%w(rubygems rake rake/clean fileutils newgem rubigen hoe).each { |f| require f } require 'lib/radius/version' # Generate all the Rake tasks # Run 'rake -T' to see list of generated tasks (from gem root directory) Hoe.spec 'radius-ts' do |p| p.version = Radius::Version.to_s p.url = "http://github.com/xtoddx/radius-ts" p.developer('Todd Willey', 'todd@rubidine.com') p.author = [ "John W. Long (me@johnwlong.com)", "David Chelimsky (dchelimsky@gmail.com)", "Bryce Kerley (bkerley@brycekerley.net)", "Todd Willey (todd@rubidine.com)" ] p.changes = p.paragraphs_of("CHANGELOG", 1..2).join("\n\n") p.rubyforge_name = p.name p.extra_dev_deps = [ ['newgem', ">= #{::Newgem::VERSION}"] ] p.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' p.extra_rdoc_files |= %w(README.rdoc QUICKSTART.rdoc) p.clean_globs |= %w(**/.DS_Store tmp *.log) # Remove these files on "rake clean" path = (p.rubyforge_name == p.name) ? p.rubyforge_name : "\#{p.rubyforge_name}/\#{p.name}" p.remote_rdoc_dir = File.join(path.gsub(/^#{p.rubyforge_name}\/?/,''), 'rdoc') p.rsync_args = '-av --delete --ignore-errors' p.test_globs = "test/**/*_test.rb" p.summary = "Radius templating language with thread safety patches." p.description = "A templating lanuage based on MovableType and TextPattern. Originally implemented by John Long." end require 'newgem/tasks' # load /tasks/*.rake Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t }