require 'open3' module SandiMeter class WarningScanner attr_reader :indentation_warnings INDENTATION_WARNING_REGEXP = /at 'end' with '(def|class|module)' at (\d+)\z/ def scan(source) status, @warnings, process = if defined? Bundler Bundler.with_clean_env do validate(source) end else validate(source) end check_syntax(status) @indentation_warnings = parse_warnings end private def validate(source) Open3.capture3('ruby -wc', stdin_data: source) end def check_syntax(status) raise SyntaxError, @warnings unless !!(status =~ /Syntax\sOK/) end def check_token_lines(token, line_num, end_line_num) raise 'No valid end line number' unless end_line_num =~ /^\d+$/ raise 'No valid line number' unless line_num =~ /^\d+$/ raise 'No valid token ("def" or "class")' unless token =~ /^def|class|module$/ end def extract_indentation_mismatch(warning_line) _, end_line_num, warning_type, warning_body = warning_line.split(':').map(&:strip) return nil unless warning_type == 'warning' return nil unless warning_body =~ /at 'end' with '(def|class|module)' at (\d+)\z/ res = warning_body.match(INDENTATION_WARNING_REGEXP)[1..2] << end_line_num check_token_lines(*res) res end def parse_warnings @warnings.split("\n").inject({}) do |warnings, warning| token, line, end_line = extract_indentation_mismatch(warning) warnings[token] ||= [] warnings[token] << [line.to_i, end_line.to_i] warnings end end end end