# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'json' module TencentCloud module Tts module V20190823 class Client < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractClient def initialize(credential, region, profile = nil) api_version = '2019-08-23' api_endpoint = 'tts.tencentcloudapi.com' sdk_version = 'TTS_' + File.read(File.expand_path('../VERSION', __dir__)).strip super(credential, region, api_version, api_endpoint, sdk_version, profile) end # 本接口服务对10万字符以内的文本进行语音合成,异步返回音频结果。满足一次性合成较长文本的客户需求,如阅读播报、新闻媒体等场景。 #
  • 支持音频格式:mp3,wav,pcm
  • #
  • 支持音频采样率:16000 Hz, 8000 Hz
  • #
  • 支持中文普通话、英文、中英文混读、粤语合成
  • #
  • 支持语速、音量设置
  • #
  • 支持回调或轮询的方式获取结果,结果获取请参考 长文本语音合成结果查询。
  • #
  • 提交长文本语音合成请求后,合成结果在3小时内完成,音频文件在服务端可保存24小时
  • #

    # 长文本合成支持 SSML,语法详见 [SSML 标记语言](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1073/49575),使用时需满足如下使用规范: #
  • 使用 SSML 标签,需置于 speak 闭合标签内部;
  • #
  • 合成文本可包含多组 speak 闭合标签,且无数量限制;
  • #
  • 每个 speak 闭合标签内部,字符数不超过 150 字(标签字符本身不计算在内);
  • #
  • 每个 speak 闭合标签内部,使用 break 标签数目最大为 10 个。如需要使用更多,可拆解到多个 speak 标签中;
  • #

    # @param request: Request instance for CreateTtsTask. # @type request: :class:`Tencentcloud::tts::V20190823::CreateTtsTaskRequest` # @rtype: :class:`Tencentcloud::tts::V20190823::CreateTtsTaskResponse` def CreateTtsTask(request) body = send_request('CreateTtsTask', request.serialize) response = JSON.parse(body) if response['Response'].key?('Error') == false model = CreateTtsTaskResponse.new model.deserialize(response['Response']) model else code = response['Response']['Error']['Code'] message = response['Response']['Error']['Message'] reqid = response['Response']['RequestId'] raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(code, message, reqid) end rescue TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException => e raise e rescue StandardError => e raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(nil, e.inspect) end # 在调用长文本语音合成请求接口后,有回调和轮询两种方式获取识别结果。 #
  • 当采用回调方式时,合成完毕后会将结果通过 POST 请求的形式通知到用户在请求时填写的回调 URL,具体请参见 长文本语音合成结果查询 。
  • #
  • 当采用轮询方式时,需要主动提交任务ID来轮询识别结果,共有任务成功、等待、执行中和失败四种结果,具体信息请参见下文说明。
  • # @param request: Request instance for DescribeTtsTaskStatus. # @type request: :class:`Tencentcloud::tts::V20190823::DescribeTtsTaskStatusRequest` # @rtype: :class:`Tencentcloud::tts::V20190823::DescribeTtsTaskStatusResponse` def DescribeTtsTaskStatus(request) body = send_request('DescribeTtsTaskStatus', request.serialize) response = JSON.parse(body) if response['Response'].key?('Error') == false model = DescribeTtsTaskStatusResponse.new model.deserialize(response['Response']) model else code = response['Response']['Error']['Code'] message = response['Response']['Error']['Message'] reqid = response['Response']['RequestId'] raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(code, message, reqid) end rescue TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException => e raise e rescue StandardError => e raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(nil, e.inspect) end # 腾讯云语音合成技术(TTS)可以将任意文本转化为语音,实现让机器和应用张口说话。 # 腾讯TTS技术可以应用到很多场景,比如,移动APP语音播报新闻;智能设备语音提醒;依靠网上现有节目或少量录音,快速合成明星语音,降低邀约成本;支持车载导航语音合成的个性化语音播报。 # 基础合成支持 SSML,语法详见 [SSML 标记语言](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1073/49575)。 # 默认接口请求频率限制:20次/秒。 # @param request: Request instance for TextToVoice. # @type request: :class:`Tencentcloud::tts::V20190823::TextToVoiceRequest` # @rtype: :class:`Tencentcloud::tts::V20190823::TextToVoiceResponse` def TextToVoice(request) body = send_request('TextToVoice', request.serialize) response = JSON.parse(body) if response['Response'].key?('Error') == false model = TextToVoiceResponse.new model.deserialize(response['Response']) model else code = response['Response']['Error']['Code'] message = response['Response']['Error']['Message'] reqid = response['Response']['RequestId'] raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(code, message, reqid) end rescue TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException => e raise e rescue StandardError => e raise TencentCloud::Common::TencentCloudSDKException.new(nil, e.inspect) end end end end end