# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Bundler # Each gem in the Gemfile should have a comment explaining # its purpose in the project, or the reason for its version # or source. # # The optional "OnlyFor" configuration array # can be used to only register offenses when the gems # use certain options or have version specifiers. # # When "version_specifiers" is included, a comment # will be enforced if the gem has any version specifier. # # When "restrictive_version_specifiers" is included, a comment # will be enforced if the gem has a version specifier that # holds back the version of the gem. # # For any other value in the array, a comment will be enforced for # a gem if an option by the same name is present. # A useful use case is to enforce a comment when using # options that change the source of a gem: # # - `bitbucket` # - `gist` # - `git` # - `github` # - `source` # # For a full list of options supported by bundler, # see https://bundler.io/man/gemfile.5.html # . # # @example OnlyFor: [] (default) # # bad # # gem 'foo' # # # good # # # Helpers for the foo things. # gem 'foo' # # @example OnlyFor: ['version_specifiers'] # # bad # # gem 'foo', '< 2.1' # # # good # # # Version 2.1 introduces breaking change baz # gem 'foo', '< 2.1' # # @example OnlyFor: ['restrictive_version_specifiers'] # # bad # # gem 'foo', '< 2.1' # # # good # # gem 'foo', '>= 1.0' # # # Version 2.1 introduces breaking change baz # gem 'foo', '< 2.1' # # @example OnlyFor: ['version_specifiers', 'github'] # # bad # # gem 'foo', github: 'some_account/some_fork_of_foo' # # gem 'bar', '< 2.1' # # # good # # # Using this fork because baz # gem 'foo', github: 'some_account/some_fork_of_foo' # # # Version 2.1 introduces breaking change baz # gem 'bar', '< 2.1' # class GemComment < Base include DefNode include GemDeclaration MSG = 'Missing gem description comment.' CHECKED_OPTIONS_CONFIG = 'OnlyFor' VERSION_SPECIFIERS_OPTION = 'version_specifiers' RESTRICTIVE_VERSION_SPECIFIERS_OPTION = 'restrictive_version_specifiers' RESTRICTIVE_VERSION_PATTERN = /\A\s*(?:<|~>|\d|=)/.freeze RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[gem].freeze def on_send(node) return unless gem_declaration?(node) return if ignored_gem?(node) return if commented_any_descendant?(node) return if cop_config[CHECKED_OPTIONS_CONFIG].any? && !checked_options_present?(node) add_offense(node) end private def commented_any_descendant?(node) commented?(node) || node.each_descendant.any? { |n| commented?(n) } end def commented?(node) preceding_lines = preceding_lines(node) preceding_comment?(node, preceding_lines.last) end # The args node1 & node2 may represent a RuboCop::AST::Node # or a Parser::Source::Comment. Both respond to #loc. def precede?(node1, node2) node2.loc.line - node1.loc.line <= 1 end def preceding_lines(node) processed_source.ast_with_comments[node].select do |line| line.loc.line <= node.loc.line end end def preceding_comment?(node1, node2) node1 && node2 && precede?(node2, node1) && comment_line?(node2.loc.expression.source) end def ignored_gem?(node) ignored_gems = Array(cop_config['IgnoredGems']) ignored_gems.include?(node.first_argument.value) end def checked_options_present?(node) (cop_config[CHECKED_OPTIONS_CONFIG].include?(VERSION_SPECIFIERS_OPTION) && version_specified_gem?(node)) || (cop_config[CHECKED_OPTIONS_CONFIG].include?(RESTRICTIVE_VERSION_SPECIFIERS_OPTION) && restrictive_version_specified_gem?(node)) || contains_checked_options?(node) end # Besides the gem name, all other *positional* arguments to `gem` are version specifiers, # as long as it has one we know there's at least one version specifier. def version_specified_gem?(node) # arguments[0] is the gem name node.arguments[1]&.str_type? end # Version specifications that restrict all updates going forward. This excludes versions # like ">= 1.0" or "!= 2.0.3". def restrictive_version_specified_gem?(node) return unless version_specified_gem?(node) node.arguments[1..] .any? { |arg| arg&.str_type? && RESTRICTIVE_VERSION_PATTERN.match?(arg.value) } end def contains_checked_options?(node) (Array(cop_config[CHECKED_OPTIONS_CONFIG]) & gem_options(node).map(&:to_s)).any? end def gem_options(node) return [] unless node.arguments.last&.type == :hash node.arguments.last.keys.map(&:value) end end end end end