require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' module VariantSpecHelper def valid_variant_attributes { :sku => "mt", :price => 10, :weight => 1, :height => 1, :width => 1, :depth => 1 } end end describe Variant do include VariantSpecHelper before(:each) do @variant = end it "should not be valid when empty" do @variant.should_not be_valid end ['product'].each do |field| it "should require #{field}" do @variant.should_not be_valid @variant.errors.full_messages.should include("#{field.intern.l(field).humanize} #{:error_message_blank.l}") end end describe "with a valid product" do before do p = p.stub!(:valid?).and_return true @variant.stub!(:product).and_return p end it "should be valid when having correct information" do @variant.attributes = valid_variant_attributes @variant.should be_valid end it "should set the price with the same value as its product master_price if not set" do @variant.product.should_receive(:master_price).exactly(2).and_return "11.33" @variant.valid?.should be_true @variant.price.should =="11.33") end it "should not be valid if the price and its product master_price is not set" do @variant.valid?.should be_false @variant.errors.full_messages.should include("Must supply price for variant or master_price for product.") end describe 'on_hand' do before do @variant.update_attributes!(valid_variant_attributes) end it "should update the inventory unit records when added" do @variant.inventory_units.size.should == 0 @variant.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "1"}) @variant.inventory_units.size.should == 1 end it "should update the inventory unit records when removed" do @variant.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "2"}) @variant.inventory_units.size.should == 2 @variant.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "1"}) @variant.inventory_units.size.should == 1 @variant.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => "0"}) @variant.inventory_units.size.should == 0 end end it "should return how many units are available when requested" do @variant.update_attributes!(valid_variant_attributes) @variant.on_hand.should == 0 @variant.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => 3.to_s}) @variant.on_hand.should == 3 end it "should respond if it is in stock" do @variant.update_attributes!(valid_variant_attributes) @variant.in_stock.should == false @variant.update_attributes!({"on_hand" => 3.to_s}) @variant.in_stock.should == true end end end