# # Author:: Philip (flip) Kromer () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Infochimps, Inc # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require File.expand_path('ironfan_knife_common', File.dirname(File.realdirpath(__FILE__))) require File.expand_path('cluster_bootstrap', File.dirname(File.realdirpath(__FILE__))) class Chef class Knife class ClusterLaunch < Knife include Ironfan::KnifeCommon deps do require 'time' require 'socket' Chef::Knife::ClusterBootstrap.load_deps end banner "knife cluster launch CLUSTER[-FACET[-INDEXES]] (options) - Creates chef node and chef apiclient, pre-populates chef node, and instantiates in parallel their cloud computers. With --bootstrap flag, will ssh in to computers as they become ready and launch the bootstrap process" [ :ssh_port, :ssh_user, :ssh_password, :identity_file, :use_sudo, :prerelease, :bootstrap_version, :template_file, :distro, :bootstrap_runs_chef_client, :host_key_verify ].each do |name| option name, Chef::Knife::ClusterBootstrap.options[name] end option :dry_run, :long => "--dry-run", :description => "Don't really run, just use mock calls", :boolean => true, :default => false option :force, :long => "--force", :description => "Perform launch operations even if it may not be safe to do so. Default false", :boolean => true, :default => false option :bootstrap, :long => "--[no-]bootstrap", :description => "Also bootstrap the launched machine (default is NOT to bootstrap)", :boolean => true, :default => false def run load_ironfan die(banner) if @name_args.empty? configure_dry_run # # Load the facet # full_target = get_slice(*@name_args) display(full_target) target = full_target.select(&:launchable?) warn_or_die_on_bogus_servers(full_target) unless full_target.select(&:bogus?).empty? die("", "#{ui.color("All computers are running -- not launching any.",:blue)}", "", 1) if target.empty? # Pre-populate information in chef section("Syncing to chef") target.save :providers => :chef # Launch computers ui.info("") section("Launching computers", :green) display(target) target.launch # As each server finishes, configure it Ironfan.parallel(target.values) do |computer| perform_after_launch_tasks(computer) end # progressbar_for_threads(watcher_threads) display(target) end def perform_after_launch_tasks(computer) # Wait for machine creation on amazon side # server.fog_server.wait_for{ ready? } computer.machine.wait_for{ ready? } # Try SSH unless config[:dry_run] # nil until tcp_test_ssh(server.fog_server.dns_name){ sleep @initial_sleep_delay ||= 10 } nil until tcp_test_ssh(computer.machine.dns_name){ sleep @initial_sleep_delay ||= 10 } end # # Make sure our list of volumes is accurate # Ironfan.fetch_fog_volumes # server.discover_volumes! # Attach volumes, etc # server.sync_to_cloud computer.save # Run Bootstrap Chef::Log.warn "UNTESTED --bootstrap" run_bootstrap(computer) if config[:bootstrap] end def tcp_test_ssh(hostname) tcp_socket = TCPSocket.new(hostname, 22) readable = IO.select([tcp_socket], nil, nil, 5) if readable Chef::Log.debug("sshd accepting connections on #{hostname}, banner is #{tcp_socket.gets}") yield true else false end rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT false rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep 2 false rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sleep 2 false ensure tcp_socket && tcp_socket.close end def warn_or_die_on_bogus_servers(target) ui.info("") ui.info "Cluster has servers in a transitional or undefined state (shown as 'bogus'):" ui.info("") display(target) ui.info("") unless config[:force] die( "Launch operations may be unpredictable under these circumstances.", "You should wait for the cluster to stabilize, fix the undefined server problems", "(run \"knife cluster show CLUSTER\" to see what the problems are), or launch", "the cluster anyway using the --force option.", "", -2) end ui.info("") ui.info "--force specified" ui.info "Proceeding to launch anyway. This may produce undesired results." ui.info("") end end end end