEYS+ (depending on input flag) # from object's concrete end-class. # @param msg_type [String] message type that is being parsed/serialized. # @param optional [Boolean] whether to return optional or mandatory keys. # @return [Array] mandatory or optional hash keys, # depending on +optional+, related to message type. # If constant is not found, empty array is returned. def msg_type_which_hash_keys(msg_type, optional = false) str = "Message#{msg_type.upcase}::" + (optional ? 'OPT_KEYS' : 'KEYS') self.class.const_defined?(str) ? self.class.const_get(str) : [] end # Helper method that is called # by {#valid_hash_keys} or {#check_hash_keys}. # It validates/checks whether given hash contain # all mandatory keys ({#msg_type_hash_keys}) # and not other than optional keys ({#msg_type_hash_opt_keys}). # @param hash [Hash] input hash. # @param check [Boolean] whether to check (raise exception on failure). # @return [Boolean] +true+ or +false+ for valid/invalid hash keys # if +check+ is +false+. # @raise [InvalidMessageBody] if +check+ is +true+ # and hash keys are invalid. def maybe_check_valid_hash_keys(hash, check) keys = msg_type_hash_keys(@msg_type).dup opt_keys = msg_type_hash_opt_keys(@msg_type) hash_keys = hash.keys - opt_keys - [:type] valid = hash_keys.sort == keys.sort return valid if !check || valid raise InvalidMessageBody .new(@msg_type, "invalid hash keys: #{hash_keys} " \ "(should be: #{keys})") end # Encodes input binary data to only printable characters # using Base64#strict_encode64. # @param data [String] input raw data string. # @return [String] Base64-encoded string. def encode(data) Base64.strict_encode64(data) end # Decodes input data with only printable characters # to binary data using Base64#decode64. # @param data [String] input Base64-encoded string. # @return [String] raw data string. def decode(data) Base64.decode64(data) end end end end