require "thor" require "xmlrpc/client" require "toaster/util/util" require "toaster/util/docker" include Toaster module Toaster class ToasterApp < Thor CMD = "toaster" class_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ["-v"] ROOT_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "..", "..") CHEF_TMP_DIR = "/tmp/toaster.chef" `mkdir -p #{CHEF_TMP_DIR}` CHEF_TMP_SOLO_FILE = "#{CHEF_TMP_DIR}/solo.rb" CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE = "#{CHEF_TMP_DIR}/node.json" # setup host environment desc "setup", "Setup the testing host environment. (Should be run on a clean VM, not on production machines)" def setup() write(CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE, <<-EOF { "run_list": ["recipe[lxc::setup_host]"] } EOF ) run_chef() end # create new prototype container desc "proto NAME [OS_DISTRO]", "Create a new prototype container with given NAME and OS_DISTRO." long_desc "Example: #{CMD} proto ubuntu1 ubuntu" def proto(prototype_name, operating_system="ubuntu") prototype_name = "prototype_#{prototype_name}" if !prototype_name.match(/^prototype_.*/) #operating_system = options[:os] write(CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE, <<-EOF { "run_list": ["recipe[lxc::init_proto]"], "lxc": { "proto": { "name": "#{prototype_name}" }, "bare_os": { "distribution": "#{operating_system}" } } } EOF ) run_chef() end # call recipe to create a new container from a prototype desc "spawn NAME PROTOTYPE", "Spawn a new container with given NAME, copy of PROTOTYPE." long_desc "Example: #{CMD} spawn lxc1 ubuntu1" def spawn(lxc_name, prototype_name) prototype_name = "prototype_#{prototype_name}" prototype_dir = "/lxc/#{prototype_name}" if !Dir.exist?(prototype_dir) raise "Prototype directory '#{prototype_dir}' does not exist." end ip_num = "" # test if LXC name is "lxc[0-9]+" if lxc_name.match(/^lxc[0-9]+$/) ip_num = lxc_name.gsub(/lxc([0-9]+)/, '\1').to_i ip_num += 2 end if ip_num == "" Docker.get_container_names().size() + 3 ip_num = num_lxcs.to_i + 3 end guest_ip = "192.168.100.#{ip_num}" content = <<-EOF { "run_list": ["recipe[lxc::create_lxc]"], "lxc": { "proto": { "name": "#{prototype_name}" }, "cont": { "name": "#{lxc_name}", "ip_address": "#{guest_ip}" } } } EOF write(CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE, content) run_chef() end # Run a Chef recipe within a container desc "runchef NAME IP CHEF_RUNLIST [CHEF_JSON]", "Run Chef recipe in container with NAME and IP." long_desc "Example: #{CMD} lxc1 recipe[java] \\\"foo1\\\":\\\"bar\\\",\\\"foo2\\\":\\\"bar\\\"" def runchef(lxc_name, lxc_ip, run_list, cfg="") if cfg != "" cfg = ", #{cfg}" cfg = cfg.gsub(/"/, '\\\\"') end if Dir.exist?("/lxc/#{lxc_name}/rootfs/") tmpf = `mktemp` tmpf1 = `mktemp` tmpf.strip! tmpf1.strip! tmpfile = "/lxc/#{lxc_name}/rootfs/#{tmpf}" tmpfile1 = "/lxc/#{lxc_name}/rootfs/#{tmpf1}" write(tmpfile, "{\"run_list\": [\"#{run_list}\"] #{cfg}}") `cp #{CHEF_TMP_SOLO_FILE} #{tmpfile1}` puts "INFO: Created config file #{tmpfile}: #{`cat #{tmpfile}`}" system("ssh root@#{lxc_ip} chef-solo -j #{tmpf} -c #{tmpf1}") `rm -f #{tmpfile} #{tmpfile1}` else puts "ERROR: container directory /lxc/#{lxc_name}/rootfs/ does not exist." end end # initiate a local chef-solo run desc "chefsolo NODE_FILE", "Initiate a local chef-solo run with the given NODE_FILE." long_desc "Example: #{CMD} chefsolo /tmp/chef.node.json" def chefsolo(node_file) require "toaster/chef/chef_util" require "toaster/util/util" solo_file = CHEF_TMP_SOLO_FILE Toaster::ChefUtil.create_chef_config(solo_file) Toaster::ChefUtil.run_chef(solo_file, node_file) end # Start an existing container desc "start NAME", "Start container with given NAME." def start(lxc_name) start_stop_container("start", lxc_name) end # Stop an existing container desc "stop NAME", "Stop container with given NAME." def stop(lxc_name) start_stop_container("stop", lxc_name) end # run tests of a specific test suite desc "runtests TEST_SUITE", "Run test cases of the given TEST_SUITE." #option :idemN, :type => :array, :desc => "idempotence for task sequences of length N (N is an array)" #option :skipN, :type => :array, :desc => "skip N tasks (N is an array)" #option :skipNsucc, :desc => "skip N successive tasks (N is an array)" #option :combineN, :desc => "combine N tasks (N is an array)" #option :combineNsucc, :desc => "combine N successive tasks (N is an array)" def runtests(test_suite_uuid, idem_N=(1..100).to_a, skip_N=[], skip_N_succ=[], combine_N=[], combine_N_succ=[]) require "toaster/test/test_suite" require "toaster/test/test_coverage" require "toaster/test/test_orchestrator" #idem_N = options[:idemN] #skip_N = options[:skipN] #skip_N_succ = options[:skipNsucc] #combine_N = options[:combineN] #combine_N_succ = options[:combineNsucc] if idem_N if idem_N.include?("..") idem_N = eval("#{idem_N}").to_a.join(",") elsif !idem_N.kind_of?(Array) idem_N = [idem_N.to_i] end end init_db_connection() test_suites = Toaster::TestSuite.find({"uuid" => test_suite_uuid}) if !test_suites || test_suites.empty? puts "ERROR: Invalid test suite id specified: '#{test_suite_uuid}'" else puts "INFO: Running/continuing tests for test suite '#{test_suite_uuid}'" test_suite = test_suites[0] # test_suite.coverage_goal.idempotence = idem_N if idem_N # test_suite.coverage_goal.combinations[Toaster::CombinationCoverage::SKIP_N] = skip_N if skip_N # test_suite.coverage_goal.combinations[Toaster::CombinationCoverage::SKIP_N_SUCCESSIVE] = skip_N_succ if skip_N_succ # test_suite.coverage_goal.combinations[Toaster::CombinationCoverage::COMBINE_N] = combine_N if combine_N # test_suite.coverage_goal.combinations[Toaster::CombinationCoverage::COMBINE_N_SUCCESSIVE] = combine_N_succ if combine_N_succ # orch = # orch.generate_tests_for_suite(test_suite) if Config.get("testing.test_hosts").kind_of?(Array) Config.get("testing.test_hosts").each do |test_host| orch.add_host(test_host) end end orch.distribute_tests(test_suite) end end # download Chef recipe into container desc "download COOKBOOK PROTOTYPE [VERSION] [RECIPES]", "Download Chef COOKBOOK into PROTOTYPE." #option :version, :desc => "Cookbook version to download", :default => "latest" #option :recipes, :type => :array, :desc => "List of recipes", :default => ["default"] def download(cookbook, prototype_name, version="latest", recipes=["default"]) require "toaster/chef/chef_util" require "toaster/util/lxc" recipes = parse_recipes(recipes) prototype_name_full = prototype_name prototype_name_full = "prototype_#{prototype_name_full}" if !prototype_name_full.match(/^prototype_/) start_stop_container("start", prototype_name_full) lxc = Toaster::LXC.prototype_container(prototype_name) puts "INFO: Ensuring existence of latest cookbooks and node file in LXC container '#{lxc['lxc_id']}'" Toaster::ChefUtil.download_cookbook_version_in_lxc(lxc, cookbook, version) cookbook_dir = Toaster::ChefUtil.lxc_cookbook_dir(lxc) # clean cookbooks Toaster::ChefUtil.fix_known_bugs_in_recipes(cookbook_dir, "before") # dowload dependencies for cookbook Toaster::ChefUtil.download_dependencies(cookbook, nil, cookbook_dir, true) # additionally, check dependencies for each recipe recipes.each do |recipe| Toaster::ChefUtil.download_dependencies(cookbook, recipe, cookbook_dir, false) end # fix cookbook bugs, encodings, etc. Toaster::ChefUtil.fix_known_bugs_in_recipes(cookbook_dir, "after") start_stop_container("stop", prototype_name_full) # if we are using tools, the changes made to # the container need to be saved (committed) explicitly... Docker.save_container_changes(prototype_name_full) end # Initialize a test suite desc "testinit CHEF_NODE RECIPES PROTOTYPE", "Initialize a test suite for the given CHEF_NODE and RECIPES, running within PROTOTYPE. (params: --destroy=true)" long_desc "Example: #{CMD} testinit --destroy=true mysql default ubuntu1" #option :destroy, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Destroy container after execution", :default => true def testinit(chef_node, recipes, prototype, destroy_container=true) require "toaster/test_manager" #destroy_container = options[:destroy] recipes = parse_recipes(recipes) puts "INFO: Ensuring existence of automation #{chef_node}, recipe list '#{recipes}', prototype #{prototype} (destroy container: #{destroy_container})" init_db_connection() do_output = true suite = Toaster::TestManager.init_test(chef_node, recipes, nil, prototype, destroy_container, do_output) if suite && suite.uuid puts "INFO: New test suite UUID: #{suite.uuid}" else puts "WARN: Could not initialize test suite, test manager returned empty test suite UUID." end end # start the test service in the background desc "agent", "Start the test service process in the background." def agent() require "toaster/toaster_app_service" ToasterAppService.start_service() end # Clean spawned containers desc "clean", "Clean all spawned containers (prototypes will be preserved)." def clean() require "toaster/util/lxc" Toaster::LXC.clean() end # Print version information desc "version", "Print version of ToASTER." def version() file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "VERSION") version = puts version return "#{version}".strip end # Start web app desc "web", "Start the Web application. (params: --detached=false)" option :detached, :type => :boolean, :aliases => ["-d"] def web(detached=false) puts "INFO: Starting Web application on port 8080" dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..") cmd = "cd \"#{dir}\" && #{dir}/webapp/bin/rails server thin" detached ||= options[:detached] if detached Kernel::exec("screen -d -m bash -c '#{cmd}'") else Kernel::exec("#{cmd}") end end ##################### # NON-CLI FUNCTIONS # ##################### # (accessible from toaster_app_service) no_commands { def lxc() execute("ls -l /lxc/") execute("lxc-ls; echo \"__--__ \"; sh -c 'cat /lxc/*/config' 2>&1") end def runtest(test_case_uuid, blocking=true, num_threads=nil) require "toaster/test/test_case" init_db_connection() test_case_uuids = test_case_uuid.split(/[ ;,]+/) test_cases = TestCase.find(:uuid => test_case_uuids[0]).to_a if !test_cases || test_cases.empty? puts "ERROR: Invalid test case id(s) specified: '#{test_case_uuid}' (DB host: #{Toaster::Config.get("")})" else # set the start time of all test cases. This is important # because it allows to indicate in the UI that the test cases # are currently running time = test_case_uuids.each do |uuid| tc = TestCase.find(:uuid => uuid)[0] tc.start_time = time end test_case = test_cases[0] test_suite = test_case.test_suite test_suite_uuid = test_suite.uuid if blocking print_output = true destroy_container = true TestRunner.execute_test(test_case, destroy_container, print_output) else puts "INFO: Scheduling test cases #{test_case_uuids} for test suite uuid '#{test_suite_uuid}'" runner = TestRunner.instance runner.schedule_tests(test_suite, test_case_uuids) end end end } #################### # HELPER FUNCTIONS # #################### private def download_script(file) puts "Downloading #{SCRIPTSERVER}/#{file} to /tmp/#{file}" `wget -q #{SCRIPTSERVER}/#{file} -O /tmp/#{file}` `chmod +x /tmp/#{file}` end def write(filename, content) Util.write(filename, content, true) end def run_chef(run_list="", print_output=true) if "#{run_list}" != "" write(CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE, <<-EOF { "run_list": #{run_list} } EOF ) end require "toaster/chef/chef_util" Toaster::ChefUtil.create_chef_config(CHEF_TMP_SOLO_FILE) puts "INFO: Running Chef scripts..." Toaster::ChefUtil.run_chef(CHEF_TMP_SOLO_FILE, CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE, print_output) end def parse_recipes(arg) return [] if !arg || arg.to_s.strip == "" return arg if arg.kind_of?(Array) recipes = arg.split(/[ ,;:]+/) recipes = ["default"] if recipes.empty? recipes end def init_db_connection() Toaster::Config.init_db_connection() end def start_stop_container(action, lxc_name) if !Dir.exist?("/lxc/#{lxc_name}") puts "ERROR: Container directory does not exist: /lxc/#{lxc_name}" exit 1 end guest_ip = `cat /lxc/#{lxc_name}/config | grep "network.ipv4" | tail -n 1` guest_ip.gsub!(/.*=\s([0-9\.]*).*/, '\1').strip!() puts "DEBUG: #{action} container named '#{lxc_name}' with IP '#{guest_ip}'" # get config value proxy_ip = Config.get("proxy.ip") write(CHEF_TMP_NODE_FILE, <<-EOF { "run_list": ["recipe[lxc::#{action}_lxc]"], "lxc": { "cont": { "name": "#{lxc_name}", "ip_address": "#{guest_ip}", "proxy_ip": "#{proxy_ip}" } } } EOF ) run_chef("", false) end end class ToasterAppClient < XMLRPC::Client attr_reader :host, :port def initialize(host, port=8385) @host = host.include?(":") ? host.gsub(/([^:]+):.*/, '\1') : host @port = host.include?(":") ? host.gsub(/([^:]+):(.+)/, '\2') : port @port = @port.to_i super(@host, "/", @port) self.timeout = 60*60 # timeout of 1h for RPC calls end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) call(name, *args, &block) end def to_s "ServiceProxy<#{host}:#{port}>" end end end