/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "hash.h" #include "filter.h" #include "repository.h" #include "global.h" #include "git2/sys/filter.h" #include "git2/config.h" #include "blob.h" #include "attr_file.h" #include "array.h" struct git_filter_source { git_repository *repo; const char *path; git_oid oid; /* zero if unknown (which is likely) */ uint16_t filemode; /* zero if unknown */ git_filter_mode_t mode; uint32_t flags; }; typedef struct { const char *filter_name; git_filter *filter; void *payload; } git_filter_entry; struct git_filter_list { git_array_t(git_filter_entry) filters; git_filter_source source; git_buf *temp_buf; char path[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; }; typedef struct { char *filter_name; git_filter *filter; int priority; int initialized; size_t nattrs, nmatches; char *attrdata; const char *attrs[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; } git_filter_def; static int filter_def_priority_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { int pa = ((const git_filter_def *)a)->priority; int pb = ((const git_filter_def *)b)->priority; return (pa < pb) ? -1 : (pa > pb) ? 1 : 0; } struct filter_registry { git_vector filters; }; static struct filter_registry *git__filter_registry = NULL; static void filter_registry_shutdown(void) { struct filter_registry *reg = NULL; size_t pos; git_filter_def *fdef; if ((reg = git__swap(git__filter_registry, NULL)) == NULL) return; git_vector_foreach(®->filters, pos, fdef) { if (fdef->filter && fdef->filter->shutdown) { fdef->filter->shutdown(fdef->filter); fdef->initialized = false; } git__free(fdef->filter_name); git__free(fdef->attrdata); git__free(fdef); } git_vector_free(®->filters); git__free(reg); } static int filter_registry_initialize(void) { int error = 0; struct filter_registry *reg; if (git__filter_registry) return 0; reg = git__calloc(1, sizeof(struct filter_registry)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(reg); if ((error = git_vector_init( ®->filters, 2, filter_def_priority_cmp)) < 0) goto cleanup; reg = git__compare_and_swap(&git__filter_registry, NULL, reg); if (reg != NULL) goto cleanup; git__on_shutdown(filter_registry_shutdown); /* try to register both default filters */ { git_filter *crlf = git_crlf_filter_new(); git_filter *ident = git_ident_filter_new(); if (crlf && git_filter_register( GIT_FILTER_CRLF, crlf, GIT_FILTER_CRLF_PRIORITY) < 0) crlf = NULL; if (ident && git_filter_register( GIT_FILTER_IDENT, ident, GIT_FILTER_IDENT_PRIORITY) < 0) ident = NULL; if (!crlf || !ident) return -1; } return 0; cleanup: git_vector_free(®->filters); git__free(reg); return error; } static int filter_def_scan_attrs( git_buf *attrs, size_t *nattr, size_t *nmatch, const char *attr_str) { const char *start, *scan = attr_str; int has_eq; *nattr = *nmatch = 0; if (!scan) return 0; while (*scan) { while (git__isspace(*scan)) scan++; for (start = scan, has_eq = 0; *scan && !git__isspace(*scan); ++scan) { if (*scan == '=') has_eq = 1; } if (scan > start) { (*nattr)++; if (has_eq || *start == '-' || *start == '+' || *start == '!') (*nmatch)++; if (has_eq) git_buf_putc(attrs, '='); git_buf_put(attrs, start, scan - start); git_buf_putc(attrs, '\0'); } } return 0; } static void filter_def_set_attrs(git_filter_def *fdef) { char *scan = fdef->attrdata; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < fdef->nattrs; ++i) { const char *name, *value; switch (*scan) { case '=': name = scan + 1; for (scan++; *scan != '='; scan++) /* find '=' */; *scan++ = '\0'; value = scan; break; case '-': name = scan + 1; value = git_attr__false; break; case '+': name = scan + 1; value = git_attr__true; break; case '!': name = scan + 1; value = git_attr__unset; break; default: name = scan; value = NULL; break; } fdef->attrs[i] = name; fdef->attrs[i + fdef->nattrs] = value; scan += strlen(scan) + 1; } } static int filter_def_name_key_check(const void *key, const void *fdef) { const char *name = fdef ? ((const git_filter_def *)fdef)->filter_name : NULL; return name ? git__strcmp(key, name) : -1; } static int filter_def_filter_key_check(const void *key, const void *fdef) { const void *filter = fdef ? ((const git_filter_def *)fdef)->filter : NULL; return (key == filter) ? 0 : -1; } static int filter_registry_find(size_t *pos, const char *name) { return git_vector_search2( pos, &git__filter_registry->filters, filter_def_name_key_check, name); } static git_filter_def *filter_registry_lookup(size_t *pos, const char *name) { git_filter_def *fdef = NULL; if (!filter_registry_find(pos, name)) fdef = git_vector_get(&git__filter_registry->filters, *pos); return fdef; } int git_filter_register( const char *name, git_filter *filter, int priority) { git_filter_def *fdef; size_t nattr = 0, nmatch = 0, alloc_len; git_buf attrs = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(name && filter); if (filter_registry_initialize() < 0) return -1; if (!filter_registry_find(NULL, name)) { giterr_set( GITERR_FILTER, "Attempt to reregister existing filter '%s'", name); return GIT_EEXISTS; } if (filter_def_scan_attrs(&attrs, &nattr, &nmatch, filter->attributes) < 0) return -1; GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_MULTIPLY(&alloc_len, nattr, 2); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_MULTIPLY(&alloc_len, alloc_len, sizeof(char *)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, alloc_len, sizeof(git_filter_def)); fdef = git__calloc(1, alloc_len); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(fdef); fdef->filter_name = git__strdup(name); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(fdef->filter_name); fdef->filter = filter; fdef->priority = priority; fdef->nattrs = nattr; fdef->nmatches = nmatch; fdef->attrdata = git_buf_detach(&attrs); filter_def_set_attrs(fdef); if (git_vector_insert(&git__filter_registry->filters, fdef) < 0) { git__free(fdef->filter_name); git__free(fdef->attrdata); git__free(fdef); return -1; } git_vector_sort(&git__filter_registry->filters); return 0; } int git_filter_unregister(const char *name) { size_t pos; git_filter_def *fdef; assert(name); /* cannot unregister default filters */ if (!strcmp(GIT_FILTER_CRLF, name) || !strcmp(GIT_FILTER_IDENT, name)) { giterr_set(GITERR_FILTER, "Cannot unregister filter '%s'", name); return -1; } if ((fdef = filter_registry_lookup(&pos, name)) == NULL) { giterr_set(GITERR_FILTER, "Cannot find filter '%s' to unregister", name); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } (void)git_vector_remove(&git__filter_registry->filters, pos); if (fdef->initialized && fdef->filter && fdef->filter->shutdown) { fdef->filter->shutdown(fdef->filter); fdef->initialized = false; } git__free(fdef->filter_name); git__free(fdef->attrdata); git__free(fdef); return 0; } static int filter_initialize(git_filter_def *fdef) { int error = 0; if (!fdef->initialized && fdef->filter && fdef->filter->initialize && (error = fdef->filter->initialize(fdef->filter)) < 0) { /* auto-unregister if initialize fails */ git_filter_unregister(fdef->filter_name); return error; } fdef->initialized = true; return 0; } git_filter *git_filter_lookup(const char *name) { size_t pos; git_filter_def *fdef; if (filter_registry_initialize() < 0) return NULL; if ((fdef = filter_registry_lookup(&pos, name)) == NULL) return NULL; if (!fdef->initialized && filter_initialize(fdef) < 0) return NULL; return fdef->filter; } void git_filter_free(git_filter *filter) { git__free(filter); } git_repository *git_filter_source_repo(const git_filter_source *src) { return src->repo; } const char *git_filter_source_path(const git_filter_source *src) { return src->path; } uint16_t git_filter_source_filemode(const git_filter_source *src) { return src->filemode; } const git_oid *git_filter_source_id(const git_filter_source *src) { return git_oid_iszero(&src->oid) ? NULL : &src->oid; } git_filter_mode_t git_filter_source_mode(const git_filter_source *src) { return src->mode; } uint32_t git_filter_source_flags(const git_filter_source *src) { return src->flags; } static int filter_list_new( git_filter_list **out, const git_filter_source *src) { git_filter_list *fl = NULL; size_t pathlen = src->path ? strlen(src->path) : 0, alloclen; GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, sizeof(git_filter_list), pathlen); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, alloclen, 1); fl = git__calloc(1, alloclen); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(fl); if (src->path) memcpy(fl->path, src->path, pathlen); fl->source.repo = src->repo; fl->source.path = fl->path; fl->source.mode = src->mode; fl->source.flags = src->flags; *out = fl; return 0; } static int filter_list_check_attributes( const char ***out, git_repository *repo, git_attr_session *attr_session, git_filter_def *fdef, const git_filter_source *src) { int error; size_t i; const char **strs = git__calloc(fdef->nattrs, sizeof(const char *)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(strs); error = git_attr_get_many_with_session( strs, repo, attr_session, 0, src->path, fdef->nattrs, fdef->attrs); /* if no values were found but no matches are needed, it's okay! */ if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && !fdef->nmatches) { giterr_clear(); git__free((void *)strs); return 0; } for (i = 0; !error && i < fdef->nattrs; ++i) { const char *want = fdef->attrs[fdef->nattrs + i]; git_attr_t want_type, found_type; if (!want) continue; want_type = git_attr_value(want); found_type = git_attr_value(strs[i]); if (want_type != found_type) error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; else if (want_type == GIT_ATTR_VALUE_T && strcmp(want, strs[i]) && strcmp(want, "*")) error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; } if (error) git__free((void *)strs); else *out = strs; return error; } int git_filter_list_new( git_filter_list **out, git_repository *repo, git_filter_mode_t mode, uint32_t flags) { git_filter_source src = { 0 }; src.repo = repo; src.path = NULL; src.mode = mode; src.flags = flags; return filter_list_new(out, &src); } int git_filter_list__load_ext( git_filter_list **filters, git_repository *repo, git_blob *blob, /* can be NULL */ const char *path, git_filter_mode_t mode, git_filter_options *filter_opts) { int error = 0; git_filter_list *fl = NULL; git_filter_source src = { 0 }; git_filter_entry *fe; size_t idx; git_filter_def *fdef; if (filter_registry_initialize() < 0) return -1; src.repo = repo; src.path = path; src.mode = mode; src.flags = filter_opts->flags; if (blob) git_oid_cpy(&src.oid, git_blob_id(blob)); git_vector_foreach(&git__filter_registry->filters, idx, fdef) { const char **values = NULL; void *payload = NULL; if (!fdef || !fdef->filter) continue; if (fdef->nattrs > 0) { error = filter_list_check_attributes( &values, repo, filter_opts->attr_session, fdef, &src); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { error = 0; continue; } else if (error < 0) break; } if (!fdef->initialized && (error = filter_initialize(fdef)) < 0) break; if (fdef->filter->check) error = fdef->filter->check( fdef->filter, &payload, &src, values); git__free((void *)values); if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 0; else if (error < 0) break; else { if (!fl) { if ((error = filter_list_new(&fl, &src)) < 0) return error; fl->temp_buf = filter_opts->temp_buf; } fe = git_array_alloc(fl->filters); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(fe); fe->filter = fdef->filter; fe->filter_name = fdef->filter_name; fe->payload = payload; } } if (error && fl != NULL) { git_array_clear(fl->filters); git__free(fl); fl = NULL; } *filters = fl; return error; } int git_filter_list_load( git_filter_list **filters, git_repository *repo, git_blob *blob, /* can be NULL */ const char *path, git_filter_mode_t mode, uint32_t flags) { git_filter_options filter_opts = GIT_FILTER_OPTIONS_INIT; filter_opts.flags = flags; return git_filter_list__load_ext( filters, repo, blob, path, mode, &filter_opts); } void git_filter_list_free(git_filter_list *fl) { uint32_t i; if (!fl) return; for (i = 0; i < git_array_size(fl->filters); ++i) { git_filter_entry *fe = git_array_get(fl->filters, i); if (fe->filter->cleanup) fe->filter->cleanup(fe->filter, fe->payload); } git_array_clear(fl->filters); git__free(fl); } int git_filter_list_contains( git_filter_list *fl, const char *name) { size_t i; assert(name); if (!fl) return 0; for (i = 0; i < fl->filters.size; i++) { if (strcmp(fl->filters.ptr[i].filter_name, name) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } int git_filter_list_push( git_filter_list *fl, git_filter *filter, void *payload) { int error = 0; size_t pos; git_filter_def *fdef; git_filter_entry *fe; assert(fl && filter); if (git_vector_search2( &pos, &git__filter_registry->filters, filter_def_filter_key_check, filter) < 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_FILTER, "Cannot use an unregistered filter"); return -1; } fdef = git_vector_get(&git__filter_registry->filters, pos); if (!fdef->initialized && (error = filter_initialize(fdef)) < 0) return error; fe = git_array_alloc(fl->filters); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(fe); fe->filter = filter; fe->payload = payload; return 0; } size_t git_filter_list_length(const git_filter_list *fl) { return fl ? git_array_size(fl->filters) : 0; } struct buf_stream { git_writestream parent; git_buf *target; bool complete; }; static int buf_stream_write( git_writestream *s, const char *buffer, size_t len) { struct buf_stream *buf_stream = (struct buf_stream *)s; assert(buf_stream); assert(buf_stream->complete == 0); return git_buf_put(buf_stream->target, buffer, len); } static int buf_stream_close(git_writestream *s) { struct buf_stream *buf_stream = (struct buf_stream *)s; assert(buf_stream); assert(buf_stream->complete == 0); buf_stream->complete = 1; return 0; } static void buf_stream_free(git_writestream *s) { GIT_UNUSED(s); } static void buf_stream_init(struct buf_stream *writer, git_buf *target) { memset(writer, 0, sizeof(struct buf_stream)); writer->parent.write = buf_stream_write; writer->parent.close = buf_stream_close; writer->parent.free = buf_stream_free; writer->target = target; git_buf_clear(target); } int git_filter_list_apply_to_data( git_buf *tgt, git_filter_list *filters, git_buf *src) { struct buf_stream writer; int error; git_buf_sanitize(tgt); git_buf_sanitize(src); if (!filters) { git_buf_attach_notowned(tgt, src->ptr, src->size); return 0; } buf_stream_init(&writer, tgt); if ((error = git_filter_list_stream_data(filters, src, &writer.parent)) < 0) return error; assert(writer.complete); return error; } int git_filter_list_apply_to_file( git_buf *out, git_filter_list *filters, git_repository *repo, const char *path) { struct buf_stream writer; int error; buf_stream_init(&writer, out); if ((error = git_filter_list_stream_file( filters, repo, path, &writer.parent)) < 0) return error; assert(writer.complete); return error; } static int buf_from_blob(git_buf *out, git_blob *blob) { git_off_t rawsize = git_blob_rawsize(blob); if (!git__is_sizet(rawsize)) { giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Blob is too large to filter"); return -1; } git_buf_attach_notowned(out, git_blob_rawcontent(blob), (size_t)rawsize); return 0; } int git_filter_list_apply_to_blob( git_buf *out, git_filter_list *filters, git_blob *blob) { struct buf_stream writer; int error; buf_stream_init(&writer, out); if ((error = git_filter_list_stream_blob( filters, blob, &writer.parent)) < 0) return error; assert(writer.complete); return error; } struct proxy_stream { git_writestream parent; git_filter *filter; const git_filter_source *source; void **payload; git_buf input; git_buf temp_buf; git_buf *output; git_writestream *target; }; static int proxy_stream_write( git_writestream *s, const char *buffer, size_t len) { struct proxy_stream *proxy_stream = (struct proxy_stream *)s; assert(proxy_stream); return git_buf_put(&proxy_stream->input, buffer, len); } static int proxy_stream_close(git_writestream *s) { struct proxy_stream *proxy_stream = (struct proxy_stream *)s; git_buf *writebuf; int error; assert(proxy_stream); error = proxy_stream->filter->apply( proxy_stream->filter, proxy_stream->payload, proxy_stream->output, &proxy_stream->input, proxy_stream->source); if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) { writebuf = &proxy_stream->input; } else if (error == 0) { git_buf_sanitize(proxy_stream->output); writebuf = proxy_stream->output; } else { return error; } if ((error = proxy_stream->target->write( proxy_stream->target, writebuf->ptr, writebuf->size)) == 0) error = proxy_stream->target->close(proxy_stream->target); return error; } static void proxy_stream_free(git_writestream *s) { struct proxy_stream *proxy_stream = (struct proxy_stream *)s; assert(proxy_stream); git_buf_free(&proxy_stream->input); git_buf_free(&proxy_stream->temp_buf); git__free(proxy_stream); } static int proxy_stream_init( git_writestream **out, git_filter *filter, git_buf *temp_buf, void **payload, const git_filter_source *source, git_writestream *target) { struct proxy_stream *proxy_stream = git__calloc(1, sizeof(struct proxy_stream)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(proxy_stream); proxy_stream->parent.write = proxy_stream_write; proxy_stream->parent.close = proxy_stream_close; proxy_stream->parent.free = proxy_stream_free; proxy_stream->filter = filter; proxy_stream->payload = payload; proxy_stream->source = source; proxy_stream->target = target; proxy_stream->output = temp_buf ? temp_buf : &proxy_stream->temp_buf; if (temp_buf) git_buf_clear(temp_buf); *out = (git_writestream *)proxy_stream; return 0; } static int stream_list_init( git_writestream **out, git_vector *streams, git_filter_list *filters, git_writestream *target) { git_writestream *last_stream = target; size_t i; int error = 0; *out = NULL; if (!filters) { *out = target; return 0; } /* Create filters last to first to get the chaining direction */ for (i = 0; i < git_array_size(filters->filters); ++i) { size_t filter_idx = (filters->source.mode == GIT_FILTER_TO_WORKTREE) ? git_array_size(filters->filters) - 1 - i : i; git_filter_entry *fe = git_array_get(filters->filters, filter_idx); git_writestream *filter_stream; assert(fe->filter->stream || fe->filter->apply); /* If necessary, create a stream that proxies the traditional * application. */ if (fe->filter->stream) error = fe->filter->stream(&filter_stream, fe->filter, &fe->payload, &filters->source, last_stream); else /* Create a stream that proxies the one-shot apply */ error = proxy_stream_init(&filter_stream, fe->filter, filters->temp_buf, &fe->payload, &filters->source, last_stream); if (error < 0) return error; git_vector_insert(streams, filter_stream); last_stream = filter_stream; } *out = last_stream; return 0; } void stream_list_free(git_vector *streams) { git_writestream *stream; size_t i; git_vector_foreach(streams, i, stream) stream->free(stream); git_vector_free(streams); } int git_filter_list_stream_file( git_filter_list *filters, git_repository *repo, const char *path, git_writestream *target) { char buf[FILTERIO_BUFSIZE]; git_buf abspath = GIT_BUF_INIT; const char *base = repo ? git_repository_workdir(repo) : NULL; git_vector filter_streams = GIT_VECTOR_INIT; git_writestream *stream_start; ssize_t readlen; int fd = -1, error; if ((error = stream_list_init( &stream_start, &filter_streams, filters, target)) < 0 || (error = git_path_join_unrooted(&abspath, path, base, NULL)) < 0) goto done; if ((fd = git_futils_open_ro(abspath.ptr)) < 0) { error = fd; goto done; } while ((readlen = p_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if ((error = stream_start->write(stream_start, buf, readlen)) < 0) goto done; } if (!readlen) error = stream_start->close(stream_start); else if (readlen < 0) error = readlen; done: if (fd >= 0) p_close(fd); stream_list_free(&filter_streams); git_buf_free(&abspath); return error; } int git_filter_list_stream_data( git_filter_list *filters, git_buf *data, git_writestream *target) { git_vector filter_streams = GIT_VECTOR_INIT; git_writestream *stream_start; int error = 0, close_error; git_buf_sanitize(data); if ((error = stream_list_init(&stream_start, &filter_streams, filters, target)) < 0) goto out; error = stream_start->write(stream_start, data->ptr, data->size); out: close_error = stream_start->close(stream_start); stream_list_free(&filter_streams); /* propagate the stream init or write error */ return error < 0 ? error : close_error; } int git_filter_list_stream_blob( git_filter_list *filters, git_blob *blob, git_writestream *target) { git_buf in = GIT_BUF_INIT; if (buf_from_blob(&in, blob) < 0) return -1; if (filters) git_oid_cpy(&filters->source.oid, git_blob_id(blob)); return git_filter_list_stream_data(filters, &in, target); }