module PDK module CLI module Util MODULE_FOLDERS = %w[ manifests lib tasks facts.d functions types ].freeze # Ensures the calling code is being run from inside a module directory. # # @param opts [Hash] options to change the behavior of the check logic. # @option opts [Boolean] :check_module_layout Set to true to check for # stardard module folder layout if the module does not contain # a metadata.json file. # # @raise [PDK::CLI::ExitWithError] if the current directory does not # contain a Puppet module. def ensure_in_module!(opts = {}) return unless PDK::Util.module_root.nil? return if opts[:check_module_layout] && PDK::CLI::Util::MODULE_FOLDERS.any? { |dir| } message = _('This command must be run from inside a valid module (no metadata.json found).') raise PDK::CLI::ExitWithError, message end module_function :ensure_in_module! def spinner_opts_for_platform windows_opts = { success_mark: '*', error_mark: 'X', } return windows_opts if Gem.win_platform? {} end module_function :spinner_opts_for_platform def prompt_for_yes(question_text, opts = {}) prompt = opts[:prompt] || :cyan) validator = proc { |value| [true, false].include?(value) || value =~ %r{\A(?:yes|y|no|n)\Z}i } response = nil begin response = prompt.yes?(question_text) do |q| q.validate(validator, _('Answer "Y" to continue or "n" to cancel.')) end rescue TTY::Prompt::Reader::InputInterrupt opts[:cancel_message] if opts[:cancel_message] end response end module_function :prompt_for_yes def interactive? return false if PDK.logger.debug? return !ENV['PDK_FRONTEND'].casecmp('noninteractive').zero? if ENV['PDK_FRONTEND'] return false unless $stderr.isatty true end module_function :interactive? end end end