module Ox # An Element represents a element of an XML document. It has a name, # attributes, and sub-nodes. class Element < Node # Creates a new Element with the specified name. # @param [String] name name of the Element def initialize(name) super @attributes = nil @nodes = nil end alias name value # Returns the Element's nodes array. These are the sub-elements of this # Element. # @return [Array] all child Nodes. def nodes @nodes = [] if !instance_variable_defined?(:@nodes) or @nodes.nil? @nodes end # Appends a Node to the Element's nodes array. # @param [Node] node Node to append to the nodes array def <<(node) @nodes = [] if !instance_variable_defined?(:@nodes) or @nodes.nil? raise "argument to << must be a String or Ox::Node." unless node.is_a?(String) or node.is_a?(Node) @nodes << node end # Returns all the attributes of the Element as a Hash. # @return [Hash] all attributes and attribute values. def attributes @attributes = { } if !instance_variable_defined?(:@attributes) or @attributes.nil? @attributes end # Returns the value of an attribute. # @param [Symbol|String] attr attribute name or key to return the value for def [](attr) return nil unless instance_variable_defined?(:@attributes) and @attributes.is_a?(Hash) @attributes[attr] or (attr.is_a?(String) ? @attributes[attr.to_sym] : @attributes[attr.to_s]) end # Adds or set an attribute of the Element. # @param [Symbol|String] attr attribute name or key # @param [Object] value value for the attribute def []=(attr, value) raise "argument to [] must be a Symbol or a String." unless attr.is_a?(Symbol) or attr.is_a?(String) @attributes = { } if !instance_variable_defined?(:@attributes) or @attributes.nil? @attributes[attr] = value.to_s end # Returns true if this Object and other are of the same type and have the # equivalent value and the equivalent elements otherwise false is returned. # @param [Object] other Object compare _self_ to. # @return [Boolean] true if both Objects are equivalent, otherwise false. def eql?(other) return false if (other.nil? or self.class != other.class) return false unless super(other) return false unless self.attributes == other.attributes return false unless self.nodes == other.nodes true end alias == eql? # Returns an array of Nodes or Strings that correspond to the locations # specified by the path parameter. The path parameter describes the path # to the return values which can be either nodes in the XML or # attributes. The path is a relative description. There are similarities # between the locate() method and XPath but locate does not follow the # same rules as XPath. The syntax is meant to be simpler and more Ruby # like. # # Like XPath the path delimiters are the slash (/) character. The path is # split on the delimiter and each element of the path then describes the # child of the current Element to traverse. # # Attributes are specified with an @ prefix. # # Each element name in the path can be followed by a bracket expression # that narrows the paths to traverse. Supported expressions are numbers # with a preceeding qualifier. Qualifiers are -, +, <, and >. The + # qualifier is the default. A - qualifier indicates the index begins at # the end of the children just like for Ruby Arrays. The < and > # qualifiers indicates all elements either less than or greater than # should be matched. Note that unlike XPath, the element index starts at 0 # similar to Ruby be contrary to XPath. # # Element names can also be wildcard characters. A * indicates any # decendent should be followed. A ? indicates any single Element can # match the wildcard. # # Examples are: # * element.locate("Family/Pete/*") returns all children of the Pete Element. # * element.locate("Family/?[1]") returns the first element in the Family Element. # * element.locate("Family/?[<3]") returns the first 3 elements in the Family Element. # * element.locate("Family/?/@age") returns the arg attribute for each child in the Family Element. # * element.locate("Family/*/@type") returns the type attribute value for decendents of the Family. # # @param [String] path path to the Nodes to locate def locate(path) return [self] if path.nil? found = [] pa = path.split('/') alocate(pa, found) found end # @param [Array] path array of steps in a path # @param [Array] found matching nodes def alocate(path, found) step = path[0] if step.start_with?('@') # attribute raise unless 1 == path.size step = step[1..-1] sym_step = step.to_sym @attributes.each do |k,v| found << v if ('?' == step or k == step or k == sym_step) end else # element name if (i = step.index('[')).nil? # just name name = step qual = nil else name = step[0..i-1] raise unless step.end_with?(']') i += 1 qual = step[i..i] # step[i] would be better but some rubies (jruby, ree, rbx) take that as a Fixnum. if '0' <= qual and qual <= '9' qual = '+' else i += 1 end index = step[i..-2].to_i end if '?' == name or '*' == name match = nodes else match = { |e| e.is_a?(Element) and name == } end unless qual.nil? or match.empty? case qual when '+' match = index < match.size ? [match[index]] : [] when '-' match = index <= match.size ? [match[-index]] : [] when '<' match = 0 < index ? match[0..index - 1] : [] when '>' match = index <= match.size ? match[index + 1..-1] : [] else raise end end if (1 == path.size) match.each { |n| found << n } elsif '*' == name match.each { |n| n.alocate(path, found) if n.is_a?(Element) } match.each { |n| n.alocate(path[1..-1], found) if n.is_a?(Element) } else match.each { |n| n.alocate(path[1..-1], found) if n.is_a?(Element) } end end end end # Element end # Ox