require 'cucumber/step_definition' require 'cucumber/core_ext/string' module Cucumber module Ast class Step attr_reader :keyword, :name attr_writer :world, :previous, :options attr_accessor :status, :scenario, :exception def initialize(line, keyword, name, *multiline_args) @line, @keyword, @name, @multiline_args = line, keyword, name, multiline_args end def execute_with_arguments(argument_hash, world, previous, visitor, row_line) delimited_arguments = delimit_argument_names(argument_hash) name = replace_name_arguments(delimited_arguments) multiline_args = replace_multiline_args_arguments(delimited_arguments) execute_twin(world, previous, visitor, row_line, name, *multiline_args) end def accept(visitor) execute(visitor) visitor.visit_step_name(@keyword, @name, @status, @step_definition, source_indent) @multiline_args.each do |multiline_arg| visitor.visit_multiline_arg(multiline_arg, @status) end @exception end def to_sexp [:step, @line, @keyword, @name, *{|arg| arg.to_sexp}] end def at_lines?(lines) lines.empty? || lines.index(@line) || @multiline_args.detect{|a| a.at_lines?(lines)} end def source_indent @scenario.source_indent(text_length) end def text_length @keyword.jlength + @name.jlength + 2 # Add 2 because steps get indented 2 more than scenarios end def backtrace_line @backtrace_line ||= @scenario.backtrace_line("#{@keyword} #{@name}", @line) unless @scenario.nil? end def file_line @file_line ||= @scenario.file_line(@line) unless @scenario.nil? end def actual_keyword if [Cucumber.keyword_hash['and'], Cucumber.keyword_hash['but']].index(@keyword) && previous_step previous_step.actual_keyword else @keyword end end protected def previous_step @scenario.previous_step(self) end private def execute(visitor) matched_args = [] if @status.nil? begin @step_definition = visitor.step_definition(@name) matched_args = @step_definition.matched_args(@name) if @previous == :passed && !visitor.options[:dry_run] @world.__cucumber_current_step = self @step_definition.execute(@name, @world, *(matched_args + @multiline_args)) @status = :passed else @status = :skipped end rescue StepMother::Undefined => exception if visitor.options[:strict] exception.set_backtrace([]) failed(exception) else @status = :undefined end rescue StepMother::Pending => exception visitor.options[:strict] ? failed(exception) : @status = :pending rescue Exception => exception failed(exception) end @scenario.step_executed(self) if @scenario end [self, @status, matched_args] end def execute_twin(world, previous, visitor, line, name, *multiline_args) # We'll create a new step and execute that step =, @keyword, name, *multiline_args) step.scenario = @scenario = world step.previous = previous step.__send__(:execute, visitor) end ARGUMENT_START = '<' ARGUMENT_END = '>' def delimit_argument_names(argument_hash) argument_hash.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h["#{ARGUMENT_START}#{k}#{ARGUMENT_END}"] = v; h } end def replace_name_arguments(argument_hash) name_with_arguments_replaced = @name argument_hash.each do |name, value| name_with_arguments_replaced = name_with_arguments_replaced.gsub(name, value) if value end name_with_arguments_replaced end def replace_multiline_args_arguments(arguments) do |arg| arg.arguments_replaced(arguments) end end def failed(exception) @status = :failed @exception = exception @exception.backtrace << backtrace_line unless backtrace_line.nil? end end end end