# = One dimensional Minimization
# This chapter describes routines for finding minima of arbitrary
# one-dimensional functions.
# Contents:
# 1. {Introduction}[link:rdoc/min_rdoc.html#label-Introduction]
# 1. {GSL::Min::FMinimizer class}[link:rdoc/min_rdoc.html#label-Minimizer+class]
# 1. {Iteration}[link:rdoc/min_rdoc.html#label-Iteration]
# 1. {Stopping Parameters}[link:rdoc/min_rdoc.html#label-Stopping+Parameters]
# 1. {Examples}[link:rdoc/min_rdoc.html#label-Example]
# == Introduction
# The minimization algorithms begin with a bounded region known to contain
# a minimum. The region is described by a lower bound a and an upper bound
# b, with an estimate of the location of the minimum x.
# The value of the function at x must be less than the value of the
# function at the ends of the interval,
# f(a) > f(x) < f(b)
# This condition guarantees that a minimum is contained somewhere within the
# interval. On each iteration a new point x' is selected using one of the
# available algorithms. If the new point is a better estimate of the minimum,
# f(x') < f(x), then the current estimate of the minimum x is
# updated. The new point also allows the size of the bounded interval to be
# reduced, by choosing the most compact set of points which satisfies the
# constraint f(a) > f(x) < f(b). The interval is reduced until it
# encloses the true minimum to a desired tolerance. This provides a best
# estimate of the location of the minimum and a rigorous error estimate.
# Several bracketing algorithms are available within a single framework.
# The user provides a high-level driver for the algorithm, and the library
# provides the individual functions necessary for each of the steps. There
# are three main phases of the iteration. The steps are,
# * initialize minimizer (or solver) state, s, for algorithm T
# * update s using the iteration T
# * test s for convergence, and repeat iteration if necessary
# The state of the minimizers is held in a GSL::Min::FMinimizer object.
# The updating procedure use only function evaluations (not derivatives).
# The function to minimize is given as an instance of the {GSL::Function}[link:rdoc/function_rdoc.html] class to the minimizer.
# == FMinimizer class
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer.alloc(t)
# These method create an instance of the GSL::Min::FMinimizer class of
# type t. The type t is given by a String,
# * "goldensection"
# * "brent"
# * "quad_golden"
# or by a Ruby constant,
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer::GOLDENSECTION
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer::BRENT
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer::QUAD_GOLDEN (GSL-1.13)
# ex)
# include GSL::Min
# s = FMinimizer.alloc(FMinimizer::BRENT)
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#set(f, xmin, xlow, xup)
# This method sets, or resets, an existing minimizer self to use
# the function f (given by a GSL::Function
# object) and the initial search interval [xlow, xup],
# with a guess for the location of the minimum xmin.
# If the interval given does not contain a minimum, then the
# method returns an error code of GSL::FAILURE.
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#set_with_values(f, xmin, fmin, xlow, flow, xup, fup)
# This method is equivalent to Fminimizer#set but uses the values
# fmin, flowe and fup instead of computing
# f(xmin), f(xlow) and f(xup).
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#name
# This returns the name of the minimizer.
# == Iteration
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#iterate
# This method performs a single iteration of the minimizer self.
# If the iteration encounters an unexpected problem then an error code
# will be returned,
# * GSL::EBADFUNC: the iteration encountered a singular point where the
# function evaluated to Inf or NaN.
# * GSL::FAILURE: the algorithm could not improve the current best
# approximation or bounding interval.
# The minimizer maintains a current best estimate of the position of
# the minimum at all times, and the current interval bounding the minimum.
# This information can be accessed with the following auxiliary methods
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#x_minimum
# Returns the current estimate of the position of the minimum
# for the minimizer self.
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#x_upper
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#x_lower
# Return the current upper and lower bound of the interval for the
# minimizer self.
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#f_minimum
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#f_upper
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#f_lower
# Return the value of the function at the current estimate of the
# minimum and at the upper and lower bounds of interval
# for the minimizer self.
# == Stopping Parameters
# ---
# * GSL::Min::FMinimizer#test_interval(epsabs, epsrel)
# * GSL::Min.test_interval(xlow, xup, epsabs, epsrel)
# These methoeds test for the convergence of the interval
# [xlow, xup] with absolute error epsabs and relative
# error epsrel. The test returns GSL::SUCCESS
# if the following condition is achieved,
# |a - b| < epsabs + epsrel min(|a|,|b|)
# when the interval x = [a,b] does not include the origin.
# If the interval includes the origin then min(|a|,|b|) is
# replaced by zero (which is the minimum value of |x| over the interval).
# This ensures that the relative error is accurately estimated for minima
# close to the origin.
# This condition on the interval also implies that any estimate of the
# minimum x_m in the interval satisfies the same condition with respect
# to the true minimum x_m^*,
# |x_m - x_m^*| < epsabs + epsrel x_m^*
# assuming that the true minimum x_m^* is contained within the interval.
# == Example
# To find the minimum of the function f(x) = cos(x) + 1.0:
# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require("gsl")
# include GSL::Min
# fn1 = Function.alloc { |x| Math::cos(x) + 1.0 }
# iter = 0; max_iter = 500
# m = 2.0 # initial guess
# m_expected = Math::PI
# a = 0.0
# b = 6.0
# gmf = FMinimizer.alloc(FMinimizer::BRENT)
# gmf.set(fn1, m, a, b)
# printf("using %s method\n", gmf.name)
# printf("%5s [%9s, %9s] %9s %10s %9s\n", "iter", "lower", "upper", "min",
# "err", "err(est)")
# printf("%5d [%.7f, %.7f] %.7f %+.7f %.7f\n", iter, a, b, m, m - m_expected, b - a)
# begin
# iter += 1
# status = gmf.iterate
# status = gmf.test_interval(0.001, 0.0)
# puts("Converged:") if status == GSL::SUCCESS
# a = gmf.x_lower
# b = gmf.x_upper
# m = gmf.x_minimum
# printf("%5d [%.7f, %.7f] %.7f %+.7f %.7f\n",
# iter, a, b, m, m - m_expected, b - a);
# end while status == GSL::CONTINUE and iter < max_iter
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