pivotal_to_pdf -- print the stories from pivotal tracker to a PDF file ==================================== ## DESCRIPTION This is a gem that can read a story from pivotal tracker and print into a 4x6 card so that you can print the card and stick to your physical story board. I steal the part of code from http://ephemera.karmi.cz/post/622136360/create-printable-pdf-cards-for-your-pivotal-tracker-stor The difference is the code there print to a A4 paper with 4 stories on it. This gem prints one card at a time and the gem doesn't require an exported csv file. ## INSTALL $ [sudo] gem install pivotal_to_pdf ## USAGE First you need to create a .pivotal.yml under your home directory. No idea how you do this under Windows so no support to Windows yet a sample .pivotal.yml: token: your-api-token-of-pivotal-tracker project_id: your-ptroject-id After install the gem, you can do: * pivotal_to_pdf iteration # print stories for the current iteration into a PDF file * pivotal_to_pdf story STORY_ID # print a single story specifed by ID into a PDF file The gem will then read the story/stories and print it into a PDF file The gem assumes that you have https access to the pivotal tracker