# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the foreman_ansible package. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, YEAR. # # Translators: # 0868a4d1af5275b3f70b0a6dac4c99a4, 2019 # tim123, 2022 # Bryan Kearney <bryan.kearney@gmail.com>, 2022 # Amit Upadhye <aupadhye@redhat.com>, 2022 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: foreman_ansible 10.1.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-14 21:36+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Amit Upadhye <aupadhye@redhat.com>, 2022\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/zh" "_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" msgid "%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected" msgstr "%(totalCount)s 中的 %(selectedCount)s 个项目被选择" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 前" msgid "%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled" msgstr "%{cfgmgmt} 不同步被禁用" msgid "(from host group)" msgstr "(从主机组中)" msgid "A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run" msgstr "用于 Ansible 运行的以逗号分隔的标签列表" msgid "Action with sub plans" msgstr "有子计划的操作" msgid "Actions" msgstr "操作" msgid "Add" msgstr "添加" msgid "Add all" msgstr "添加所有" msgid "Add selected" msgstr "添加选择的" msgid "Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles." msgstr "" msgid "All assigned Ansible roles" msgstr "所有分配的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible" msgstr "Ansible" msgid "Ansible playbooks names to be synced" msgstr "要同步的 Ansible playbook 名称" msgid "Ansible Role" msgstr "Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible Roles" msgstr "Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible Roles were successfully assigned." msgstr "Ansible 角色已成功分配。" msgid "Ansible Variable Details" msgstr "Ansible 变量详请" msgid "Ansible Variable Details (Imported)" msgstr "Ansible 变量详情(导入)" msgid "Ansible Variable not found by id: %s" msgstr "未根据 id 找到 Ansible 变量:%s" msgid "Ansible Variables" msgstr "Ansible 变量" msgid "Ansible check mode" msgstr "Ansible 检查模式" msgid "Ansible job was successfully canceled." msgstr "Ansible 作业已成功取消。" msgid "Ansible job was successfully created." msgstr "Ansible 作业已成功创建。" msgid "Ansible provider specific inputs" msgstr "Ansible 供应商特定输入" msgid "Ansible report timeout" msgstr "Ansible 报告超时" msgid "Ansible role" msgstr "Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible role names to be imported" msgstr "要导入的 Ansible 角色名称" msgid "Ansible role names to be synced" msgstr "要同步的 Ansible 角色名称" msgid "Ansible role to add to a host" msgstr "" msgid "Ansible role to add to a hostgroup" msgstr "" msgid "Ansible role to remove from a host" msgstr "" msgid "Ansible role to remove from a hostgroup" msgstr "" msgid "Ansible roles assigned directly to host" msgstr "直接分配给主机的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible roles to assign to a host" msgstr "分配给主机的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup" msgstr "分配给主机组的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible roles to ignore" msgstr "要忽略的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Ansible support in Foreman" msgstr "Foreman 中的 Ansible 支持" msgid "Ansible variable override successfully changed." msgstr "Ansible 变量覆盖已成功更改。" msgid "Ansible variable override was successfully deleted." msgstr "Ansible 变量覆盖已成功删除。" msgid "Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan" msgstr "Ansible:运行 Insights 维护计划" msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel Ansible config job?" msgstr "您确定要取消 Ansible 配置任务吗?" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete override for %s?" msgstr "您确定要为 %s 删除覆盖吗?" msgid "Assign roles directly to the host" msgstr "" msgid "Assigned Ansible Roles" msgstr "分配的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Assigns Ansible roles to a host" msgstr "为主机分配 Ansible 角色" msgid "Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup" msgstr "为主机组分配 Ansible 角色" msgid "Available Ansible Roles" msgstr "可用的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Available Ansible roles" msgstr "可用的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?" msgstr "合并时是否避免重复值(只适用于阵列类型)?" msgid "Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation." msgstr "在将这些变量包括在您的 playbook 中之前,Foreman将验证您的变量是否符合验证要求。" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" msgid "Cancel Ansible config job" msgstr "取消 Ansible 配置任务" msgid "Changed Ansible roles" msgstr "已更改的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Close" msgstr "关闭" msgid "Configure Ansible Job" msgstr "" msgid "Configure Recurring Job" msgstr "配置周期性作业" msgid "Confirm" msgstr "确认" msgid "Connection type" msgstr "连接类型" msgid "Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted." msgstr "要在找到第一个匹配项后继续查找吗(仅阵列/散列类型)?注意:合并覆盖会忽略所有省略的映射器。" msgid "Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}" msgstr "无法为 %{host} 运行 Ansible 角色" msgid "Create Ansible Variable" msgstr "创建 Ansible 变量" msgid "Create Ansible variable" msgstr "创建 Ansible 变量" msgid "Create an override value for a specific ansible variable" msgstr "为一个特定的 ansible 变量创建一个覆盖值" msgid "DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles" msgstr "已弃用:导入 Ansible 角色" msgid "DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already existing roles, it will not import any new roles" msgstr "已弃用:导入 Ansible 变量。这只会导入已存在角色的变量,不会导入任何新角色" msgid "DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles" msgstr "已弃用:过时的 Ansible 角色" msgid "DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already existing roles, it will not delete any old roles" msgstr "已弃用:过时的 Ansible 变量。这只会使已存在角色的变量过时,而不会删除任何旧角色" msgid "Default Ansible inventory report template" msgstr "默认的 Ansible 库存报告模板" msgid "Default Behavior" msgstr "默认行为" msgid "Default value" msgstr "默认值" msgid "Default value of variable" msgstr "变量的默认值" msgid "Default verbosity level" msgstr "默认详细级别" msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Delete %s?" msgstr "刪除 %s?" msgid "Delete Ansible variable override" msgstr "删除 Ansible 变量覆盖" msgid "Deletes Ansible role" msgstr "删除 Ansible 角色" msgid "Deletes Ansible variable" msgstr "删除 Ansible 变量" msgid "Description" msgstr "描述" msgid "Description of variable" msgstr "变量描述" msgid "Destroy an override value" msgstr "销毁覆盖值" msgid "Directly add an Ansible role to a host" msgstr "" msgid "Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup" msgstr "" msgid "Directly assigned to Host" msgstr "直接分配给主机" msgid "Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval" msgstr "禁用在配置的间隔时间后没有获得报告时把主机(%{cfgmgmt})配置状态变为不同步" msgid "Disabled" msgstr "禁用" msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "编辑 %s" msgid "Edit Ansible Roles" msgstr "编辑 Ansible 角色" msgid "Edit Ansible Variable" msgstr "编辑 Ansible 变量" msgid "Edit Ansible roles" msgstr "编辑 Ansible 角色" msgid "Enable Ansible Callback" msgstr "" msgid "Enable the callback plugin for this template" msgstr "" msgid "Enable web console" msgstr "启用 Web 控制台" msgid "Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\"" msgstr "运行 Ansible playbook 时启用/禁用 WinRM 服务器证书验证。您可以通过添加参数 \"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\" 在主机上覆盖此选项" msgid "Error!" msgstr "错误!" msgid "Executed at" msgstr "执行于" msgid "Failed to import roles and variables " msgstr "导入角色和变量失败 " msgid "Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced" msgstr "获取可用于同步的 Ansible playbook" msgid "Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced" msgstr "获取可以同步的 Ansible 角色" msgid "For more advanced scheduling options" msgstr "" msgid "Foreman" msgstr "Foreman" msgid "Foreman will add this level of verbosity for additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks." msgstr "运行 Ansible playbook 时,Foreman 将添加这一详细级别,以获得额外的调试输出。" msgid "Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory" msgstr "Foreman 将使用此模板来调度带有 Ansible 库存的报告" msgid "Hash of input values of type input=>value" msgstr "类型为 input=>value 的输入值的哈希" msgid "Hidden Value" msgstr "隐藏值" msgid "Hide all values for this parameter." msgstr "隐藏这个参数的所有值。" msgid "Host assigned Ansible roles" msgstr "主机分配的 Ansible 角色" msgid "Host group has no associated hosts" msgstr "主机组没有关联的主机" msgid "Host not found by id: %s" msgstr "未根据 id 找到主机:%s" msgid "Hostgroups" msgstr "主机组" msgid "Hosts" msgstr "主机" msgid "IDs of associated ansible roles" msgstr "相关 ansible 角色的 ID" msgid "IDs of hostgroups included in inventory" msgstr "清单中包含的主机组的 ID" msgid "IDs of hostgroups to play roles on" msgstr "扮演角色所在的主机组 ID" msgid "IDs of hosts included in inventory" msgstr "清单中包含的主机的 ID" msgid "IDs of hosts to play roles on" msgstr "扮演角色所在的主机 ID" msgid "If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value." msgstr "检查后,如果没有默认值,且没有映射程序提供数值,则会创建出错信息。" msgid "Import" msgstr "导入" msgid "Import Puppet classes" msgstr "导入 Puppet 类" msgid "Import Role" msgstr "导入角色" msgid "Import facts" msgstr "导入事实" msgid "Import from %s" msgstr "从 %s 导入" msgid "Import playbooks has finished successfully" msgstr "已成功导入 playbook" msgid "Import roles And Variables" msgstr "导入角色和变量" msgid "Import roles and variables has finished successfully" msgstr "导入角色和变量已成功完成" msgid "Import roles and variables started: " msgstr "导入启动的角色和变量: " msgid "Imported at" msgstr "导入于" msgid "Imported?" msgstr "导入?" msgid "Include default value when merging all matching values" msgstr "合并所有匹配值时包括默认值" msgid "Include default value when merging all matching values." msgstr "合并所有匹配值时包括默认值。" msgid "Include/Exclude Tags" msgstr "包括/排除标签" msgid "Include\\Exclude tags for Ansible run" msgstr "用于 Ansible 运行的包括\\排除标签" msgid "Inherited from Hostgroup" msgstr "从主机组中继承" msgid "Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully" msgstr "%{hosts_count} 个主机的 Insights 补救计划已成功完成" msgid "Invalid, expected one of: %s" msgstr "无效,预期为 %s 之一" msgid "Invalid, expected to match a regex: %s" msgstr "无效,预期匹配的 与 regex :%s" msgid "Inventory" msgstr "清单" msgid "Job Details" msgstr "作业详情" msgid "Jobs" msgstr "工作" msgid "Learn more about this in the documentation." msgstr "如需了解更多信息,请参阅文档。" msgid "Level" msgstr "等级" msgid "Level 1 (-v)" msgstr "级别 1 (-v)" msgid "Level 2 (-vv)" msgstr "级别 2 (-vv)" msgid "Level 3 (-vvv)" msgstr "级别 3 (-vvv)" msgid "Level 4 (-vvvv)" msgstr "级别 4 (-vvvv)" msgid "List Ansible roles" msgstr "列出 Ansible 角色" msgid "List Ansible variables" msgstr "列出 Ansible 变量" msgid "List all Ansible roles for a host" msgstr "显示一个主机上的所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup" msgstr "列出一个主机组的所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable." msgstr "标记由 Foreman 管理的变量。当此变量的 Ansible 角色分配给主机后,默认值将作为主机变量添加到 Ansible 清单中。指定匹配器以为该变量设置不同的值。" msgid "Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)" msgstr "合并所有匹配的值(仅用于阵列/哈希类型)" msgid "Message" msgstr "信息" msgid "Must not be in the past" msgstr "不能为过去" msgid "Name" msgstr "名称" msgid "Name of variable" msgstr "变量名称" msgid "New Ansible Variable" msgstr "新的 Ansible 变量" msgid "Next Run" msgstr "下一次运行" msgid "" "No Ansible Roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\n" " you have to import them first." msgstr "" "Foreman 中没有找到 Ansible 角色。如果要分配角色到您的主机,\n" " 您必须先导入它们。" msgid "No Ansible roles assigned" msgstr "没有分配的 Ansible 角色" msgid "No Ansible variables found for Host" msgstr "没有为主机找到 Ansible 变量" msgid "No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s." msgstr "没有添加或删除 %s 中检测到的角色或变量。" msgid "No added or removed roles nor variables." msgstr "没有添加或删除角色或变量。" msgid "No additional data" msgstr "没有额外的数据" msgid "No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables" msgstr "在指定的 Ansible 角色及其变量中未检测到更改" msgid "No changes in variables detected on %s." msgstr "%s 上没有检测到变量更改。" msgid "No config job for Ansible roles scheduled" msgstr "没有为 Ansible 角色调度配置作业" msgid "No previous job executions found" msgstr "未找到以前的作业执行" msgid "No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled." msgstr "没有找到可从中导入变量的代理服务器,请确定智能代理服务器启用了 Ansible 功能。" msgid "No roles assigned directly to the host" msgstr "" msgid "No roles/hosts assigned" msgstr "" msgid "Nothing Found!" msgstr "未找到!" msgid "Nothing to show" msgstr "没有可显示的信息" msgid "Notice that ansible roles run in check mode." msgstr "请注意,ansible 角色在检查模式下运行。" msgid "Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. If set, overrides foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size setting for Ansible jobs." msgstr "如果启用了 foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger,应发送到一个请求中的智能代理的任务数量。如果设置,则会覆盖 Ansible 作业的 foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size 设置。" msgid "Only variables marked to Override are shown here." msgstr "此处仅显示标记为覆盖的变量。" msgid "Optional Input Validator" msgstr "可选的输入验证程序" msgid "Order" msgstr "顺序" msgid "Override match" msgstr "替代匹配" msgid "Override the default value of the Ansible variable." msgstr "覆盖 Ansible 变量的默认值" msgid "Override value, required if omit is false" msgstr "覆盖值,omit 为 false 时必需" msgid "Overriden" msgstr "覆盖" msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "没有足够权限" msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "没有权限" msgid "Playbooks" msgstr "Playbook" msgid "Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:" msgstr "请向 Foreman 管理员请求下列所需权限之一:" msgid "Post-provision timeout" msgstr "置备后超时" msgid "Previously executed jobs" msgstr "之前执行的作业" msgid "Prioritize Attribute Order" msgstr "排列属性优先顺序" msgid "Private Key Path" msgstr "私钥路径" msgid "Proxy not found" msgstr "找不到代理" msgid "Proxy tasks batch size for Ansible" msgstr "Ansible 的代理任务的批处理大小" msgid "Remediation Plan" msgstr "补救计划" msgid "Remote action:" msgstr "远程操作:" msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Remove Role" msgstr "删除角色" msgid "Remove all" msgstr "删除所有" msgid "Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host" msgstr "" msgid "Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup" msgstr "" msgid "Remove duplicate values (only array type)" msgstr "删除重复值(仅用于阵列类型)" msgid "Remove selected" msgstr "继续选择的" msgid "Report format, defaults to '%s'" msgstr "报告格式,默认为 '%s'" msgid "Request the following permissions from administrator: %s." msgstr "连续管理员来获得以下权限:%s。" msgid "Required field" msgstr "" msgid "Result" msgstr "结果" msgid "Role ID" msgstr "角色 ID" msgid "Roles" msgstr "角色" msgid "Role|Name" msgstr "角色|名称" msgid "Run Ansible roles" msgstr "运行 Ansible 角色" msgid "Run all Ansible roles" msgstr "运行所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Run all Ansible roles on hosts belonging to this host group" msgstr "在属于该主机组的主机上运行所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Run an Ansible playbook against given hosts" msgstr "针对指定的主机运行 Ansible playbook" msgid "Run an Ansible playbook to enable web console on given hosts" msgstr "运行 Ansible playbook 以在给定主机上启用 Web 控制台" msgid "Run playbook" msgstr "运行 playbook" msgid "Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID." msgstr "运行给定 ID 的红帽 Access Insights 的给定维护计划。" msgid "Runs all Ansible roles on a host" msgstr "在一个主机上运行所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup" msgstr "在一个主机组中运行所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups" msgstr "在主机组中运行所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Runs all Ansible roles on hosts" msgstr "在主机上运行所有 Ansible 角色" msgid "Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host" msgstr "运行 Ansible playbook,它包含为主机定义的所有角色" msgid "Schedule" msgstr "调度" msgid "Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report" msgstr "调度生成 Ansible 库存清单报告" msgid "Schedule recurring Ansible roles job" msgstr "" msgid "Schedule recurring job" msgstr "计划周期性作业" msgid "Scheduled recurring jobs" msgstr "调度的周期性作业" msgid "Set the order in which values are resolved." msgstr "设定用来解析值的顺序。" msgid "Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups" msgstr "为主机组显示 Ansible 库存清单" msgid "Show Ansible inventory for hosts" msgstr "为主机显示 Ansible 库存清单" msgid "Show full value" msgstr "" msgid "Show role" msgstr "显示角色" msgid "Show variable" msgstr "显示变量" msgid "Smart Proxy to fetch from" msgstr "用来获取的职能代理" msgid "Smart Proxy to import from" msgstr "作为导入来源的智能代理服务器" msgid "Smart Proxy to sync from" msgstr "从其中进行同步的智能代理" msgid "Smart proxy id is required" msgstr "需要智能代理 ID" msgid "Source" msgstr "來源:" msgid "Source attribute" msgstr "源属性" msgid "Specify Matchers" msgstr "指定匹配器" msgid "State" msgstr "状态" msgid "Submit" msgstr "提交" msgid "Sync Ansible playbooks" msgstr "同步 Ansible playbook" msgid "Sync Ansible roles" msgstr "同步 Ansible 角色" msgid "Tags" msgstr "标签" msgid "Task" msgstr "任务" msgid "Task Details" msgstr "任务详情" msgid "The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \"web servers\", environment = production</code>" msgstr "处理匹配器键的顺序,第一个会生效。<br>您可以使用多个属性作为匹配器健,例如:<code>host group, environment</code> 会期望一个匹配器,如 <code>hostgroup = \"web servers\", environment = production</code>" msgid "The order in which values are resolved" msgstr "值解析的順序" msgid "There are no Ansible roles to play" msgstr "没有扮演的 Ansible 角色" msgid "There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s" msgstr "在分配 Ansible 角色时出现错误:%s" msgid "There was a following error when changing Ansible variable override: %s" msgstr "更改 Ansible 变量覆盖时出现错误:%s" msgid "There was a following error when creating Ansible job: %s" msgstr "创建 Ansible 作业时出现错误:%s" msgid "There was a following error when deleting Ansible config job: %s" msgstr "删除 Ansible 配置作业时会出现以下错误:%s" msgid "There was a following error when deleting Ansible variable override: %s" msgstr "删除 Ansible 变量覆盖时出现错误:%s" msgid "This Ansible role is inherited from host group" msgstr "此 Ansible 角色从主机组继承" msgid "This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group" msgstr "此 Ansible 角色从父主机组继承" msgid "This job will run all the assigned Ansible roles." msgstr "" msgid "This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles." msgstr "" msgid "Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar" msgstr "在从智能代理导入角色时这些角色将被排除。预期的输入为以逗号分隔的值,您可以使用 * 通配符元字符。例如:foo*, *b*,*bar" msgid "Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported." msgstr "主机应该被报告的超时时间(以分钟为单位)" msgid "Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot." msgstr "在主机完全置备后 Foreman 将触发一个扮演 Ansible 角色任务时设置的超时(秒)。将此超时设为您预计主机在重启后准备就绪所需的最长时间。" msgid "Type" msgstr "类型" msgid "Types of validation values" msgstr "验证值类型" msgid "Types of variable values" msgstr "变量值类型" msgid "Unable to get playbook's names from Ansible" msgstr "无法从 Ansible 获取 playbook 名称" msgid "Unable to get playbooks from Ansible" msgstr "无法从 Ansible 获取 playbook" msgid "Unable to get roles from Ansible" msgstr "无法从 Ansible 获取角色" msgid "Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible" msgstr "无法从 Ansible 获取角色/变量" msgid "Update" msgstr "更新" msgid "Update Role Variables" msgstr "更新角色变量" msgid "Update Smart Proxy" msgstr "" msgid "Updates Ansible variable" msgstr "更新 Ansible 变量" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "" msgid "Upgrade Capsules on given Capsule server hosts" msgstr "在给定的 Capsule 服务器主机上升级 Capsule" msgid "Upgrade Capsules on given hosts" msgstr "在给定主机上升级 Capsule" msgid "Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly" msgstr "使用拖放来更改角色的顺序。在 Ansible 运行时会遵循这个顺序,继承的角色始终位于直接分配的角色的前面。" msgid "Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled" msgstr "改为使用同步,从启用了 Ansible 功能的智能代理中同步角色" msgid "Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \"ansible_connection\"" msgstr "运行 Ansible playbook 时,默认使用这种连接类型。您可以通过添加参数 \"ansible_connection\" 在主机上覆盖此类型" msgid "Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\" host parameter" msgstr "使用此选项提供一个 SSH 私钥路径,供 Ansible 用于代替密码。用 \"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\" 主机参数覆盖" msgid "Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values" msgstr "用来在参数中强制使用某些值" msgid "Value" msgstr "值" msgid "Value to use when there is no match." msgstr "未发现匹配时使用的值。" msgid "Variables" msgstr "变量" msgid "Variable|Name" msgstr "Variable|Name" msgid "Variable|Role" msgstr "变量|角色" msgid "View inherited roles" msgstr "" msgid "When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI" msgstr "何时将启用的参数隐藏到 UI 中" msgid "Whether to override variable or not" msgstr "是否覆盖变量" msgid "WinRM cert Validation" msgstr "WinRM 证书验证" msgid "You are not authorized to perform this action." msgstr "您没有执行这个操作的授权。" msgid "You are not authorized to view the page. " msgstr "您没有权利查看该页面。 " msgid "daily" msgstr "每日" msgid "false" msgstr "false" msgid "hourly" msgstr "每小时" msgid "is required" msgstr "是必需的" msgid "monthly" msgstr "每月" msgid "true" msgstr "true" msgid "view all assigned roles" msgstr "查看所有分配的角色" msgid "view remote execution page." msgstr "" msgid "view the task in progress" msgstr "查看正在进行中的任务" msgid "weekly" msgstr "每周"