# coding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' module ThirdParty class Extension < Spree::Base # nasty hack so we don't have to create a table to back this fake model self.table_name = 'spree_products' end end describe Spree::Product, :type => :model do context 'product instance' do let(:product) { create(:product) } let(:variant) { create(:variant, :product => product) } context '#duplicate' do before do allow(product).to receive_messages :taxons => [create(:taxon)] end it 'duplicates product' do clone = product.duplicate expect(clone.name).to eq('COPY OF ' + product.name) expect(clone.master.sku).to eq('COPY OF ' + product.master.sku) expect(clone.taxons).to eq(product.taxons) expect(clone.images.size).to eq(product.images.size) end it 'calls #duplicate_extra' do expect_any_instance_of(Spree::Product).to receive(:duplicate_extra) do |product, old_product| product.name = old_product.name.reverse end clone = product.duplicate expect(clone.name).to eq(product.name.reverse) end end describe "#save" do before { product.update_columns(updated_at: 1.day.ago) } subject { product.save! } shared_examples "a change occurred" do it "should change updated_at" do expect { subject }.to change{ product.updated_at } end it "should touch taxons" do taxon = create(:taxon, products: [product]) taxon.update_columns(updated_at: 1.day.ago) product.taxons.reload expect { subject }.to change{ taxon.reload.updated_at } end end shared_examples "no change occurred" do it "should not change updated_at" do expect { subject }.not_to change{ product.updated_at } end it "should not touch taxons" do taxon = create(:taxon, products: [product]) taxon.update_columns(updated_at: 1.day.ago) product.taxons.reload expect { subject }.not_to change{ taxon.reload.updated_at } end end context "when nothing has changed" do it_behaves_like "no change occurred" end context "when the product itself was changed" do before do product.name = "Perri-air" end it_behaves_like "a change occurred" end context "when master variant changed" do before do product.master.sku = "Something changed" end it_behaves_like "a change occurred" it "saves the master" do product.save! expect(product.reload.master.sku).to eq "Something changed" end end context "when master default price changed" do before do master = product.master master.default_price.price = 11 master.save! product.master.default_price.price = 12 end it_behaves_like "a change occurred" it "saves the default_price" do product.save! expect(product.reload.master.default_price.price).to eq 12 end end end context "product has no variants" do context "#destroy" do it "should set deleted_at value" do product.destroy expect(product.deleted_at).not_to be_nil expect(product.master.reload.deleted_at).not_to be_nil end end end context "product has variants" do before do create(:variant, :product => product) end context "#destroy" do it "should set deleted_at value" do product.destroy expect(product.deleted_at).not_to be_nil expect(product.variants_including_master.all? { |v| !v.deleted_at.nil? }).to be true end end end context "#price" do # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/1173 it 'strips non-price characters' do product.price = "$10" expect(product.price).to eq(10.0) end end context "#display_price" do before { product.price = 10.55 } it "shows the amount" do expect(product.display_price.to_s).to eq("$10.55") end context "with currency set to JPY" do before do product.master.default_price.currency = 'JPY' product.master.default_price.save! Spree::Config[:currency] = 'JPY' end it "displays the currency in yen" do expect(product.display_price.to_s).to eq("¥11") end end end context "#available?" do it "should be available if date is in the past" do product.available_on = 1.day.ago expect(product).to be_available end it "should not be available if date is nil or in the future" do product.available_on = nil expect(product).not_to be_available product.available_on = 1.day.from_now expect(product).not_to be_available end it "should not be available if destroyed" do product.destroy expect(product).not_to be_available end end context "variants_and_option_values" do let!(:high) { create(:variant, product: product) } let!(:low) { create(:variant, product: product) } before { high.option_values.destroy_all } it "returns only variants with option values" do expect(product.variants_and_option_values).to eq([low]) end end describe "#variant_option_values_by_option_type" do let(:size) { create(:option_type, name: 'size') } let(:length) { create(:option_type, name: 'length') } let(:product) { create(:product, option_types: [size, length]) } let(:size_small) { create(:option_value, name: 'small', option_type: size, position: 3) } let(:size_medium) { create(:option_value, name: 'medium', option_type: size, position: 1) } let(:size_large) { create(:option_value, name: 'large', option_type: size, position: 2) } let!(:variant) { create(:variant, product: product, option_values: [size_small, size_medium]) } subject { product.variant_option_values_by_option_type } it "returns the option values associated with the product's variants grouped by option type" do expect(subject).to eq({ size => [size_medium, size_small] }) end end describe "#find_variant_property_rule" do let(:option_value) { create(:option_value) } subject { product.find_variant_property_rule([option_value.id]) } context "a matching rule exists" do let!(:rule) do create(:variant_property_rule, product: product, option_value: option_value) end it "returns the rule" do expect(subject).to eq rule end end context "a matching rule doesn't exist" do it "returns nil" do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end describe 'Variants sorting' do let(:master){ product.master } let!(:second) { create(:variant, product: product) } let!(:third) { create(:variant, product: product) } let!(:first) { create(:variant, product: product) } before do first.update_columns(position: 2) second.update_columns(position: 3) third.update_columns(position: 4) end context 'without master variant' do it 'sorts variants by position' do expect(product.variants).to eq([first, second, third]) end end context 'with master variant' do it 'sorts variants by position' do expect(product.variants_including_master).to eq([master, first, second, third]) end end end context "has stock movements" do let(:product) { create(:product) } let(:variant) { product.master } let(:stock_item) { variant.stock_items.first } it "doesnt raise ReadOnlyRecord error" do Spree::StockMovement.create!(stock_item: stock_item, quantity: 1) product.destroy end end # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/3737 context "has stock items" do let(:product) { create(:product) } it "can retrieve stock items" do expect(product.master.stock_items.first).not_to be_nil expect(product.stock_items.first).not_to be_nil end end context "slugs" do it "normalizes slug on update validation" do product.slug = "hey//joe" product.valid? expect(product.slug).not_to match "/" end it "renames slug on destroy" do old_slug = product.slug product.destroy expect(old_slug).to_not eq product.slug end it "validates slug uniqueness" do existing_product = product new_product = create(:product) new_product.slug = existing_product.slug expect(new_product.valid?).to eq false end it "falls back to 'name-sku' for slug if regular name-based slug already in use" do product1 = build(:product) product1.name = "test" product1.sku = "123" product1.save! product2 = build(:product) product2.name = "test" product2.sku = "456" product2.save! expect(product2.slug).to eq 'test-456' end end context "associations" do describe "product_option_types" do it "touches the product instance when an option type is added" do expect { product.product_option_types.create(option_type: create(:option_type, name: 'new-option-type')) product.reload }.to change { product.updated_at } end it "touches product instance when an option type is removed" do product.product_option_types.create(option_type: create(:option_type, name: 'new-option-type')) expect { product.product_option_types = [] product.reload }.to change { product.updated_at } end end end end context "properties" do let(:product) { create(:product) } it "should properly assign properties" do product.set_property('the_prop', 'value1') expect(product.property('the_prop')).to eq('value1') product.set_property('the_prop', 'value2') expect(product.property('the_prop')).to eq('value2') end it "should not create duplicate properties when set_property is called" do expect { product.set_property('the_prop', 'value2') product.save product.reload }.not_to change(product.properties, :length) expect { product.set_property('the_prop_new', 'value') product.save product.reload expect(product.property('the_prop_new')).to eq('value') }.to change { product.properties.length }.by(1) end # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2455 it "should not overwrite properties' presentation names" do Spree::Property.where(:name => 'foo').first_or_create!(:presentation => "Foo's Presentation Name") product.set_property('foo', 'value1') product.set_property('bar', 'value2') expect(Spree::Property.where(:name => 'foo').first.presentation).to eq("Foo's Presentation Name") expect(Spree::Property.where(:name => 'bar').first.presentation).to eq("bar") end # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/4416 context "#possible_promotions" do let!(:promotion) do create(:promotion, advertise: true, starts_at: 1.day.ago) end let!(:rule) do Spree::Promotion::Rules::Product.create( promotion: promotion, products: [product] ) end it "lists the promotion as a possible promotion" do expect(product.possible_promotions).to include(promotion) end end end context '#create' do let!(:prototype) { create(:prototype) } let!(:product) { Spree::Product.new(name: "Foo", price: 1.99, shipping_category_id: create(:shipping_category).id) } before { product.prototype_id = prototype.id } context "when prototype is supplied" do it "should create properties based on the prototype" do product.save expect(product.properties.count).to eq(1) end end context "when prototype with option types is supplied" do def build_option_type_with_values(name, values) ot = create(:option_type, :name => name) values.each do |val| ot.option_values.create(:name => val.downcase, :presentation => val) end ot end let(:prototype) do size = build_option_type_with_values("size", %w(Small Medium Large)) create(:prototype, :name => "Size", :option_types => [ size ]) end let(:option_values_hash) do hash = {} prototype.option_types.each do |i| hash[i.id.to_s] = i.option_value_ids end hash end it "should create option types based on the prototype" do product.save expect(product.option_type_ids.length).to eq(1) expect(product.option_type_ids).to eq(prototype.option_type_ids) end it "should create product option types based on the prototype" do product.save expect(product.product_option_types.pluck(:option_type_id)).to eq(prototype.option_type_ids) end it "should create variants from an option values hash with one option type" do product.option_values_hash = option_values_hash product.save expect(product.variants.length).to eq(3) end it "should still create variants when option_values_hash is given but prototype id is nil" do product.option_values_hash = option_values_hash product.prototype_id = nil product.save expect(product.option_type_ids.length).to eq(1) expect(product.option_type_ids).to eq(prototype.option_type_ids) expect(product.variants.length).to eq(3) end it "should create variants from an option values hash with multiple option types" do color = build_option_type_with_values("color", %w(Red Green Blue)) logo = build_option_type_with_values("logo", %w(Ruby Rails Nginx)) option_values_hash[color.id.to_s] = color.option_value_ids option_values_hash[logo.id.to_s] = logo.option_value_ids product.option_values_hash = option_values_hash product.save product.reload expect(product.option_type_ids.length).to eq(3) expect(product.variants.length).to eq(27) end end end context "#images" do let(:product) { create(:product) } let(:image) { File.open(File.expand_path('../../../fixtures/thinking-cat.jpg', __FILE__)) } let(:params) { {:viewable_id => product.master.id, :viewable_type => 'Spree::Variant', :attachment => image, :alt => "position 2", :position => 2} } before do Spree::Image.create(params) Spree::Image.create(params.merge({:alt => "position 1", :position => 1})) Spree::Image.create(params.merge({:viewable_type => 'ThirdParty::Extension', :alt => "position 1", :position => 2})) end it "only looks for variant images" do expect(product.images.size).to eq(2) end it "should be sorted by position" do expect(product.images.pluck(:alt)).to eq(["position 1", "position 2"]) end end # Regression tests for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2352 context "classifications and taxons" do it "is joined through classifications" do reflection = Spree::Product.reflect_on_association(:taxons) expect(reflection.options[:through]).to eq(:classifications) end it "will delete all classifications" do reflection = Spree::Product.reflect_on_association(:classifications) expect(reflection.options[:dependent]).to eq(:delete_all) end end context '#total_on_hand' do it 'should be infinite if track_inventory_levels is false' do Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] = false expect(build(:product, :variants_including_master => [build(:master_variant)]).total_on_hand).to eql(Float::INFINITY) end it 'should be infinite if variant is on demand' do Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] = true expect(build(:product, :variants_including_master => [build(:on_demand_master_variant)]).total_on_hand).to eql(Float::INFINITY) end it 'should return sum of stock items count_on_hand' do product = create(:product) product.stock_items.first.set_count_on_hand 5 product.variants_including_master(true) # force load association expect(product.total_on_hand).to eql(5) end it 'should return sum of stock items count_on_hand when variants_including_master is not loaded' do product = create(:product) product.stock_items.first.set_count_on_hand 5 expect(product.reload.total_on_hand).to eql(5) end end # Regression spec for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/5588 context '#validate_master when duplicate SKUs entered' do let!(:first_product) { create(:product, sku: 'a-sku') } let(:second_product) { build(:product, sku: 'a-sku') } subject { second_product } it { is_expected.to be_invalid } end describe '.new' do let(:product) { Spree::Product.new(attributes) } shared_examples "new product with master" do it "initializes master correctly" do expect(product.master.is_master).to be true expect(product.master.product).to be product end end context 'no attributes' do let(:attributes) { {} } it_behaves_like "new product with master" end context 'initializing with variant attributes' do let(:attributes) { {sku: 'FOO'} } it_behaves_like "new product with master" it "initializes the variant with the correct attributes" do expect(product.master.sku).to eq 'FOO' expect(product.sku).to eq 'FOO' end end end end