module Devise module Orm module DataMapper module Compatibility extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Hooks for confirmable [:before, :after].each do |action| [:create, :update, :save].each do |method| define_method(:"#{action}_#{method}") do |*args| wrap_hook(action, method, *args) end end end def before_validation(*args) wrap_hook(:before, :valid?, *args) end def wrap_hook(action, method, *args) options = args.extract_options! args.each do |callback| callback_method = "#{action}_#{method}_#{callback}_callback_wrap".gsub('?', '').to_sym send action, method, callback_method class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{callback_method} #{callback} if #{options[:if] || true} end METHOD end end end def changed? dirty? end def save(options=nil) if options.is_a?(Hash) && options[:validate] == false _persist else super() end end def update_attribute(name, value) update(name => value) end def update_attributes(*args) update(*args) end def assign_attributes(params, *options) self.attributes = params end def invalid? !valid? end def email_changed? attribute_dirty?(:email) && end def encrypted_password_changed? attribute_dirty?(:email) && self.encrypted_password.present? end def email_was original_attributes[:email] end # Redefine properties_to_serialize in models for more secure defaults. # By default, it removes from the serializable model all attributes that # are *not* accessible. You can remove this default by using :force_exclude # and passing a new list of attributes you want to exempt. All attributes # given to :exclude will simply add names to exempt to Devise internal list. def properties_to_serialize(options=nil) options ||= {} if options.key?(:force_except) || options.key?(:force_exclude) options[:exclude] = options.delete(:force_except) || options.delete(:force_exclude) super(options) else blacklist = Devise::Models::Authenticatable.const_defined?(:BLACKLIST_FOR_SERIALIZATION) ? Devise::Models::Authenticatable::BLACKLIST_FOR_SERIALIZATION : [] except = Array(options[:exclude]) + Array(options[:except]) + blacklist super(options.merge(:exclude => except)) end end end end end end