require 'json' module DPL class Provider class S3 < Provider requires 'aws-sdk', version: '< 3.0' requires 'mime-types', version: '~> 2.0' def api @api ||= end def needs_key? false end def check_app log 'Warning: The endpoint option is no longer used and can be removed.' if options[:endpoint] end def access_key_id options[:access_key_id] || context.env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] || raise(Error, "missing access_key_id") end def secret_access_key options[:secret_access_key] || context.env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] || raise(Error, "missing secret_access_key") end def s3_options { region: options[:region] || 'us-east-1', credentials:, secret_access_key) } end def check_auth log "Logging in with Access Key: #{access_key_id[-4..-1].rjust(20, '*')}" end def upload_path(filename) [options[:upload_dir], filename].compact.join("/") end def push_app glob_args = ["**/*"] glob_args << File::FNM_DOTMATCH if options[:dot_match] Dir.chdir(options.fetch(:local_dir, Dir.pwd)) do Dir.glob(*glob_args) do |filename| opts = content_data_for(filename) opts[:cache_control] = get_option_value_by_filename(options[:cache_control], filename) if options[:cache_control] opts[:acl] = options[:acl].gsub(/_/, '-') if options[:acl] opts[:expires] = get_option_value_by_filename(options[:expires], filename) if options[:expires] opts[:storage_class] = options[:storage_class] if options[:storage_class] opts[:server_side_encryption] = "AES256" if options[:server_side_encryption] unless log "uploading #{filename.inspect} with #{opts.inspect}" result = api.bucket(option(:bucket)).object(upload_path(filename)).upload_file(filename, opts) warn "error while uploading #{filename.inspect}" unless result end end end if suffix = options[:index_document_suffix] api.bucket(option(:bucket)).website.put( website_configuration: { index_document: { suffix: suffix } } ) end end def deploy super rescue ::Aws::S3::Errors::InvalidAccessKeyId raise Error, "Invalid S3 Access Key Id, Stopping Deploy" rescue ::Aws::S3::Errors::ChecksumError raise Error, "Aws Secret Key does not match Access Key Id, Stopping Deploy" rescue ::Aws::S3::Errors::AccessDenied raise Error, "Oops, It looks like you tried to write to a bucket that isn't yours or doesn't exist yet. Please create the bucket before trying to write to it." end private def content_data_for(path) content_data = {} content_type = MIME::Types.type_for(path).first content_data[:content_type] = content_type.to_s encoding = encoding_for(path) if detect_encoding? content_data[:content_encoding] = encoding if encoding end if encoding == 'text' && default_text_charset? content_data[:content_type] = "#{content_data[:content_type]}; charset=#{default_text_charset}" end return content_data end def get_option_value_by_filename(option_values, filename) return option_values if !option_values.kind_of?(Array) preferred_value = nil hashes = {|value| value.kind_of?(Hash) } hashes.each do |hash| hash.each do |value, patterns| unless patterns.kind_of?(Array) patterns = [patterns] end patterns.each do |pattern| if File.fnmatch?(pattern, filename) preferred_value = value end end end end preferred_value = {|value| value.kind_of?(String) }.last if preferred_value.nil? return preferred_value end end end end