### PnMerbAuthRememberMe This plugin provides a remember me function based on MerbAuth. Most of codes are from [RestfulAuthentication on Rails](http://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication/tree/master) This plugin adds a mixin that you should include in your user model to provide 2 fields to remember the token and time to expire. The mixin will automatically select the correct sub mixin for all supported orms.
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
include Merb::Authentication::Mixins::AuthenticatedUser
property :id, Serial
### Migration Requirements
The mixin requires some fields to be in-place on your model. Where needed include these in your migrations.
:remember_token_expires_at, DateTime
:remember_token, String
### Configuration Options
declare in your _merb/merb-auth/strategies.rb_ file
### Instructions for installation:
Rake tasks to package/install the gem - edit this to modify the manifest.
file: config/dependencies.rb
\# add the plugin as a regular dependency
dependency 'merb-auth-remember-me'
file: slice/merb-auth-slice-password/app/controllers/sessions.rb or the logout action
\# clear :auth\_token after log out
cookies.delete :auth_token
In your unauthenticated.html.erb(Login page)
%input#rememberme{ :name => "remember_me" , :type => "checkbox", :value => "1"}
Remember Me