module Snapshot class DependencyChecker def self.check_dependencies self.check_xcode_select self.check_simulators self.check_xctool self.check_for_automation_subfolder self.check_simctl end def self.check_xcode_select unless `xcode-select -v`.include?"xcode-select version " Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' Helper.log.fatal "# You have to install the Xcode commdand line tools to use deliver" Helper.log.fatal "# Install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore" Helper.log.fatal "# Run xcode-select --install to install the developer tools" Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' raise "Run 'xcode-select --install' and start deliver again" end end def self.check_simulators Helper.log.debug "Found #{Simulators.available_devices.count} simulators." if Simulators.available_devices.count < 1 Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' Helper.log.fatal "# You have to add new simulators using Xcode" Helper.log.fatal "# Xcode => Window => Devices" Helper.log.fatal "# Please run `instruments -s` to verify your xcode path" Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' raise "Create the new simulators and run this script again" end end def self.xctool_installed? return `which xctool`.length > 1 end def self.check_xctool if not self.xctool_installed? Helper.log.error '#############################################################' Helper.log.error "# xctool is recommended to build the apps" Helper.log.error "# Install it using 'brew install xctool'" Helper.log.error "# Falling back to xcode build instead " Helper.log.error '#############################################################' end end def self.check_for_automation_subfolder if"./Automation" or File.exists?"./Automation" raise "Seems like you have an 'Automation' folder in the current directory. You need to delete/rename it!".red end end def self.check_simctl unless `xcrun simctl`.include?"openurl" raise "Could not find `xcrun simctl`. Make sure you have the latest version of Xcode and Mac OS installed.".red end end end end