## # The jenkins tasks enable the packaging repo to kick off packaging builds on a # remote jenkins slave. They work in a similar way to the :remote tasks, but # with a few key differences. The jenkins tasks transmit information to a # jenkins coordinator, which handles the rest. The data passed are the # following: # # 1) $PROJECT_BUNDLE - a tar.gz of a git-bundle from HEAD of the current # project, which is cloned on the builder to set up a duplicate of this # environment # # 2) $BUILD_PROPERTIES - a build parameters file, containing all information about the build # # 3) $BUILD_TYPE - the "type" of build, e.g. rpm, deb, gem, etc The jenkins url and job name # are obtained via the team build-data file at # git@github.com/puppetlabs/build-data # # 4) $PROJECT - the project we're building, e.g. facter, puppet. This is used later in # determining the target for the build artifacts on the distribution server # # On the Jenkins end, the job is a parameterized job that accepts four # parameters. Jenkins has the Parameterized Trigger Plugin, Workspace Cleanup # Plugin, and Node and Label Parameter Plugin in use for this job. The # workspace cleanup plugin cleans the workspace before each build. Two are file # parameters, a string parameter, and a Label parameter provided by the Node # and Label Parameter Plugin, as described above. When th pl:jenkins:post task # triggers a build, it passes values for all of these parameters. The Label # parameter is associated with the build type. This way we can queue the job on # a builder with the appropriate capabilities just by assigning a builder the # label "deb" or "rpm," etc. The actual build itself is accomplished via a # shell build task. The contents of the task are: # ################# # # #!/bin/bash # # SHA=$(echo $BUILD_PROPERTIES | cut -d '.' -f1) # # echo "Build type: $BUILD_TYPE" # # ### Create a local clone of the git-bundle that was passed # # The bundle is a tarball, and since this is a project-agnostic # # job, we don't actually know what's in it, just that it's a # # git bundle. # # # # [ -f "PROJECT_BUNDLE" ] || exit 1 # mkdir project && tar -xzf PROJECT_BUNDLE -C project/ # # pushd project # git clone --recursive $(ls) git_repo # # pushd git_repo # # ### Install the packaging gem via Bundler # bundle install # # ### Perform the build # bundle exec rake pl:build_from_params PARAMS_FILE=$WORKSPACE/BUILD_PROPERTIES # # ### Send the results # bundle exec rake pl:jenkins:ship["artifacts"] PARAMS_FILE=$WORKSPACE/BUILD_PROPERTIES # # popd # popd # # ### Create the repositories from our project by trigger a downstream job # ### Because we can't trigger downstream with a File Parameter, we use curl # if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "rpm" ] || [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "deb" ] ; then # curl -i -Fname=PROJECT_BUNDLE -Ffile0=@PROJECT_BUNDLE -FSubmit=Build -Fjson="{\"parameter\":[{\"name\":\"PROJECT_BUNDLE\",\"file\":\"file0\"}]}" \ # http://jenkins-release.delivery.puppetlabs.net/job/puppetlabs-packaging-repo-creation/build # fi # # ### If a downstream job was passed, trigger it now # if [ -n "$DOWNSTREAM_JOB" ] ; then # pushd project # pushd git_repo # bundle exec rake pl:jenkins:post["$DOWNSTREAM_JOB"] PARAMS_FILE=$WORKSPACE/BUILD_PROPERTIES # popd # popd # fi # ################# namespace :pl do namespace :jenkins do ## # Do the heavy lifting. This task generates the URL for the jenkins job and posts it. # It expects a the following arguments # 1. :build_task => The lower-level pl: or pe: task we're executing, e.g. pl:deb_all # task :post_build, :build_task do |t, args| # Check for a dirty tree before allowing a remote build that is doomed to unexpected results Pkg::Util::Git.fail_on_dirty_source # We use JSON for parsing the json part of the submission to JSON Pkg::Util.require_library_or_fail 'json' build_task = args.build_task ## # We set @:task of Pkg::Config manually with our task data so the remote # build knows what to do. Puppetdb needs early knowledge of if this is # a PE build, so we always this along as an environment variable task # argument if its the case. # Pkg::Config.task = { :task => "#{build_task}", :args => nil } Pkg::Config.task[:args] = ["PE_BUILD=true"] if @build_pe # # Determine the type of build we're doing to inform jenkins build_type = case build_task when /deb/ if Pkg::Config.default_cow.split('-')[1] =~ /cumulus/ "cumulus" else "deb" end when /mock/ then "rpm" when /dmg|apple/ then "dmg" when /gem/ then "gem" when /tar/ then "tar" else raise "Could not determine build type for #{build_task}" end # Create a string of metrics to send to Jenkins for data analysis dist = case build_type when /deb/ then Pkg::Config.default_cow.split('-')[1] when /rpm/ if Pkg::Config.pe_version Pkg::Config.final_mocks.split(' ')[0].split('-')[2] else Pkg::Config.final_mocks.split(' ')[0].split('-')[1..2].join("") end when /dmg/ then "apple" when /gem/ then "gem" when /sles/ then "sles" when /tar/ then "tar" else raise "Could not determine build type for #{build_task}" end if Pkg::Config.pe_version metrics = "#{ENV['USER']}~#{Pkg::Config.version}~#{Pkg::Config.pe_version}~#{dist}~#{Pkg::Config.team}" else metrics = "#{ENV['USER']}~#{Pkg::Config.version}~N/A~#{dist}~#{Pkg::Config.team}" end # # Create the data files to send to jenkins properties = Pkg::Config.config_to_yaml bundle = Pkg::Util::Git.bundle('HEAD') # Construct the parameters, which is an array of hashes we turn into JSON parameters = [{ "name" => "BUILD_PROPERTIES", "file" => "file0" }, { "name" => "PROJECT_BUNDLE", "file" => "file1" }, { "name" => "PROJECT", "value" => "#{Pkg::Config.project}" }, { "name" => "BUILD_TYPE", "label" => "#{build_type}" }, { "name" => "METRICS", "value" => "#{metrics}" }] # Initialize the args array that will hold all of the arguments we pass # to the curl utility method. args = [] # If the environment variable "DOWNSTREAM_JOB" was passed, we want to # send this value to the build job as well, so it knows to trigger a # downstream job, and with what URI. if ENV['DOWNSTREAM_JOB'] parameters << { "name" => "DOWNSTREAM_JOB", "value" => ENV['DOWNSTREAM_JOB'] } args << ["-Fname=DOWNSTREAM_JOB", "-Fvalue=#{ENV['DOWNSTREAM_JOB']}"] end # Contruct the json string json = JSON.generate("parameter" => parameters) # Construct the remaining form arguments. For visual clarity, params that are tied # together are on the same line. # args << [ "-Fname=BUILD_PROPERTIES", "-Ffile0=@#{properties}", "-Fname=PROJECT_BUNDLE", "-Ffile1=@#{bundle}", "-Fname=PROJECT", "-Fvalue=#{Pkg::Config.project}", "-Fname=BUILD_TYPE", "-Fvalue=#{build_type}", "-Fname=METRICS", "-Fvalue=#{metrics}", "-FSubmit=Build", "-Fjson=#{json.to_json}", ] # We have several arrays inside args by now, flatten it up. args.flatten! # Construct the job url # job_url = "#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_build_host}/job/#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_packaging_job}" trigger_url = "#{job_url}/build" # Call out to the curl_form_data utility method in 00_utils.rake # begin _, retval = Pkg::Util::Net.curl_form_data(trigger_url, args) if Pkg::Util::Execution.success?(retval) puts "Build submitted. To view your build results, go to #{job_url}" puts "Your packages will be available at http://#{Pkg::Config.builds_server}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}" else fail "An error occurred submitting the job to jenkins. Take a look at the preceding http response for more info." end ensure # Clean up after ourselves rm bundle rm properties end end end end ## # A task listing for creating jenkins tasks for our various pl: and pe: build # tasks. We can assume deb, mock, but not gem/dmg. # tasks = ["deb", "mock", "tar"] tasks << "gem" if Pkg::Config.build_gem and !Pkg::Config.build_pe tasks << "dmg" if Pkg::Config.build_dmg and !Pkg::Config.build_pe namespace :pl do namespace :jenkins do tasks.each do |build_task| desc "Queue pl:#{build_task} build on jenkins builder" task build_task => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:post_build", "pl:#{build_task}") end end # While pl:remote:deb_all does all cows in serially, with jenkins we # parallelize them. This breaks the cows up and posts a build for all of # them. We have to sleep 5 because jenkins drops the builds when we're # DOSing it with our packaging. desc "Queue pl:deb_all on jenkins builder" task :deb_all => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Config.cows.split(' ').each do |cow| Pkg::Config.default_cow = cow Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:post_build", "pl:deb") sleep 5 end end # This does the mocks in parallel desc "Queue pl:mock_all on jenkins builder" task :mock_all => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Config.final_mocks.split(' ').each do |mock| Pkg::Config.default_mock = mock Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:post_build", "pl:mock") sleep 5 end end task :uber_ship_lite => "pl:fetch" do tasks = %w( jenkins:retrieve jenkins:sign_all ship_rpms ship_debs ship_dmg ship_swix ship_tar ship_msi ship_gem ) tasks.map { |t| "pl:#{t}" }.each do |t| puts "Running #{t} . . ." Rake::Task[t].invoke end # mark the build as successfully shipped Rake::Task["pl:jenkins:ship"].invoke("shipped") end task :stage_nightlies => "pl:fetch" do tasks = %w( jenkins:retrieve jenkins:sign_all ship_nightly_rpms ship_nightly_debs ship_nightly_dmg ship_nightly_swix ship_nightly_msi ) tasks.map { |t| "pl:#{t}" }.each do |t| puts "Running #{t} . . ." Rake::Task[t].invoke end end task :ship_nightlies => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:jenkins:stage_nightlies'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_nightly_repos'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:deploy_nightlies_to_s3'].invoke end task :ship_final => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:jenkins:uber_ship_lite'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_foss_repos'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:deploy_final_builds_to_s3'].invoke Rake::Task['pl:remote:deploy_to_rsync_server'].invoke end task :stage_release_packages => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:jenkins:uber_ship_lite'].invoke # Deb packages only appear in the freight directory until repo updates. # We must run that before creating symlinks so we can link from packages # in the apt repository. Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_apt_repo'].invoke Pkg::Util::Ship.update_release_package_symlinks('pkg') end task :stage_nightly_release_packages => "pl:fetch" do Rake::Task['pl:jenkins:stage_nightlies'].invoke # Deb packages only appear in the freight directory until repo updates. # We must run that before creating symlinks so we can link from packages # in the apt repository. Rake::Task['pl:remote:update_nightlies_apt_repo'].invoke Pkg::Util::Ship.update_release_package_symlinks('pkg', true) end desc "Retrieve packages built by jenkins, sign, and ship all!" task :uber_ship => "pl:fetch" do uber_tasks = %w( jenkins:retrieve jenkins:sign_all uber_ship ship_gem remote:update_apt_repo remote:update_yum_repo remote:update_ips_repo remote:deploy_apt_repo remote:deploy_yum_repo remote:deploy_dmg_repo remote:deploy_swix_repo remote:deploy_msi_repo remote:deploy_tar_repo remote:deploy_apt_repo_to_s3 remote:deploy_yum_repo_to_s3 remote:deploy_downloads_to_s3 remote:deploy_to_rsync_server ) if Pkg::Util.boolean_value(Pkg::Config.answer_override) && !Pkg::Config.foss_only fail "Using ANSWER_OVERRIDE without FOSS_ONLY=true is dangerous!" end # Some projects such as pl-build-tools do not stage to a separate server - so we do to deploy uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_apt_repo") if Pkg::Config.apt_host == Pkg::Config.apt_signing_server uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_yum_repo") if Pkg::Config.yum_host == Pkg::Config.yum_staging_server uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_dmg_repo") if Pkg::Config.dmg_host == Pkg::Config.dmg_staging_server uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_swix_repo") if Pkg::Config.swix_host == Pkg::Config.swix_staging_server uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_tar_repo") if Pkg::Config.tar_host == Pkg::Config.tar_staging_server if Pkg::Config.s3_ship uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_apt_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_yum_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_dmg_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_swix_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_msi_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_tar_repo") else uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_apt_repo_to_s3") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_yum_repo_to_s3") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_downloads_to_s3") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_to_rsync_server") end # Delete the ship_gem task if we aren't building gems uber_tasks.delete("ship_gem") unless Pkg::Config.build_gem # I'm adding this check here because if we rework the task ordering we're # probably going to need to muck about in here. -morgan if uber_tasks.first == 'jenkins:retrieve' # We need to run retrieve before we can delete tasks based on what # packages were built. Before this we were deleting tasks based on files # in a directory that hadn't been populated yet, so this would either # fail since all tasks would be removed, or would be running based on # files left over in packaging from the last ship. puts 'Do you want to run pl:jenkins:retrieve?' Rake::Task['pl:jenkins:retrieve'].invoke if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no uber_tasks.delete('jenkins:retrieve') end # Don't update and deploy repos if packages don't exist # If we can't find a certain file type, delete the task if Dir.glob("pkg/**/*.deb").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:update_apt_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_apt_repo") end if Dir.glob("pkg/**/*.rpm").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:update_yum_repo") uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_yum_repo") end if Dir.glob("pkg/**/*.p5p").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:update_ips_repo") end if Dir.glob("pkg/**/*.dmg").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_dmg_repo") end if Dir.glob("pkg/**/*.swix").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_swix_repo") end if Dir.glob("pkg/**/*.msi").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_msi_repo") end if Dir.glob("pkg/*.tar.gz").empty? uber_tasks.delete("remote:deploy_tar_repo") end uber_tasks.map { |t| "pl:#{t}" }.each do |t| puts "Do you want to run #{t}?" Rake::Task[t].invoke if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no end puts "Do you want to mark this release as successfully shipped?" Rake::Task["pl:jenkins:ship"].invoke("shipped") if Pkg::Util.ask_yes_or_no end desc "Test shipping by replacing hosts with a VM" task :test_ship, [:vm, :ship_task] do |t, args| vm = args.vm or fail "`vm` is a required argument for #{t}" ship_task = args.ship_task or fail "`ship_task` is a required argument for #{t}" Pkg::Util::Ship.test_ship(vm, ship_task) end end end ## # If this is a PE project, we want PE tasks as well. # if Pkg::Config.build_pe namespace :pe do namespace :jenkins do tasks.each do |build_task| desc "Queue pe:#{build_task} build on jenkins builder" task build_task => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Util.check_var("PE_VER", Pkg::Config.pe_version) Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:post_build", "pe:#{build_task}") end end # While pl:remote:deb_all does all cows in serially, with jenkins we # parallelize them. This breaks the cows up and posts a build for all of # them. We have to sleep 5 because jenkins drops the builds when we're # DOSing it with our packaging. desc "Queue pe:deb_all on jenkins builder" task :deb_all => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Util.check_var("PE_VER", Pkg::Config.pe_version) Pkg::Config.cows.split(' ').each do |cow| Pkg::Config.default_cow = cow Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:post_build", "pe:deb") sleep 5 end end # This does the mocks in parallel desc "Queue pe:mock_all on jenkins builder" task :mock_all => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Config.final_mocks.split(' ').each do |mock| Pkg::Config.default_mock = mock Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:post_build", "pe:mock") sleep 5 end end desc "Retrieve PE packages built by jenkins, sign, and ship all!" task :uber_ship => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Util.check_var("PE_VER", Pkg::Config.pe_version) ["pl:jenkins:retrieve", "pl:jenkins:sign_all", "pe:ship_rpms", "pe:ship_debs"].each do |task| Rake::Task[task].invoke end Rake::Task["pl:jenkins:ship"].invoke("shipped") end end end end ## # This task allows the packaging repo to post to an arbitrary jenkins job but # it is very limited in that it does not model well the key => value format # used when submitting form data on websites. This is primarily because rake # does not allow us to elegantly pass arbitrary key => value pairs on the # command line and have any idea how to reference them inside rake. We can pass # KEY=VALUE along with our invokation, but unless KEY is statically coded into # our task, we won't know how to reference it. Thus, this task will only take # one argument, the uri of the jenkins job to post to. This can be passed # either as an argument directly or as an environment variable "JOB" with the # uri as the value. The argument is required. The second requirement is that # the job to be called accept a string parameter with the name SHA. This will # be the SHA of the commit of the project source code HEAD, and should be used # by the job to check out this specific ref. To maintain the abstraction of the # jenkins jobs, this specific task passes on no information about the build # itself. The assumption is that the upstream jobs know about their project, # and so do the downstream jobs, but packaging itself has no business knowing # about it. # namespace :pl do namespace :jenkins do desc "Trigger a jenkins uri with SHA of HEAD as a string param, requires \"URI\"" task :post, :uri do |t, args| uri = (args.uri or ENV['URI']) or fail "pl:jenkins:post requires a URI, either via URI= or pl:jenkin:post[URI]" # We use JSON for parsing the json part of the submission. begin require 'json' rescue LoadError fail "Couldn't require 'json'. JSON is required for sanely generating the string we curl to Jenkins." end # Assemble the JSON string for the JSON parameter json = JSON.generate("parameter" => [{ "name" => "SHA", "value" => "#{Pkg::Config.ref}" }]) # Assemble our arguments to the post args = [ "-Fname=SHA", "-Fvalue=#{Pkg::Config.ref}", "-Fjson=#{json.to_json}", "-FSubmit=Build" ] _, retval = Pkg::Util::Net.curl_form_data(uri, args) if Pkg::Util::Execution.success?(retval) puts "Job triggered at #{uri}." else fail "An error occurred attempting to trigger the job at #{uri}. Please see the preceding http response for more info." end end end end