# encoding: utf-8 require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "When drawing a line" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should draw a line from (100,600) to (100,500)" do @pdf.line([100,600],[100,500]) line_drawing = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line_drawing.points.should == [[100,600],[100,500]] end it "should draw two lines at (100,600) to (100,500) " + "and (75,100) to (50,125)" do @pdf.line(100,600,100,500) @pdf.line(75,100,50,125) line_drawing = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line_drawing.points.should == [[100.0, 600.0], [100.0, 500.0], [75.0, 100.0], [50.0, 125.0]] end it "should properly set line width via line_width=" do @pdf.line_width = 10 line = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line.widths.first.should == 10 end it "should properly set line width via line_width(width)" do @pdf.line_width(10) line = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line.widths.first.should == 10 end it "should carry the current line width settings over to new pages" do @pdf.line_width(10) @pdf.start_new_page line = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line.widths.length.should == 2 line.widths[1].should == 10 end describe "(Horizontally)" do it "should draw from [x1,pdf.y],[x2,pdf.y]" do @pdf.horizontal_line(100,150) @line = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) @line.points.should == [[100.0 + @pdf.bounds.absolute_left, @pdf.y], [150.0 + @pdf.bounds.absolute_left, @pdf.y]] end it "should draw a line from (200, 250) to (300, 250)" do @pdf.horizontal_line(200,300,:at => 250) line_drawing = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line_drawing.points.should == [[200,250],[300,250]] end end describe "(Vertically)" do it "should draw a line from (350, 300) to (350, 400)" do @pdf.vertical_line(300,400,:at => 350) line_drawing = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line_drawing.points.should == [[350,300],[350,400]] end it "should require a y coordinate" do lambda { @pdf.vertical_line(400,500) }. should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "When drawing a polygon" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should draw each line passed to polygon()" do @pdf.polygon([100,500],[100,400],[200,400]) line_drawing = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render) line_drawing.points.should == [[100,500],[100,400],[200,400],[100,500]] end end describe "When drawing a rectangle" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should use a point, width, and height for coords" do @pdf.rectangle [200,200], 50, 100 rectangles = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Rectangle. analyze(@pdf.render).rectangles # PDF uses bottom left corner rectangles[0][:point].should == [200,100] rectangles[0][:width].should == 50 rectangles[0][:height].should == 100 end end describe "When drawing a curve" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should draw a bezier curve from 50,50 to 100,100" do @pdf.move_to [50,50] @pdf.curve_to [100,100],:bounds => [[20,90], [90,70]] curve = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Curve.analyze(@pdf.render) curve.coords.should == [50.0, 50.0, 20.0, 90.0, 90.0, 70.0, 100.0, 100.0] end it "should draw a bezier curve from 100,100 to 50,50" do @pdf.curve [100,100], [50,50], :bounds => [[20,90], [90,75]] curve = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Curve.analyze(@pdf.render) curve.coords.should == [100.0, 100.0, 20.0, 90.0, 90.0, 75.0, 50.0, 50.0] end end describe "When drawing a rounded rectangle" do before(:each) do create_pdf @pdf.rounded_rectangle([50, 550], 50, 100, 10) curve = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Curve.analyze(@pdf.render) curve_points = [] curve.coords.each_slice(2) {|p| curve_points << p} @original_point = curve_points.shift curves = [] curve_points.each_slice(3) {|c| curves << c} line_points = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Line.analyze(@pdf.render).points line_points.shift @all_coords = [] line_points.zip(curves).flatten.each_slice(2) {|p| @all_coords << p } @all_coords.unshift @original_point end it "should draw a rectangle by connecting lines with rounded bezier curves" do @all_coords.should == [[60.0, 550.0],[90.0, 550.0], [95.523, 550.0], [100.0, 545.523], [100.0, 540.0], [100.0, 460.0], [100.0, 454.477], [95.523, 450.0], [90.0, 450.0], [60.0, 450.0], [54.477, 450.0], [50.0, 454.477], [50.0, 460.0], [50.0, 540.0], [50.0, 545.523], [54.477, 550.0], [60.0, 550.0]] end it "should start and end with the same point" do @original_point.should == @all_coords.last end end describe "When drawing an ellipse" do before(:each) do create_pdf @pdf.ellipse [100,100], 25, 50 @curve = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Curve.analyze(@pdf.render) end it "should use a Bézier approximation" do @curve.coords.should == [125.0, 100.0, 125.0, 127.614, 113.807, 150, 100.0, 150.0, 86.193, 150.0, 75.0, 127.614, 75.0, 100.0, 75.0, 72.386, 86.193, 50.0, 100.0, 50.0, 113.807, 50.0, 125.0, 72.386, 125.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0] end it "should move the pointer to the center of the ellipse after drawing" do @curve.coords[-2..-1].should == [100,100] end end describe "When drawing a circle" do before(:each) do create_pdf @pdf.circle [100,100], 25 @pdf.ellipse [100,100], 25, 25 @curve = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Curve.analyze(@pdf.render) end it "should stroke the same path as the equivalent ellipse" do middle = @curve.coords.length / 2 @curve.coords[0...middle].should == @curve.coords[middle..-1] end end describe "When filling" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should default to the f operator (nonzero winding number rule)" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with("f") @pdf.fill end it "should use f* for :fill_rule => :even_odd" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with("f*") @pdf.fill(:fill_rule => :even_odd) end it "should use b by default for fill_and_stroke (nonzero winding number)" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with("b") @pdf.fill_and_stroke end it "should use b* for fill_and_stroke(:fill_rule => :even_odd)" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with("b*") @pdf.fill_and_stroke(:fill_rule => :even_odd) end end describe "When setting colors" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should set stroke colors" do @pdf.stroke_color "ffcccc" colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) # 100% red, 80% green, 80% blue colors.stroke_color.should == [1.0, 0.8, 0.8] end it "should set fill colors" do @pdf.fill_color "ccff00" colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) # 80% red, 100% green, 0% blue colors.fill_color.should == [0.8,1.0,0] end it "should reset the colors on each new page if they have been defined" do @pdf.fill_color "ccff00" #colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) # colors.fill_color_count.should == 2 # colors.stroke_color_count.should == 1 @pdf.start_new_page @pdf.stroke_color "ff00cc" #colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) # colors.fill_color_count.should == 3 @pdf.start_new_page colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) colors.fill_color_count.should == 3 colors.stroke_color_count.should == 2 colors.fill_color.should == [0.8,1.0,0.0] colors.stroke_color.should == [1.0,0.0,0.8] end it "should set the color space when setting colors on new pages to please fussy readers" do @pdf.stroke_color "000000" @pdf.stroke { @pdf.rectangle([10, 10], 10, 10) } @pdf.start_new_page @pdf.stroke_color "000000" @pdf.stroke { @pdf.rectangle([10, 10], 10, 10) } colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) colors.stroke_color_space_count[:DeviceRGB].should == 2 end end describe "Patterns" do before(:each) { create_pdf } describe 'linear gradients' do it "should create a /Pattern resource" do @pdf.fill_gradient [0, @pdf.bounds.height], [@pdf.bounds.width, @pdf.bounds.height], 'FF0000', '0000FF' grad = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Pattern.analyze(@pdf.render) pattern = grad.patterns.values.first pattern.should_not be_nil pattern[:Shading][:ShadingType].should == 2 pattern[:Shading][:Coords].should == [0, 0, @pdf.bounds.width, 0] pattern[:Shading][:Function][:C0].zip([1, 0, 0]).all?{ |x1, x2| (x1-x2).abs < 0.01 }.should be_true pattern[:Shading][:Function][:C1].zip([0, 0, 1]).all?{ |x1, x2| (x1-x2).abs < 0.01 }.should be_true end it "fill_gradient should set fill color to the pattern" do @pdf.fill_gradient [0, @pdf.bounds.height], [@pdf.bounds.width, @pdf.bounds.height], 'FF0000', '0000FF' str = @pdf.render str.should =~ %r{/Pattern\s+cs\s*/SP-?\d+\s+scn} end it "stroke_gradient should set stroke color to the pattern" do @pdf.stroke_gradient [0, @pdf.bounds.height], [@pdf.bounds.width, @pdf.bounds.height], 'FF0000', '0000FF' str = @pdf.render str.should =~ %r{/Pattern\s+CS\s*/SP-?\d+\s+SCN} end end describe 'radial gradients' do it "should create a /Pattern resource" do @pdf.fill_gradient [0, @pdf.bounds.height], 10, [@pdf.bounds.width, @pdf.bounds.height], 20, 'FF0000', '0000FF' grad = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Pattern.analyze(@pdf.render) pattern = grad.patterns.values.first pattern.should_not be_nil pattern[:Shading][:ShadingType].should == 3 pattern[:Shading][:Coords].should == [0, 0, 10, @pdf.bounds.width, 0, 20] pattern[:Shading][:Function][:C0].zip([1, 0, 0]).all?{ |x1, x2| (x1-x2).abs < 0.01 }.should be_true pattern[:Shading][:Function][:C1].zip([0, 0, 1]).all?{ |x1, x2| (x1-x2).abs < 0.01 }.should be_true end it "fill_gradient should set fill color to the pattern" do @pdf.fill_gradient [0, @pdf.bounds.height], 10, [@pdf.bounds.width, @pdf.bounds.height], 20, 'FF0000', '0000FF' str = @pdf.render str.should =~ %r{/Pattern\s+cs\s*/SP-?\d+\s+scn} end it "stroke_gradient should set stroke color to the pattern" do @pdf.stroke_gradient [0, @pdf.bounds.height], 10, [@pdf.bounds.width, @pdf.bounds.height], 20, 'FF0000', '0000FF' str = @pdf.render str.should =~ %r{/Pattern\s+CS\s*/SP-?\d+\s+SCN} end end end describe "When using painting shortcuts" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should convert stroke_some_method(args) into some_method(args); stroke" do @pdf.expects(:line_to).with([100,100]) @pdf.expects(:stroke) @pdf.stroke_line_to [100,100] end it "should convert fill_some_method(args) into some_method(args); fill" do @pdf.expects(:line_to).with([100,100]) @pdf.expects(:fill) @pdf.fill_line_to [100,100] end it "should not break method_missing" do lambda { @pdf.i_have_a_pretty_girlfriend_named_jia }. should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "When using graphics states" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should add the right content on save_graphics_state" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with('q') @pdf.save_graphics_state end it "should add the right content on restore_graphics_state" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with('Q') @pdf.restore_graphics_state end it "should save and restore when save_graphics_state is used with a block" do state = sequence "state" @pdf.expects(:add_content).with('q').in_sequence(state) @pdf.expects(:foo).in_sequence(state) @pdf.expects(:add_content).with('Q').in_sequence(state) @pdf.save_graphics_state do @pdf.foo end end it "should add the previous color space when restoring to a graphic state with different color space" do @pdf.stroke_color '000000' @pdf.save_graphics_state @pdf.stroke_color 0, 0, 0, 0 @pdf.restore_graphics_state @pdf.stroke_color 0, 0, 100, 0 @pdf.graphic_state.color_space.should == {:stroke=>:DeviceCMYK} colors = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Color.analyze(@pdf.render) colors.color_space.should == :DeviceCMYK colors.stroke_color_space_count[:DeviceCMYK].should == 2 end it "should use the correct dash setting after restoring and starting new page" do @pdf.dash 5 @pdf.save_graphics_state @pdf.dash 10 @pdf.graphic_state.dash[:dash].should == 10 @pdf.restore_graphics_state @pdf.start_new_page @pdf.graphic_state.dash[:dash].should == 5 end it "the current graphic state should keep track of previous unchanged settings" do @pdf.stroke_color '000000' @pdf.save_graphics_state @pdf.dash 5 @pdf.save_graphics_state @pdf.cap_style :round @pdf.save_graphics_state @pdf.fill_color 0, 0, 100, 0 @pdf.save_graphics_state @pdf.graphic_state.stroke_color.should == "000000" @pdf.graphic_state.join_style.should == :miter @pdf.graphic_state.fill_color.should == [0, 0, 100, 0] @pdf.graphic_state.cap_style.should == :round @pdf.graphic_state.color_space.should == {:fill=>:DeviceCMYK, :stroke=>:DeviceRGB} @pdf.graphic_state.dash.should == {:space=>5, :phase=>0, :dash=>5} @pdf.graphic_state.line_width.should == 1 end it "should not add extra graphic space closings when rendering multiple times" do @pdf.render state = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::State.analyze(@pdf.render) state.save_graphics_state_count.should == 1 state.restore_graphics_state_count.should == 1 end it "should add extra graphic state enclosings when content is added on multiple renderings" do @pdf.render @pdf.text "Adding a bit more content" state = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::State.analyze(@pdf.render) state.save_graphics_state_count.should == 2 state.restore_graphics_state_count.should == 2 end it "adds extra graphic state enclosings when new settings are applied on multiple renderings" do @pdf.render @pdf.stroke_color 0, 0, 0, 0 state = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::State.analyze(@pdf.render) state.save_graphics_state_count.should == 2 state.restore_graphics_state_count.should == 2 end it "should raise_error error if closing an empty graphic stack" do lambda { @pdf.render @pdf.restore_graphics_state }.should raise_error(PDF::Core::Errors::EmptyGraphicStateStack) end end describe "When using transformation matrix" do before(:each) { create_pdf } # Note: The (approximate) number of significant decimal digits of precision in fractional # part is 5 (PDF Reference, Third Edition, p. 706) it "should send the right content on transformation_matrix" do @pdf.expects(:add_content).with('1.00000 0.00000 0.12346 -1.00000 5.50000 20.00000 cm') @pdf.transformation_matrix 1, 0, 0.123456789, -1.0, 5.5, 20 end it "should use fixed digits with very small number" do values = Array.new(6, 0.000000000001) string = Array.new(6, "0.00000").join " " @pdf.expects(:add_content).with("#{string} cm") @pdf.transformation_matrix *values end it "should be received by the inspector" do @pdf.transformation_matrix 1, 0, 0, -1, 5.5, 20 matrices = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Matrix.analyze(@pdf.render) matrices.matrices.should == [[1, 0, 0, -1, 5.5, 20]] end it "should save the graphics state inside the given block" do values = Array.new(6, 0.000000000001) string = Array.new(6, "0.00000").join " " process = sequence "process" @pdf.expects(:save_graphics_state).with().in_sequence(process) @pdf.expects(:add_content).with("#{string} cm").in_sequence(process) @pdf.expects(:do_something).with().in_sequence(process) @pdf.expects(:restore_graphics_state).with().in_sequence(process) @pdf.transformation_matrix(*values) do @pdf.do_something end end end describe "When using transformations shortcuts" do before(:each) do create_pdf @x, @y = 12, 54.32 @angle = 12.32 @cos = Math.cos(@angle * Math::PI / 180) @sin = Math.sin(@angle * Math::PI / 180) @factor = 0.12 end describe "#rotate" do it "should rotate" do @pdf.expects(:transformation_matrix).with(@cos, @sin, -@sin, @cos, 0, 0) @pdf.rotate(@angle) end end describe "#rotate with :origin option" do it "should rotate around the origin" do x_prime = @x * @cos - @y * @sin y_prime = @x * @sin + @y * @cos @pdf.rotate(@angle, :origin => [@x, @y]) { @pdf.text('hello world') } matrices = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Matrix.analyze(@pdf.render) matrices.matrices[0].should == [1, 0, 0, 1, reduce_precision(@x - x_prime), reduce_precision(@y - y_prime)] matrices.matrices[1].should == [reduce_precision(@cos), reduce_precision(@sin), reduce_precision(-@sin), reduce_precision(@cos), 0, 0] end it "should rotate around the origin in a document with a margin" do @pdf = Prawn::Document.new @pdf.rotate(@angle, :origin => [@x, @y]) { @pdf.text('hello world') } x = @x + @pdf.bounds.absolute_left y = @y + @pdf.bounds.absolute_bottom x_prime = x * @cos - y * @sin y_prime = x * @sin + y * @cos matrices = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Matrix.analyze(@pdf.render) matrices.matrices[0].should == [1, 0, 0, 1, reduce_precision(x - x_prime), reduce_precision(y - y_prime)] matrices.matrices[1].should == [reduce_precision(@cos), reduce_precision(@sin), reduce_precision(-@sin), reduce_precision(@cos), 0, 0] end it "should raise_error BlockRequired if no block is given" do lambda { @pdf.rotate(@angle, :origin => [@x, @y]) }.should raise_error(Prawn::Errors::BlockRequired) end def reduce_precision(float) ("%.5f" % float).to_f end end describe "#translate" do it "should translate" do x, y = 12, 54.32 @pdf.expects(:transformation_matrix).with(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y) @pdf.translate(x, y) end end describe "#scale" do it "should scale" do @pdf.expects(:transformation_matrix).with(@factor, 0, 0, @factor, 0, 0) @pdf.scale(@factor) end end describe "#scale with :origin option" do it "should scale from the origin" do x_prime = @factor * @x y_prime = @factor * @y @pdf.scale(@factor, :origin => [@x, @y]) { @pdf.text('hello world') } matrices = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Matrix.analyze(@pdf.render) matrices.matrices[0].should == [1, 0, 0, 1, reduce_precision(@x - x_prime), reduce_precision(@y - y_prime)] matrices.matrices[1].should == [@factor, 0, 0, @factor, 0, 0] end it "should scale from the origin in a document with a margin" do @pdf = Prawn::Document.new x = @x + @pdf.bounds.absolute_left y = @y + @pdf.bounds.absolute_bottom x_prime = @factor * x y_prime = @factor * y @pdf.scale(@factor, :origin => [@x, @y]) { @pdf.text('hello world') } matrices = PDF::Inspector::Graphics::Matrix.analyze(@pdf.render) matrices.matrices[0].should == [1, 0, 0, 1, reduce_precision(x - x_prime), reduce_precision(y - y_prime)] matrices.matrices[1].should == [@factor, 0, 0, @factor, 0, 0] end it "should raise_error BlockRequired if no block is given" do lambda { @pdf.scale(@factor, :origin => [@x, @y]) }.should raise_error(Prawn::Errors::BlockRequired) end def reduce_precision(float) ("%.5f" % float).to_f end end # describe "skew" do # it "should skew" do # a, b = 30, 50.2 # @pdf.expects(:transformation_matrix).with(1, Math.tan(a * Math::PI / 180), Math.tan(b * Math::PI / 180), 1, 0, 0) # @pdf.skew(a, b) # end # end end