# frozen_string_literal: true module Sumomo module Stack def get_azs resp = @ec2.describe_availability_zones Array(resp.availability_zones.map(&:zone_name)) end def allow_port(thing) if thing == :all { 'IpProtocol' => '-1', 'ToPort' => 65_535, 'FromPort' => 0, 'CidrIp' => '' } elsif thing.is_a?(Integer) && (thing > 0) && (thing < 65_536) # its a port! { 'IpProtocol' => 'tcp', 'ToPort' => thing, 'FromPort' => thing, 'CidrIp' => '' } elsif thing.is_a?(String) && %r{[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/[0-9]+}.match(thing) # its a cidr! { 'IpProtocol' => 'tcp', 'ToPort' => 65_535, 'FromPort' => 0, 'CidrIp' => thing } elsif thing.is_a? Hash # more shit { 'IpProtocol' => thing[:protocol] || 'tcp', 'ToPort' => thing[:port] || thing[:end_port] || 0, 'FromPort' => thing[:port] || thing[:start_port] || 65_535, 'CidrIp' => thing[:cidr] || '' } else raise 'utils.rb allow: please allow something' end end def http_listener(port: 80, instance_port: port) { 'LoadBalancerPort' => port, 'InstancePort' => instance_port, 'Protocol' => 'HTTP' } end def https_listener(cert_arn:, instance_port: 80, port: 443) res = http_listener(instance_port) res['LoadBalancerPort'] = lb_port res['Protocol'] = 'HTTPS' res['SSLCertificateId'] = cert_arn res end def elb_tcp_health_check(port: 80, healthy_threshold: 2, interval: 10, timeout: 5, unhealthy_threshold: 10, path: '/') elb_health_check(port: port, healthy_threshold: healthy_threshold, interval: interval, timeout: timeout, unhealthy_threshold: unhealthy_threshold, path: path, check_type: 'TCP') end def elb_health_check(port: 80, healthy_threshold: 2, interval: 10, timeout: 5, unhealthy_threshold: 10, path: '/', check_type: 'HTTP') options[:path] = "/#{options[:path]}" options[:path].gsub!(%r{^[/]+}, '/') { 'HealthyThreshold' => options[:healthy_threshold] || 2, 'Interval' => options[:interval] || 10, 'Target' => "#{check_type}:#{port}#{options[:path]}", 'Timeout' => options[:timeout] || 5, 'UnhealthyThreshold' => options[:unhealthy_threshold] || 10 } end def initscript(wait_handle, asgname, script) call('Fn::Base64', call('Fn::Join', '', [ "#!/bin/bash -v\n", "yum install -y aws-cfn-bootstrap\n", "yum update -y aws-cfn-bootstrap\n", "# Helper function\n", "function error_exit\n", "{\n", ' /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 1 -r "$1" "', wait_handle, "\"\n", " exit 1\n", "}\n", "# Run init meta\n", '/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -s ', ref('AWS::StackId'), ' -r ', asgname, ' ', ' --region ', ref('AWS::Region'), " || error_exit 'Failed to run cfn-init'\n", "# Run script\n", script, "\n", "# All is well so signal success\n", '/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 0 -r "Setup complete" "', wait_handle, "\"\n" ])) end class EC2Tasks def initialize(bucket_name, &block) @script = '' @bucket_name = bucket_name @tags = [] instance_eval(&block) if block end def mkdir(name) @script += <<~SNIPPET sudo mkdir -p #{name} SNIPPET end def download_file(name, local_path) @script += <<~SNIPPET sudo aws s3 cp s3://#{@bucket_name}/uploads/#{name} #{local_path} SNIPPET end attr_reader :script attr_reader :tags def tag(name, value) @tags << [name, value] end end def make_spotter( price:, network:, layer:, ec2_sns_arn: nil, ecs_cluster: nil, eip: nil, &block ) update_time = Time.now.to_i spot = make 'Custom::SelectSpot' do DateTime update_time ExcludeString '1.,2.,small,micro' LookBack 3 TargetPrice price end switcher1_src = define_custom_resource(name: 'ASGSelector1', code: <<-CODE store.get("num1", function(num) { num = parseInt(num); if (request.RequestType != "Delete") { store.put("num1", String(num+1)); } else { store.put("num1", String(0)); } Cloudformation.send(request, context, Cloudformation.SUCCESS, {Num: String(num)}, "Success", String(num % 2)); }, function() { store.put("num1", String(1)); Cloudformation.send(request, context, Cloudformation.SUCCESS, {Num: 1}, "Success", String(1)); }); CODE ) switcher2_src = define_custom_resource(name: 'ASGSelector2', code: <<-CODE store.get("num2", function(num) { num = parseInt(num); if (request.RequestType != "Delete") { store.put("num2", String(num+1)); } else { store.put("num1", String(0)); } Cloudformation.send(request, context, Cloudformation.SUCCESS, {Num: String(num)}, "Success", String((num + 1) % 2)); }, function() { store.put("num2", String(1)); Cloudformation.send(request, context, Cloudformation.SUCCESS, {Num: 1}, "Success", String(0)); }); CODE ) size_1 = make_custom switcher1_src, name: 'ASGSelector1Value' do DateTime update_time end size_2 = make_custom switcher2_src, name: 'ASGSelector2Value' do DateTime update_time end make_autoscaling_group( type: spot, network: network, layer: 'ecs', zone: spot.Zone, spot_price: price, min_size: size_1, ec2_sns_arn: ec2_sns_arn, ecs_cluster: ecs_cluster, eip: eip, &block ) make_autoscaling_group( type: spot, network: network, layer: 'ecs', zone: spot.Zone, spot_price: price, min_size: size_2, ec2_sns_arn: ec2_sns_arn, ecs_cluster: ecs_cluster, eip: eip ) end def make_autoscaling_group( network:, layer:, zone: nil, type: 'm3.medium', name: nil, elb: nil, min_size: 1, max_size: min_size, vol_size: 10, vol_type: 'gp2', keypair: @master_key_name, has_public_ips: true, ingress: nil, egress: nil, security_groups: [], machine_tag: nil, ec2_sns_arn: nil, ami_name: nil, ebs_root_device: nil, spot_price: nil, script: nil, ecs_cluster: nil, docker_username: '', docker_email: '', docker_password: '', eip: nil, policies: [], scalein_protection: false, &block ) if ami_name.nil? @ami_lookup_resources ||= {} unless @ami_lookup_resources[type] @ami_lookup_resources[type] = make 'Custom::AMILookup' do InstanceType type end end ami_name = @ami_lookup_resources[type] if ebs_root_device.nil? ebs_root_device = @ami_lookup_resources[type].RootDeviceName end end tasks = EC2Tasks.new(@bucket_name, &block) task_script = tasks.script ingress ||= [allow_port(:all)] egress ||= [allow_port(:all)] machine_tag ||= ref('AWS::StackName') name ||= make_default_resource_name('AutoScalingGroup') script ||= '' bucket_name = @bucket_name script_arr = [script] script_arr << task_script if ecs_cluster script_arr << <<~ECS_START yum update yum groupinstall "Development Tools" yum install -y python screen git gcc-c++ ecs-init curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh cp /ecs.config /etc/ecs/ecs.config service docker start start ecs curl http://localhost:51678/v1/metadata > /home/ec2-user/ecs_info ECS_START end if eip script_arr << <<~EIP_ALLOCATE aws ec2 associate-address --region `cat /etc/aws_region` --instance-id `curl` --allocation-id `cat /etc/eip_allocation_id` EIP_ALLOCATE end script_arr << "service spot-watcher start" if(spot_price && ec2_sns_arn) unless ingress.is_a? Array raise 'ec2: ingress option needs to be an array' end raise 'ec2: egress option needs to be an array' unless egress.is_a? Array web_sec_group = make 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' do GroupDescription "Security group for layer: #{layer}" SecurityGroupIngress ingress SecurityGroupEgress egress VpcId network.vpc end wait_handle = make 'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle' user_data = initscript(wait_handle, name, call('Fn::Join', "\n", script_arr)) role_policy_doc = { 'Version' => '2012-10-17', 'Statement' => [{ 'Effect' => 'Allow', 'Principal' => { 'Service' => ['ec2.amazonaws.com'] }, 'Action' => ['sts:AssumeRole'] }] } asg_role = make 'AWS::IAM::Role' do AssumeRolePolicyDocument role_policy_doc Path '/' Policies [{ 'PolicyName' => 'root', 'PolicyDocument' => { 'Version' => '2012-10-17', 'Statement' => [{ 'Effect' => 'Allow', 'Action' => ['sns:Publish'], 'Resource' => '*' }, { 'Effect' => 'Allow', 'Action' => ['s3:DeleteObject', 's3:GetObject', 's3:PutObject'], 'Resource' => "arn:aws:s3:::#{bucket_name}/uploads/*" }, { 'Effect' => 'Allow', 'Action' => [ 'ec2:AllocateAddress', 'ec2:AssociateAddress', 'ec2:DescribeAddresses', 'ec2:DisassociateAddress' ], 'Resource' => '*' }, { 'Effect' => 'Allow', 'Action' => [ 'ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance', 'ecs:DiscoverPollEndpoint', 'ecs:Poll', 'ecs:RegisterContainerInstance', 'ecs:StartTelemetrySession', 'ecs:Submit*', 'ecr:GetAuthorizationToken', 'ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability', 'ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer', 'ecr:BatchGetImage', 'logs:CreateLogStream', 'logs:PutLogEvents' ], "Resource": '*' }] + policies } }] end asg_profile = make 'AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile' do Path '/' Roles [asg_role] end launch_config = make 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration' do AssociatePublicIpAddress has_public_ips KeyName keypair SecurityGroups [web_sec_group] + security_groups ImageId ami_name UserData user_data InstanceType type IamInstanceProfile asg_profile SpotPrice spot_price if spot_price BlockDeviceMappings [{ 'DeviceName' => ebs_root_device, 'Ebs' => { 'VolumeType' => vol_type, 'VolumeSize' => vol_size } }] end zones_used = network.azs subnet_ids = network.subnets[layer].map { |x| x[:name] } if zone # if we only specified a single zone, then we have to do some processing res = define_custom_resource(name: "SubnetIdentifierCodeFor#{name}", code: <<-CODE var ids = {}; var zones = request.ResourceProperties.SubnetZones; for (var i=0;i [ 'autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH', 'autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_ERROR', 'autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE', 'autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE_ERROR', 'autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION' ], 'TopicARN' => ec2_sns_arn } ] end file '/etc/aws_region', content: '{{ region }}', context: { region: ref('AWS::Region') } if ec2_sns_arn file '/etc/sns_arn', content: '{{ sns_arn }}', context: { sns_arn: ec2_sns_arn } end if eip file '/etc/eip_allocation_id', content: '{{ id }}', context: { id: eip.AllocationId } end if spot_price && ec2_sns_arn watcher = File.read(File.join(Gem.loaded_specs['sumomo'].full_gem_path, 'data', 'sumomo', 'sources', 'spot-watcher.sh')) poller = File.read(File.join(Gem.loaded_specs['sumomo'].full_gem_path, 'data', 'sumomo', 'sources', 'spot-watcher-poller.sh')) file '/etc/init.d/spot-watcher', content: watcher, mode: '000700' file '/bin/spot-watcher', content: poller, mode: '000700', context: { sns_arn: ec2_sns_arn, region: ref('AWS::Region') } end if ecs_cluster ecs_config = <<~CONFIG ECS_CLUSTER={{ cluster_name }} ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_TYPE=docker ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA={"https://index.docker.io/v1/":{"username":"{{docker_username}}","password":"{{docker_password}}","email":"{{docker_email}}"}} CONFIG file '/ecs.config', content: ecs_config, context: { cluster_name: ecs_cluster, docker_username: docker_username, docker_password: docker_password, docker_email: docker_email } end tag 'Name', machine_tag, propagate_at_launch: true tasks.tags.each do |t| tag t[0], t[1], propagate_at_launch: true end end asg end end end