require 'spec_helper' require PROTOS_PATH.join('enum.pb') RSpec.describe Protobuf::Enum do describe 'class dsl' do let(:name) { :THREE } let(:tag) { 3 } before(:all) do Test::EnumTestType.define(:MINUS_ONE, -1) Test::EnumTestType.define(:THREE, 3) end before(:all) do EnumAliasTest = do set_option :allow_alias define :FOO, 1 define :BAR, 1 define :BAZ, 2 end end describe '.aliases_allowed?' do it 'is false when the option is not set' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.aliases_allowed?).to be false end end describe '.define' do it 'defines a constant enum on the parent class' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.constants).to include(name) expect(Test::EnumTestType::THREE).to be_a(Protobuf::Enum) end context 'when enum allows aliases' do before(:all) do DefineEnumAlias = do set_option :allow_alias end end it 'allows defining enums with the same tag number' do expect do DefineEnumAlias.define(:FOO, 1) DefineEnumAlias.define(:BAR, 1) end.not_to raise_error end end end describe '.enums' do it 'provides an array of defined Enums' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.enums).to eq( [ Test::EnumTestType::ZERO, Test::EnumTestType::ONE, Test::EnumTestType::TWO, Test::EnumTestType::MINUS_ONE, Test::EnumTestType::THREE, ], ) end context 'when enum allows aliases' do it 'treats aliased enums as valid' do expect(EnumAliasTest.enums).to eq( [ EnumAliasTest::FOO, EnumAliasTest::BAR, EnumAliasTest::BAZ, ], ) end end end describe '.enums_for_tag' do it 'returns an array of Enums for the given tag, if any' do expect(EnumAliasTest.enums_for_tag(nil)).to eq([]) expect(EnumAliasTest.enums_for_tag(1)).to eq([EnumAliasTest::FOO, EnumAliasTest::BAR]) expect(EnumAliasTest.enums_for_tag(2)).to eq([EnumAliasTest::BAZ]) expect(EnumAliasTest.enums_for_tag(3)).to eq([]) end end describe '.fetch' do context 'when candidate is an Enum' do it 'responds with the Enum' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(Test::EnumTestType::THREE)).to eq(Test::EnumTestType::THREE) end end context 'when candidate can be coerced to a symbol' do it 'fetches based on the symbol name' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch("ONE")).to eq(Test::EnumTestType::ONE) expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(:ONE)).to eq(Test::EnumTestType::ONE) end end context 'when candidate can be coerced to an integer' do it 'fetches based on the integer tag' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(3.0)).to eq(Test::EnumTestType::THREE) expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(3)).to eq(Test::EnumTestType::THREE) end context 'when enum allows aliases' do it 'fetches the first defined Enum' do expect(EnumAliasTest.fetch(1)).to eq(EnumAliasTest::FOO) end end end context 'when candidate is not an applicable type' do it 'returns a nil' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(EnumAliasTest::FOO)).to be_nil expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch( be_nil expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(nil)).to be_nil expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(false)).to be_nil expect(Test::EnumTestType.fetch(-10)).to be_nil end end end describe '.enum_for_tag' do it 'gets the Enum corresponding to the given tag' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.enum_for_tag(tag)).to eq(Test::EnumTestType.const_get(name)) expect(Test::EnumTestType.enum_for_tag(-5)).to be_nil expect(Test::EnumTestType.enum_for_tag(nil)).to be_nil end end describe '.name_for_tag' do it 'get the name of the enum given the enum' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.name_for_tag(::Test::EnumTestType::THREE)).to eq(name) end it 'gets the name of the enum corresponding to the given tag' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.name_for_tag(tag)).to eq(name) end it 'gets the name when the tag is coercable to an int' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.name_for_tag("3")).to eq(name) end it 'returns nil when tag does not correspond to a name' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.name_for_tag(12345)).to be_nil end context 'when given name is nil' do it 'returns a nil' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.name_for_tag(nil)).to be_nil end end context 'when enum allows aliases' do it 'returns the first defined name for the given tag' do expect(EnumAliasTest.name_for_tag(1)).to eq(:FOO) end end end describe '.to_json' do it 'renders the enum value' do expect(Test::EnumTestType::ONE.to_json).to eq("1") expect({ :value => Test::EnumTestType::ONE }.to_json).to eq(%({"value":1})) # JSON.dump passes arguments to the to_json method which broke in the 3.8.3 release. expect(JSON.dump(:value => Test::EnumTestType::ONE)).to eq(%({"value":1})) end end describe '.valid_tag?' do context 'when tag is defined' do specify { expect(Test::EnumTestType.valid_tag?(tag)).to be true } end context 'when tag is not defined' do specify { expect(Test::EnumTestType.valid_tag?(300)).to be false } end context 'is true for aliased enums' do specify { expect(EnumAliasTest.valid_tag?(1)).to be true } end end describe '.enum_for_name' do it 'gets the Enum corresponding to the given name' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.enum_for_name(name)).to eq(Test::EnumTestType::THREE) end end describe '.values' do around do |example| # this method is deprecated ::Protobuf.deprecator.silence(&example) end it 'provides a hash of defined Enums' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.values).to eq( :MINUS_ONE => Test::EnumTestType::MINUS_ONE, :ZERO => Test::EnumTestType::ZERO, :ONE => Test::EnumTestType::ONE, :TWO => Test::EnumTestType::TWO, :THREE => Test::EnumTestType::THREE, ) end it 'contains aliased Enums' do expect(EnumAliasTest.values).to eq( :FOO => EnumAliasTest::FOO, :BAR => EnumAliasTest::BAR, :BAZ => EnumAliasTest::BAZ, ) end end describe '.all_tags' do it 'provides a unique array of defined tags' do expect(Test::EnumTestType.all_tags).to include(1, 2, -1, 3) expect(EnumAliasTest.all_tags).to include(1, 2) end end end subject { Test::EnumTestType::ONE } specify { expect(subject.class).to eq(1.class) } specify { expect(subject.parent_class).to eq(Test::EnumTestType) } specify { expect( eq(:ONE) } specify { expect(subject.tag).to eq(1) } context 'deprecated' do around do |example| # this method is deprecated ::Protobuf.deprecator.silence(&example) end specify { expect(subject.value).to eq(1) } end specify { expect(subject.to_hash_value).to eq(1) } specify { expect(subject.to_s).to eq("1") } specify { expect(subject.inspect).to eq('#<Protobuf::Enum(Test::EnumTestType)::ONE=1>') } specify { expect(subject.to_s(:tag)).to eq("1") } specify { expect(subject.to_s(:name)).to eq("ONE") } it "can be used as the index to an array" do array = [0, 1, 2, 3] expect(array[::Test::EnumTestType::ONE]).to eq(1) end describe '#try' do specify { expect(subject.try(:parent_class)).to eq(subject.parent_class) } specify { expect(subject.try(:class)).to eq(subject.class) } specify { expect(subject.try(:name)).to eq( } specify { expect(subject.try(:tag)).to eq(subject.tag) } context 'deprecated' do around do |example| # this method is deprecated ::Protobuf.deprecator.silence(&example) end specify { expect(subject.try(:value)).to eq(subject.value) } end specify { expect(subject.try(:to_i)).to eq(subject.to_i) } specify { expect(subject.try(:to_int)).to eq(subject.to_int) } specify { subject.try { |yielded| expect(yielded).to eq(subject) } } end describe '#eql?' do it "is equal to itself" do expect(::Test::EnumTestType::ZERO.eql?(::Test::EnumTestType::ZERO)).to be(true) end it "is equal to it's tag" do expect(::Test::EnumTestType::ZERO.eql?(::Test::EnumTestType::ZERO.tag)).to be(true) end it "is not equal to it's name" do expect(::Test::EnumTestType::ZERO.eql?( be(false) end end context 'when coercing from enum' do subject { Test::StatusType::PENDING } it { eq(0) } end context 'when coercing from integer' do specify { expect(0).to eq(Test::StatusType::PENDING) } end end